Font Awesome Text 使用方法
<!-- basic text-->
the icon to place, as per the Font Awesome Cheat Sheet
Text size must always be in sp!
you can change the textColor or background to any color, including the Bootstrap colours by typing bbutton_ and the type of colour e.g. bbutton_danger for the red danger colour.
change the icon programmatically
//get access to some FontAwesomeText items in the layout
FontAwesomeText tv1 = (FontAwesomeText) findViewById(;
FontAwesomeText tv2 = (FontAwesomeText) findViewById(;
FontAwesomeText tv3 = (FontAwesomeText) findViewById(; //flashing forever FAST
tv1.startFlashing(this, true, FontAwesomeText.AnimationSpeed.FAST); //rotating clockwise slowly
tv2.startRotate(this, true, FontAwesomeText.AnimationSpeed.SLOW); //rotating anti-clockwise at medium speed
tv3.startRotate(this, false, FontAwesomeText.AnimationSpeed.MEDIUM);
Flashing Animations
startFlashing(Context context, boolean forever, AnimationSpeed speed);
@param context the current applications context
@param forever whether the item should flash repeatedly or just once
@param speed how fast the item should flash, chose between FontAwesomeText.AnimationSpeed.SLOW / FontAwesomeText.AnimationSpeed.MEDIUM / FontAwesomeText.AnimationSpeed.FAST
Rotation Animation
startRotate(Context context, boolean clockwise, AnimationSpeed speed);
@param context the current applications context
@param clockwise true for clockwise, false for anti clockwise spinning
@param speed how fast the item should flash, chose between FontAwesomeText.AnimationSpeed.SLOW / FontAwesomeText.AnimationSpeed.MEDIUM / FontAwesomeText.AnimationSpeed.FAST
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