Site Isolation Design Document
This design document covers technical information about how Site Isolation is built. For a general overview of Site Isolation, see
Threat Model
- Stealing cross-site cookies and HTML5 stored data. We can prevent a renderer process from receiving cookies or stored data from sites other than its own.
- Stealing cross-site HTML, XML, and JSON data. Using MIME type and content sniffing, we can prevent a renderer process from loading most sensitive cross-site data. We cannot block all cross-site resources, however, because images, scripts, and other opaque files are permitted across sites.
- Stealing saved passwords. We can prevent a renderer process from receiving saved passwords from sites other than its own.
- Abusing permissions granted to another site. We can prevent a renderer process from using permissions such as geolocation that the user has granted to other sites.
- Compromising X-Frame-Options. We can prevent a renderer process from loading cross-site pages in iframes. This allows the browser process to decide if a given site can be loaded in an iframe or not based on X-Frame-Options headers.
- Accessing cross-site DOM elements via UXSS bugs. An attacker exploiting a universal cross-site scripting bug in the renderer process will not be able to access DOM elements of cross-site pages, which will not live in the same renderer process.
Chrome's Current Status
- Cross-site iframes are usually hosted in the same process as their parent document.
- Most renderer-initiated navigations (including link clicks, form submissions, and script navigations) are kept within the current process even if they cross a site boundary. This is because other windows in the same process may attempt to use postMessage or similar calls to interact with them.
- If too many renderer processes have been created, Chrome starts to reuse existing processes rather than creating new ones. This reduces memory overhead.
Project Tasks
- Cross-Process Navigations
Any navigation to a different web site requires a process swap in the current tab or frame.
Status: Complete. Cross-process navigations are supported in all frames, and they are used to keep privileged WebUI or extension pages isolated from web pages. They are also used opportunistically for cross-site browser-initiated (e.g., Omnibox) navigations. - Cross-Process JavaScript
As mentioned above, some window and frame level interactions are allowed between pages from different sites. Common examples are postMessage, close, focus, blur, and assignments to window.location, notably excluding any access to page content. These interactions can generally be made asynchronous and can be implemented by passing messages to the appropriate renderer process.
Status: Complete. Chrome supports all required interactions, including frame placeholders, postMessage, close, closed, focus, blur, and assignments to window.location between top-level windows in different processes. - Out-of-Process iframes
Iframes have separate security contexts from their parent document, so cross-site iframes must be rendered in a different process from their parent. It is also important that an iframe that is from the same origin as a popup window shares a process with the popup window and not its own parent page. We render these out-of-process iframes in a separate RenderFrame composited into the correct visual location, much like plugins. This is by far the largest requirement for supporting site-per-process, as it involves a major architecture change to the Chrome and Blink codebases.
Status: Mostly complete. The first uses of Out-of-Process iframes (OOPIFs) have launched in Chrome 56, isolating extensions from web content. We are now working to fix the remaining known issues in OOPIF support. Tracked at - Cross-Origin Read Blocking
While any given site is allowed to request many types of cross-site resources (such as scripts and images), the browser process should prevent it from receiving cross-site HTML, XML, and JSON data (based on a combination of MIME type and content sniffing).
Status: Our initial Cross-Site Document Blocking Policy has evolved into Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB), with a CORB Explainer. This is implemented for non-compromised renderer processes when Site Isolation is enabled, as of Chrome 63. The remaining work is tracked at - Browser Process Enforcements
Some of Chrome's security checks are performed in the renderer process. When a process is locked to a given site, the browser process can enforce many of these checks itself, limiting what a compromised renderer process can achieve in an attack. This includes attempts to access site specific stored data and permissions, as well as other attempts to lie to the browser process.
Status: Some enforcements are in place, but more are tracked in - Improved Renderer Process Limit Policy
We have investigated ways to limit number of extra processes Chrome creates in Site Isolation modes. One option is to support modes that only isolate a set of origins or sites (i.e., --isolate-origins) rather than all sites (i.e., --site-per-process). However, we are currently leaning towards isolating all sites given our current findings. Note that a page from one site may reuse a process that has already been used for that same site, and we aggressively reuse processes in this way for subframes when possible. Note that processes will not be reused for cross-site pages.
Status: We are currently aiming to isolate all sites, allowing process reuse only for pages from the same site.
How to Enable
Development Resources
- Site Isolation FYI bots: Linux and Windows
- Site Isolation try bot: linux_site_isolation
2015 Site Isolation Summit Talks
Chromium Changes for OOPIF
Blink Changes for OOPIF
Blink Changes for OOPIF
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