LC 417. Linked List Cycle II
Given a linked list, return the node where the cycle begins. If there is no cycle, return null
To represent a cycle in the given linked list, we use an integer pos
which represents the position (0-indexed) in the linked list where tail connects to. If pos
is -1
, then there is no cycle in the linked list.
Note: Do not modify the linked list.
Example 1:
Input: head = [3,2,0,-4], pos = 1
Output: tail connects to node index 1
Explanation: There is a cycle in the linked list, where tail connects to the second node.
Example 2:
Input: head = [1,2], pos = 0
Output: tail connects to node index 0
Explanation: There is a cycle in the linked list, where tail connects to the first node.
* Definition for singly-linked list.
* struct ListNode {
* int val;
* ListNode *next;
* ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {}
* };
class Solution {
ListNode *detectCycle(ListNode *head) {
if(head == NULL || head->next == NULL) return NULL;
ListNode* fp = head;
ListNode* sp = head;
bool isCycle = false; while(fp != NULL && sp != NULL){
fp = fp -> next;
if(sp -> next == NULL) return NULL;
sp = sp->next->next;
if(fp == sp) {
isCycle = true;
} if(!isCycle) return NULL; fp = head;
while(fp != sp) {
fp = fp->next;
sp = sp->next;
return fp; }
想象 fast 的速度是一步,slow 的速度是不动。那么,常规情况下,他俩在a点集合,在a点再次相遇。
但由于slow 摸鱼了,晚来了,fast已经走到b点了,slow才和fast集合,一起出发。a-b 就是所求的 循环开始点 到 列表开始点的距离。
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