EBS 信用检查(一)
This post will more focus on Technical part of credit check Functionality. You can check the functional part
of credir check functionality here.
These are the main tables used for holding Credit Check functionality.
These Profile options specially meants for controlling credit check functionality.
- OM: Modify Seeded Hold
- OM: Preserve External Credit Balances
- OM: Prevent Booking for Line Generic Hold
- OM: Schedule Line on Hold
- Apply credit hold on zero value
- order Credit Hold Sequence for Order Lines
- Initiate Credit check at Cancellation
Credit checking in Oracle Quoting allows the user to determine the credit worthiness of a customer while working on a quote. The user can decide if the quote should be submitted for business approvals credit verification. The profile option ASO: Enable Credit
Check determines if credit checks can be performed.
There are two types of credit checks available in Oracle Quoting:
- Internal — Internal credit checking is based on transaction data in the quote, and historic transaction data in Oracle Order Management and Oracle Receivables. It pertains to quote header-level billing information. Internal credit checks
are performed by the public credit check API OE_EXTERNAL_CREDIT_PUB. - External — External credit checks are configurable by an application developer and allow users to make calls to non-Oracle applications.
You should be very clear on key differences between internal credit checking and the credit checking functionality in OM, which is as:
- Item category limits are not checked in the public credit check API provided for internal credit checks.
- Credit checking is only available at the header level in internal credit checking, while OM credit checking supports both header and line level credit checks.
- There is no Holds functionality for Internal credit check.
1. Initialize Credit Summaries (OEXINICS)
- This Program enables you to periodically rebuild a credit exposure image for all customers or customer sites for all possible credit rule definitions.
- When you submit the ‘Initialize Credit Summaries’ program, the changes to customer or customer site credit exposure is calculated and updated in OE_CREDIT_SUMMARIES table .
Therefore you have to understand the frequency with which you run Initialize Credit Summaries will be based on ones business needs.
If the requirement is to have customer's credit exposure to be close to the online credit exposure calculation, then probally you can run it frequently.
- Take a note, this program will not delete the externally imported exposure records if profile option OM: Preserve External Credit Balances is set to YES
2. Credit exposure Import (OEXCEIMP) & Purge Imported Credit exposure (OEXCEPRG)
Credit exposure Import
- First program ie Credit Exposure Import program enables you to import external credit exposure details for sales orders created outside of Oracle Applications into Oracle Order Management.Those who are doing system integration can take
advatange of this.- External exposure data is imported from interface table OE_EXPOSURE_INTERFACE intoOE_CREDIT_SUMMARIES table. Once import is successful, data from OE_EXPOSURE_INTERFACE is get deleted.
- All externally imported exposure detail records will have the value 18 for the field BALANCE_TYPE column in ‘OE_CREDIT_SUMMARIES’.
- The Credit Exposure Import program can be submitted in two different modes, UPDATE and INSERT.
- Insert Mode: All credit exposure amounts previously imported will be overwritten .
- Update Mode: The credit exposure amount within ‘OE_CREDIT_SUMMARIES table will either be added (positive amount) or subtracted (negative amount) to any previously imported amount. If a corresponding exposure amount does not previously exist, a new exposure
amount record will be created.- Interface records are processed based upon the mode, which is determined by the value of the column OPERATION_CODE within the exposure interface table OE_EXPOSURE_INTERFACE.
Purge Imported Credit Exposure
- The ‘Purge Imported Credit Exposure’ program enables you to purge imported external credit exposure records from OE_CREDIT_SUMMARIES table.
3. Credit check Processor (OEXAUCRC)
- Credit Check Processor can automatically apply OR release order or order line credit holds.
- Best use of this program when you suspect your customers credit exposure has changed and you want to re-evaluate their sales order status .
- You can also use Credit check Processor whenever you change the customer credit profile or credit check rule set up and you want these changes to immediately take affect on your booked sales orders.
- Credit check processor "always" uses Booking Credit check rule to apply/release the holds.
- There is limitation for applying the hold through credit check processor it currently only considers exposure of the order lines which are in 'Booked' status.
- When using pre-calculated exposure in credit check rule, run the ‘Initialize credit summaries’ concurrent program every time before running the credit check processor.
You can take advantage of these reports.
- Credit exposure report
- Credit Limit Usage Report
- Lines on Credit check hold report
- Orders on Credit check hold report
You can navigate as
Setup => Rules => Credit
to_char(start_date_active, 'DD-MON-YYYY') "Effective Dates From",
decode(credit_check_level_code, 'ORDER', 'Sales Order') "Credit Check Level",
decode(credit_hold_level_code, 'ORDER', 'Sales Order') "Credit Hold Level",
days_honor_manual_release "Days To Honor Manual Release",
conversion_type "Conversion Type",
check_item_categories_flag "Check Item Categories",
send_hold_notifications_flag "Send Hold Notifications",
quick_cr_check_flag "Use Pre-Calculated Exposure",
include_external_exposure_flag "Incl External Credit Exposure",
open_ar_balance_flag "Incl Open Receivables Balance",
include_payments_at_risk_flag "Include Payments At Risk",
open_ar_days "OPEN Receivables Days",
uninvoiced_orders_flag "Include Uninvoiced Orders",
incl_freight_charges_flag "Incl Frght And Special Charges",
include_tax_flag "Include Tax",
orders_on_hold_flag "Incl Orders currently On Hold",
shipping_interval "Scheduled Ship Horizon Days",
maximum_days_past_due "Maximum Days Past Due"
FROM apps.oe_credit_check_rules
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