Opps, my computer system was broken again... Let's repire it.


The system of my PC is broken. I could enter the UEFI setting. So that means I coud start my PC using USB flash drive. But first of all, I need a Installer driver.


I have a xxx.iso. I need to convert it to xxx.dmg file.

hdiutil convert -format UDRW -o xxx.img xxx.iso

The process is very fast.

Install to USB Flash Driver

Firstly, unmount the target driver.

# Obtain your disk name.
diskutil list
# assuming that your USB flash driver is named disk9
diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk9

Then, write data to this flash. Be careful not to mistake the flash name.

# The following command cost some minutes.
sudo dd if=where your img.dmg file exists of=/dev/rdisk9 bs=1m
# finally eject your flash. All done.
diskutil eject /dev/disk9

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