Learn how to use the 'mapProps' higher-order component to modify an existing component’s API (its props). 'mapProps' takes incoming props and changes them however you’d like; for example, filtering the props by a field.

For example, we have a UserList component:

import React from 'react';
const User = ({name, status}) => <div>{name} - status</div>;
const UserList = ({users, status}) =>
<h3>{status} User</h3>
{ users && users.map((user, i) => <User {...user} key={i} />) }
</div>; export default UserList;

And using it to display three different types of user list:

const users = [
{ name: "Tim", status: 'active' },
{ name: "Bob", status: 'active' },
{ name: "Joe", status: 'pending' },
{ name: "Jim", status: 'inactive' },
<h3>Active users</h3>
<UserList users={users.filter(u => u.status === 'active') }/>
<h3>Inactive users</h3>
<UserList users={users.filter(u => u.status === 'inactive') }/>
<h3>Pending users</h3>
<UserList users={users.filter(u => u.status === 'pending') }/>

Now let's say we want to hide the implement detail, instead just showing three different components.

  <div className="App">
<ActiveUsers users={ users } />
<InactiveUsers users={ users } />
<PendingUsers users={ users } />
import React from 'react';
import {mapProps} from 'recompose'; const User = ({name, status}) => <div>{name} - status</div>;
const UserList = ({users, status}) =>
<h3>{status} User</h3>
{ users && users.map((user, i) => <User {...user} key={i} />) }
</div>; const filterByStatus = (status) => mapProps(
({users}) => ({
users: users.filter(u => u.status === status)
); export const ActiveUsers = filterByStatus('active')(UserList);
export const InactiveUsers = filterByStatus('inactive')(UserList);
export const PendingUsers = filterByStatus('pending')(UserList); export default UserList;

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