  uvm_transaction继承自uvm_object,添加了timing和recording接口,该类是uvm_sequence_item的基类。这个类提供了时间戳属性(timestamp properties),通知事件(notification events),和交易记录(transaction recording)支持。其子类uvm_sequence_item应当作为基类为所有用户定义的事务类型。

// CLASS: uvm_transaction
// The uvm_transaction class is the root base class for UVM transactions.
// Inheriting all the methods of <uvm_object>, uvm_transaction adds a timing and
// recording interface.
// This class provides timestamp properties, notification events, and transaction
// recording support.
// Use of this class as a base for user-defined transactions
// is deprecated. Its subtype, <uvm_sequence_item>, shall be used as the
// base class for all user-defined transaction types.
// The intended use of this API is via a <uvm_driver #(REQ,RSP)> to call <uvm_component::accept_tr>,
// <uvm_component::begin_tr>, and <uvm_component::end_tr> during the course of
// sequence item execution. These methods in the component base class will
// call into the corresponding methods in this class to set the corresponding
// timestamps (~accept_time~, ~begin_time~, and ~end_time~), trigger the
// corresponding event (<begin_event> and <end_event>, and, if enabled,
// record the transaction contents to a vendor-specific transaction database.
// Note that get_next_item/item_done when called on a uvm_seq_item_pull_port
// will automatically trigger the begin_event and end_events via calls to begin_tr and end_tr.
// While convenient, it is generally the responsibility of drivers to mark a
// transaction's progress during execution. To allow the driver or layering sequence
// to control sequence item timestamps, events, and recording, you must call
// <uvm_sqr_if_base#(REQ,RSP)::disable_auto_item_recording> at the beginning
// of the driver's ~run_phase~ task.
// Users may also use the transaction's event pool, <events>,
// to define custom events for the driver to trigger and the sequences to wait on. Any
// in-between events such as marking the beginning of the address and data
// phases of transaction execution could be implemented via the
// <events> pool.
// In pipelined protocols, the driver may release a sequence (return from
// finish_item() or it's `uvm_do macro) before the item has been completed.
// If the driver uses the begin_tr/end_tr API in uvm_component, the sequence can
// wait on the item's <end_event> to block until the item was fully executed,
// as in the following example.
//| task uvm_execute(item, ...);
//| // can use the `uvm_do macros as well
//| start_item(item);
//| item.randomize();
//| finish_item(item);
//| item.end_event.wait_on();
//| // get_response(rsp, item.get_transaction_id()); //if needed
//| endtask
// A simple two-stage pipeline driver that can execute address and
// data phases concurrently might be implemented as follows:
//| task run();
//| // this driver supports a two-deep pipeline
//| fork
//| do_item();
//| do_item();
//| join
//| endtask
//| task do_item();
//| forever begin
//| mbus_item req;
//| lock.get();
//| seq_item_port.get(req); // Completes the sequencer-driver handshake
//| accept_tr(req);
//| // request bus, wait for grant, etc.
//| begin_tr(req);
//| // execute address phase
//| // allows next transaction to begin address phase
//| lock.put();
//| // execute data phase
//| // (may trigger custom "data_phase" event here)
//| end_tr(req);
//| end
//| endtask: do_item
virtual class uvm_transaction extends uvm_object; // Function: new
// Creates a new transaction object. The name is the instance name of the
// transaction. If not supplied, then the object is unnamed. extern function new (string name="", uvm_component initiator=null); ...... endclass


2 UVM基础之———uvm_transaction. http://www.cnblogs.com/bob62/p/3871858.html


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