






using namespace std;
int n, m;
int dir[][] = {,,,,-,,,-};
struct node
int x, y, time, step;//time表示炸弹剩余时间,step表示当前步数
node(int x, int y, int time, int step):x(x), y(y), time(time), step(step){
int x1, y1, x2, y2;
int Map[][];
bool judge(int x, int y)
return (x > && x <= n && y > && y <= m && Map[x][y] != );
int bfs()
node now(x1, y1, , );
node now = q.front();
//cout<<now.x<<" "<<now.y<<" "<<now.time<<" "<<now.step<<endl;
if(Map[now.x][now.y] == )
return now.step;
for(int i = ; i< ; i++)
int xx = now.x + dir[i][];
int yy = now.y + dir[i][];
if(!judge(xx, yy))continue;
int step = now.step + ;
int time = now.time - ;
if(time <= )continue;
if(Map[xx][yy] == )time = , Map[xx][yy] = ;//如果走到了时间调整器,就恢复时间,并且标记该点变成0,使得不能再走
q.push(node(xx, yy, time, step));
return -;
int main()
int T;
cin >> T;
cin >> n >> m;
for(int i = ; i <= n; i++)
for(int j = ; j <= m; j++)
cin >> Map[i][j];
if(Map[i][j] == )
x1 = i, y1 = j;
if(Map[i][j] == )
x2 = i, y2 = j;
return ;

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