<!-- basic text-->

fontawesometext:fa_icon="fa-github" the icon to place, as per the Font Awesome Cheat Sheet

android:textSize="12sp" Text size must always be in sp!

android:textColor="@color/bbutton_primary" you can change the textColor or background to any color, including the Bootstrap colours by typing bbutton_ and the type of colour e.g. bbutton_danger for the red danger colour.


fontAwesomeText.setIcon("fa-heart"); change the icon programmatically


//get access to some FontAwesomeText items in the layout
FontAwesomeText tv1 = (FontAwesomeText) findViewById(R.id.lblOne);
FontAwesomeText tv2 = (FontAwesomeText) findViewById(R.id.lblTwo);
FontAwesomeText tv3 = (FontAwesomeText) findViewById(R.id.lblThree); //flashing forever FAST
tv1.startFlashing(this, true, FontAwesomeText.AnimationSpeed.FAST); //rotating clockwise slowly
tv2.startRotate(this, true, FontAwesomeText.AnimationSpeed.SLOW); //rotating anti-clockwise at medium speed
tv3.startRotate(this, false, FontAwesomeText.AnimationSpeed.MEDIUM);

Flashing Animations

startFlashing(Context context, boolean forever, AnimationSpeed speed);

@param context the current applications context

@param forever whether the item should flash repeatedly or just once

@param speed how fast the item should flash, chose between FontAwesomeText.AnimationSpeed.SLOW / FontAwesomeText.AnimationSpeed.MEDIUM / FontAwesomeText.AnimationSpeed.FAST

Rotation Animation

startRotate(Context context, boolean clockwise, AnimationSpeed speed);

@param context the current applications context

@param clockwise true for clockwise, false for anti clockwise spinning

@param speed how fast the item should flash, chose between FontAwesomeText.AnimationSpeed.SLOW / FontAwesomeText.AnimationSpeed.MEDIUM / FontAwesomeText.AnimationSpeed.FAST

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