clear out all variables without closing terminal
clear out all variables without closing terminal
I want to know how to clear all variables which I defined in command prompt without closingterminal ?
for example, if I set a variable in command prompt as:
$ a=1
now I want to delete the variable $a
(and many other variables defined in similar way) without closing terminal. I could use unset
but it will be hectic if there are large no. of variables
If you do
exec bash
you will use a fresh & new environnement
You can't export an array in Bash (or any other shell). Bash will never export an array to the environment (until maybe implemented someday, see the bugs
section in the manpage).
There are a couple things going on here. Again, setting the -x
attribute on an array is nonsensical because it won't actually be exported. The only reason you're seeing those results is because you defined the array before localizing it, causing it to drop down to the next-outermost scope in which that name has been made local (or the global scope).
So to be clear, whenever you use a declaration command, you're always creating a local except when you use export
or readonly
with a non-array assignment as an argument, because these are POSIX, which doesn't specify either locals or arrays.
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