Q radiant energy: J
Φ radiant flux: W dQ/dt
E irradiance: W/m2 dΦ/dA
I radiant intersity: W/sr dΦ/dω
L radiance: W/(m2sr) d2Φ/dAprojdω
BRDF 双向反射分布函数
ωi 入射光= fi(θ,φ)
ωo 出射光 = fo(θ,φ)
azimuth angle φ and zenith angle θ
所以BRDF 是一个四维函数。
dω = sinθdθdφ
--PBR,From Theory to Impllementation
Microfacet Theory
f = D()G()R()
Microfacet Distrbution Function,D
Shadowing-Masking Function,G
Beckmann Distribution with width parameter b:
Phong Distribution with exponent parameter ,p:
GGX Distribution with width parameter ,g:
Fresnel reflectance Function,R
Local Subsurface scattering :Diffuse
Normalized BRDF 的推导
Directional hemispherical reflectance
R(l) <=1
unity的 BRDF1_Unity_PBS
BRDF = kD/pi + kS *(D*V*F)/4
Nomalized BlinnPhong
V -Visiblity term -Smith
Schlick approximaation for Fresnel
color = diffuseColor* (gi.diffuse + light.color * diffuseTerm)
+ light.color * specularTerm * FresnelTerm
+ surfaceReduction *gi.specular * Fresnel
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