import arcpy

infc = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)

# Identify the geometry field
desc = arcpy.Describe(infc)
shapefieldname = desc.ShapeFieldName # Create search cursor
rows = arcpy.SearchCursor(infc) # Enter for loop for each feature/row
for row in rows:
# Create the geometry object
feat = row.getValue(shapefieldname) # Print the current multipoint's ID
print "Feature %i:" % row.getValue(desc.OIDFieldName)
partnum = 0 # Step through each part of the feature
for part in feat:
# Print the part number
print "Part %i:" % partnum # Step through each vertex in the feature
for pnt in feat.getPart(partnum):
if pnt:
# Print x,y coordinates of current point
print pnt.X, pnt.Y
# If pnt is None, this represents an interior ring
print "Interior Ring:"
partnum += 1


# -*- coding: cp936 -*-
import arcpy infc = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) # Identify the geometry field
desc = arcpy.Describe(infc)
shapefieldname = desc.ShapeFieldName # Create search cursor
rows = arcpy.SearchCursor(infc) # Enter for loop for each feature/row
for row in rows:
# Create the geometry object
feat = row.getValue(shapefieldname) # Print the current multipoint's ID
arcpy.AddMessage("Feature %i:" % row.getValue(desc.OIDFieldName))
print "Feature %i:" % row.getValue(desc.OIDFieldName)
partnum = 0 # Step through each part of the feature
for part in feat:
# Print the part number
print "Part %i:" % partnum
arcpy.AddMessage("Part %i:" % partnum)
# Step through each vertex in the feature
for pnt in feat.getPart(partnum):
if pnt:
# Print x,y coordinates of current point
print pnt.X, pnt.Y
arcpy.AddMessage("i="+str(i)+",X="+str(pnt.X)+", Y="+str(pnt.Y))
# If pnt is None, this represents an interior ring
print "Interior Ring:"
arcpy.AddMessage("Interior Ring:")
partnum += 1


执行: 获得坐标 fw_1
开始时间: Mon May 13 08:31:04 2019
正在运行脚本 获得坐标...
Feature 660:
Part 0:
i=0,X=57219.7552977, Y=86478.4272009
i=1,X=57797.135264, Y=86224.559745
i=2,X=57266.9342054, Y=86029.10427
i=3,X=57219.7552977, Y=86478.4272009
Interior Ring:
i=5,X=57345.5657184, Y=86314.4243312
i=6,X=57408.4709287, Y=86170.6409933
i=7,X=57514.0618175, Y=86278.4784967
i=8,X=57345.5657184, Y=86314.4243312
Completed script 获得坐标...
成功 在 Mon May 13 08:31:04 2019 (经历的时间: 0.00 秒)

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