Question 32
You are designing the modification of an existing SharePoint 2010 intranet site for a school. The registrar at the school needs each department to be able to add a new page to their departmental site. The page must be preconfigured with a Web Part showing the latest announcement list items from the registrar’s site regarding class enrollment for the upcoming semester. You need to design a page template that can be used by multiple departments. Which approach should you recommend?
A. Create a custom master page that includes a Web Part zone. Add a Web Part containing the registrar’s  announcements to the Web Part zone. Apply the master page to the intranet site.
B. Create a publishing page in the registrar’s site that includes a Web Part zone. Add a Web Part containing the  registrar’s announcements to the Web Part zone.
C. Create a page layout the includes a Web Part zone. Add a Web Part containing the registrar’s announcements  to the Web Part zone.
D. Create an application page with a Web Part Zone. Add a Web Part containing the registrar’s announcements  to the Web Part Zone. Deploy the application page to the _layouts directory.

  本题需要你去为某所学校修改其已经投入使用的SharePoint 2010 内部网站,需要给学校的各个部门的部门网站添加一个新的页面,此页面有一个WebPart,用来显示来自学校注册部门网站上的关于下学期课程登记的最新的通告[即:要从学校注册部门网站上提取信息],你需要设计一个网页模板用于创建上述可被学校各部门使用的网页。
选项A. Create a custom master page that includes a Web Part zone. Add a Web Part containing the registrar’s announcements to the Web Part zone. Apply the master page to the intranet site.

选项B. Create a publishing page in the registrar’s site that includes a Web Part zone. Add a Web Part containing the registrar’s announcements to the Web Part zone.
本选项只是为学校的注册部门网站添加了一个新的Publishing Page,并没有为其它部门做任何修改,因此也应该被排除。

选项C. Create a page layout the includes a Web Part zone. Add a Web Part containing the registrar’s announcements  to the Web Part zone.
本选项通过创建一个包含有Web Part zone的Page Layout,向WebPart Zone中添加信息显示WebPart,然后再以此为模板去创建学校各部门的新页面,这应该是正确的作法。

选项D. Create an application page with a Web Part Zone. Add a Web Part containing the registrar’s announcements  to the Web Part Zone. Deploy the application page to the _layouts directory.
   采用Application Page内嵌Web Part Zone这种作法是不可行的,因为Application Page并不支持”Edit”模式,所以你根本无法向Web Part Zone中添加WebPart,你只能向Application Page中添加静态的Web控件。如微软描述: 应用程序页面不存在与网站页面相同的限制。它们允许内嵌代码且不存在任何限制。不过,它们不能使用动态 Web 部件或 Web 部件区域,也不能使用 SharePoint Designer 进行修改。所以本选项应试被排除。

因此本题答案应该选 C


Question 33
You are designing a SharePoint 2010 site that employees will use for project collaboration. The design should include a project name, identification number, and the names of the people on the project team displayed on a new page.
You need to design the site to meet the following requirements:
.This page must be immediately available in existing sites in the site collection upon deployment.
.New sites must have this page immediately available.
Which approach should you recommend?
A. Create a master page and deploy it to the Master Page Gallery. Apply the master page to every site in the site  collection.
B. Create a page layout and deploy it to the Master Page Gallery. Create a publishing page, based on the page layout, in every site in the site collection.
C. Create an application page and deploy it to the _layouts directory.
D. Create a Web Part page and deploy it to the top-level site of the site collection.

 要求1. 一旦部署了这个网页,则在网站集中已经存在的网站上,即可以直接使用。
 要求2. 如果是新创建的网站也可以立即使用这个网页
选项A. Create a master page and deploy it to the Master Page Gallery. Apply the master page to every site in the site collection.

选项B. Create a page layout and deploy it to the Master Page Gallery. Create a publishing page, based on the page layout, in every site in the site collection.
   本选项试图通过Page Layout来实现上述要求。首先,Publishing Page这种页面只使用在发布网站(Publishing Sites)中。其次,你需要在每个发布网站集中基于此Page Out创建Publishing Page,而且对于新创建的网站也不可能立即可用。再有,Publishing Page适合发布信息,不适合用在类似于需要协作处理的环境。所以本选项应该排除。

选项C. Create an application page and deploy it to the _layouts directory.
 本选项通过开发部署应用程序页面来实现本题要求。应用程序页面用于支持 SharePoint Foundation 中的应用程序实现。每个网站和子网站将可以通过使用 _layouts 虚拟目录来访问应用程序页面。所以,你只要开发部署了应用程序页面,就可以直接在各网站或子网站中使用它。

选项D. Create a Web Part page and deploy it to the top-level site of the site collection.
 本选项也不可能作到即部署即用,对于新创建的网站,也需要另外创建Web Part Page才能使用。所以,应该排除。
因此本题答案应该选 C


Question 34
You are designing a SharePoint 2010 application to manage projects. The application has the following requirements:
.Users must have access to the CreateProject.aspx page.
.All changes to the CreateProject.aspx page must be reflected on all project sites.
You need to design a page that can be accessed from each project site. Which approach should you recommend?
A. Create a master page and deploy it to the _layouts directory.
B. Create a master page and deploy it to the _master pages directory.
C. Create an application page and deploy it to the _layouts directory.
D. Create an application page and deploy it to the Pages library.

 要求1. 用户必须能够访问到CreateProject.aspx页面
 要求2. 所有对CreateProject.aspx页面的修改必须能反映到所有项目管理网站
  在备选项中提供了两种途径,一是通过母板页,此方式在Question34中已说明,母板页并不适合用来做业务处理方面的用途。所以选项A.B直接排除。选项D虽然使用了应用程序页方式,但应用程序页的正确部署位置应该是_layouts目录,微软描述如下: 应用程序页面存储在前端 Web 服务器的文件系统上的 %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS 目录中,并且 Web 应用程序中的每个网站都有应用程序页面。此文件夹映射到称为_layouts 的 Internet Information Services (IIS) 虚拟目录中。每个网站和子网站将可以通过使用 _layouts 虚拟目录来访问应用程序页面。所以选项D部署到Pages Library的做法是错误的。
因此本题答案应该选 C


Question 35
You are using SharePoint 2010 to develop multiple Internet sites. You have the following requirements:
.Create a user registration page for each site.
.Use the logic found in a custom control named UserRegistration.ascx.
.You need to provide a solution that will allow each site to have a custom user registration page with HTML editing  capability.
 Which approach should you recommend?
A. Create a page based on a page layout that references UserRegistration.ascx and includes an HTML editing field.
B. Create a page that references UserRegistration.ascx and includes an HTML editing field.
C. Create an application page deployed to the _layouts directory that references UserRegistration.ascx and  includes an HTML editing field.
D. Create an application page deployed to the Pages library that references UserRegistration.ascx and includes an HTML editing field.

 要求1. 为每一个网站创建一个用户注册页面
 要求2. 注册功能通过一个名为UserRegistration.ascx的用户自定义控件实现
 要求3. 你需要保证每个网站都有自己的注册页面,此页面提供了HTML编辑能力。
  根据描述,注册页面需要具备HTML编辑能力,从这一点出发即可排除应用程序页面了,因为应用程序页面只能是静态的实现,不支持动态编辑能力,所以上来就可以排除选项C.D。选项B是想让一个页面引用UserRegistration.ascx并且想包含一个HTML编辑字段,我们知道,想让一个页面引用用户自定义控件,我们既可以通过创建Visual Web Part页面来做到,也可以通过Page Layout来做到。而想要让一个页面具备包含字段设计的能力,则只能通过把此类页面与内容类型(Content Type)进行捆绑来实现,而这正是选项A中Page Layout来做的事情。所以选项A的描述更准确。


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