Unit 3 Media



The graph below contains information about the average science test scores of Grade 8 students in relation to the number of hours they watch television each day.

Model 1

The bar graph shows the average science test scores of students in Grade 8 in relation to the hours they spend watching television. Overall, the students who watch less television have higher scores, and the average test score decreases as the number of viewing hours increases. The highest score of 80 is for students who usually watch one hour or less of television a day. The next highest score is approximately 79. This is for students who average two hours of television viewing. Students who watch no television and students who watch about 3 hours of television per day have a score of about 76. The lowest score of approximately 65 is for students who view six or more hours of television daily.


The information in the graph below contains information about the weekday television viewing habits of Americans of different ages.

The bar graph shows how many hours Americans spend watching weekday television in relation to age group. Overall, the older age groups watch around twice as much weekday television as the younger groups, and the viewing time increases with age. People of 65 and over spend the most time on watching TV, about 3.6 hours. The next group who are keen on watching television is those between 55 and 64, spending a little more than 2.5 hours, which is followed by the 45 to 54 group (approximately 2.2 hours). The 15 to 24 group and the 25 to 34 group spend almost the same hours on watching TV, around 2 hours. The least hours spent on TV are from people aged 35 to 44. Watching TV costs them 1.7 hours.


Model 2

The bar graph shows how many hours Americans spend watching weekday televisionin relation to age group. Overall, the older age groups watch around twice as much weekday television as the younger groups, and the viewing time increases with age. The figure is around two hours for the two younger age groups, 15 to 24 and 25 to 34, but decreases slightly to around 1.8 average hours for the viewers who are 35 to 44. The viewing time is slightly higher for the 45 to 54 age group, at about 2.1hours, and increases to 2.6 hours for the people who are 55 to 64 years old. People who are in the age group 65 watch approximately 3.7 hours of television a day.


A is bigger than B

A is three times bigger than B.

=A is three times as big as B

= A is three times the size of B


The graph shows the percentage of people in different age groups who say they cannot live without their television.


The bar graph shows the percentage of people who say they cannot live without their television in relation to age group. Overall, fewer people who are young say they need their

television. In the 18 to 26 age group, the figure is only around 18 percent of people. Less than 25% of people who are in the 27 to 40 age group say they cannot live without their television. As people get older, they say they need their television more, with about 33 percent of 41 to 50 year olds and approximately 36% of 51 to 61 year olds saying they cannot live without their television. The highest figure, around 44 percent, is for people in the over 62 age group.


Model 2

The bar graph shows how many hours Americans spend watching weekday television in relation to age group. Overall, the older age groups watch around twice as much weekday television as the younger groups, and the viewing timeincreases with age. The figure is around two hours for the two younger age groups, 15 to 24 and 25 to 34, but decreases slightly to around 1.8 average hours for the viewers who are 35 to 44. The viewing time is slightly higher for the 45 to 54 age group, at about 2.1hours, and increases to 2.6 hours for the people who are 55 to 64 years old. People who are in the age group 65+ watch approximately 3.7 hours of television a day.


Complete the table below.

Base form verb

Other verb endings



e.g. approximate



















Useful words for describing graphs

*' in relation to'*

Find and mark 'in relation to' in the model answer.

Write three sentences using 'in relation to' and the sentence structure from the model.

a. test scores of primary school children--hours they spend doing homework

b. IELTS scores of Chinese students--amount of English TV they watch

c. fitness test scores of high school students--time they spend playing sport


More useful words for describing graphs

*'approximately', 'about' and 'around'*



The average test score decreases as the hours increase. (decrease is a verb--it is an action)

There is a decrease in the average test scores. (decrease is a noun--it is the subject of the sentence)


Look at the sentences below. Find the following words and check if they are verbs, nouns or adjectives.

Average, view, show, score, test, decrease

a. The students in the advanced science class average four hours of television per day.

b. The magic show lasted for two hours.

c. There was a decrease in test scores over the period.

d. The students view six hours of television each day.

e. The bar graphs show the average score of students in my class.

f. The average test scores in the class decrease each year.

g. My friend always scores highly in this test.

h. The view from my window is very beautiful.

i. Researchers test students to find out if television viewing affects performance.

j. Scores decrease as television viewing rises.


A lot of= lots of






They spend many hours watching television. (hour is a countable noun)

We spent a lot of money on buying a TM. (money is an uncountable noun)

We bought a lot of DVDs. (DVD is a countable noun)

Fewer students play sport than watch TV. (student is a countable noun)

They spend less time playing sport than watching TV. (time is an uncountable noun)


Look at the sentences below. Decide if the noun is countable or uncountable, and choose the correct modifier.

a. Students who watch (less, fewer) television have higher test scores.

b. The graph shows how (many, much) time people spend watching television.

c. (Fewer, Less) students watch television on weekdays.

d. (Many, Much) students have low test scores.

e. Students spend (many/a lot of) time on studying for their exams.

16. 练习7






These students watch less television. They have higher test scores.

The students who watch less television have higher test scores.

(This does not mean all students, only the students with less television time.)

17. 练习8

Join these pairs of sentences together using who.

a. These students watch no television. They have an average score of 76.

b. The people are in the 65 to 74 age group. They watch more television.

c. People play a lot of sport. They generally watch less television.

d. Those people watch a lot of English TV. They often have good spoken English skills and clear pronunciation.

e. Students in my class try to speak English all the time. They improve their speaking quickly.


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