PrintStream(OutputStream out) // 将“输出流out”作为PrintStream的输出流,自动flush,并且采用默认字符集。 PrintStream(OutputStream out, boolean autoFlush) // 将“输出流out”作为PrintStream的输出流,自动flush,采用charsetName字符集。 PrintStream(OutputStream out, boolean autoFlush, String charsetName) // 创建file对应的FileOutputStream,然后将该FileOutputStream作为PrintStream的输出流,不自动flush,采用默认字符集。 PrintStream(File file) // 创建file对应的FileOutputStream,然后将该FileOutputStream作为PrintStream的输出流,不自动flush,采用charsetName字符集。 PrintStream(File file, String charsetName) // 创建fileName对应的FileOutputStream,然后将该FileOutputStream作为PrintStream的输出流,不自动flush,采用默认字符集。 PrintStream(String fileName) // 创建fileName对应的FileOutputStream,然后将该FileOutputStream作为PrintStream的输出流,不自动flush,采用charsetName字符集。 PrintStream(String fileName, String charsetName) // 将“字符c”追加到“PrintStream输出流中” PrintStream append(char c) // 将“字符序列从start(包括)到end(不包括)的全部字符”追加到“PrintStream输出流中” PrintStream append(CharSequence charSequence, int start, int end) // 将“字符序列的全部字符”追加到“PrintStream输出流中” PrintStream append(CharSequence charSequence) // flush“PrintStream输出流缓冲中的数据”,并检查错误 boolean checkError() // 关闭“PrintStream输出流” synchronized void close() // flush“PrintStream输出流缓冲中的数据”。 // 例如,PrintStream装饰的是FileOutputStream,则调用flush时会将数据写入到文件中 synchronized void flush() // 根据“Locale值(区域属性)”来格式化数据 PrintStream format(Locale l, String format, Object... args) // 根据“默认的Locale值(区域属性)”来格式化数据 PrintStream format(String format, Object... args) // 将“float数据f对应的字符串”写入到“PrintStream输出流”中,print实际调用的是write函数 void print(float f) // 将“double数据d对应的字符串”写入到“PrintStream输出流”中,print实际调用的是write函数 void print(double d) // 将“字符串数据str”写入到“PrintStream输出流”中,print实际调用的是write函数 synchronized void print(String str) // 将“对象o对应的字符串”写入到“PrintStream输出流”中,print实际调用的是write函数 void print(Object o) // 将“字符c对应的字符串”写入到“PrintStream输出流”中,print实际调用的是write函数 void print(char c) // 将“字符数组chars对应的字符串”写入到“PrintStream输出流”中,print实际调用的是write函数 void print(char[] chars) // 将“long型数据l对应的字符串”写入到“PrintStream输出流”中,print实际调用的是write函数 void print(long l) // 将“int数据i对应的字符串”写入到“PrintStream输出流”中,print实际调用的是write函数 void print(int i) // 将“boolean数据b对应的字符串”写入到“PrintStream输出流”中,print实际调用的是write函数 void print(boolean b) // 将“数据args”根据“Locale值(区域属性)”按照format格式化,并写入到“PrintStream输出流”中 PrintStream printf(Locale l, String format, Object... args) // 将“数据args”根据“默认Locale值(区域属性)”按照format格式化,并写入到“PrintStream输出流”中 PrintStream printf(String format, Object... args) // 将“换行符”写入到“PrintStream输出流”中,println实际调用的是write函数 void println() // 将“float数据对应的字符串+换行符”写入到“PrintStream输出流”中,println实际调用的是write函数 void println(float f) // 将“int数据对应的字符串+换行符”写入到“PrintStream输出流”中,println实际调用的是write函数 void println(int i) // 将“long数据对应的字符串+换行符”写入到“PrintStream输出流”中,println实际调用的是write函数 void println(long l) // 将“对象o对应的字符串+换行符”写入到“PrintStream输出流”中,println实际调用的是write函数 void println(Object o) // 将“字符数组chars对应的字符串+换行符”写入到“PrintStream输出流”中,println实际调用的是write函数 void println(char[] chars) // 将“字符串str+换行符”写入到“PrintStream输出流”中,println实际调用的是write函数 synchronized void println(String str) // 将“字符c对应的字符串+换行符”写入到“PrintStream输出流”中,println实际调用的是write函数 void println(char c) // 将“double数据对应的字符串+换行符”写入到“PrintStream输出流”中,println实际调用的是write函数 void println(double d) // 将“boolean数据对应的字符串+换行符”写入到“PrintStream输出流”中,println实际调用的是write函数 void println(boolean b) // 将数据oneByte写入到“PrintStream输出流”中。oneByte虽然是int类型,但实际只会写入一个字节 synchronized void write(int oneByte) // 将“buffer中从offset开始的length个字节”写入到“PrintStream输出流”中。 void write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) 示例程序: public class PrintStreamTest { public static void main(String[] args) { testPrintStreamConstrutor1() ; // 测试write(), print(), println(), printf()等接口。 testPrintStreamAPIS() ; } private static void testPrintStreamConstrutor1() { // 0x61对应ASCII码的字母'a',0x62对应ASCII码的字母'b', ... final byte[] arr={0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65 }; // abced try { // 创建文件“file.txt”的File对象 File file = new File("file1.txt"); // 创建文件对应FileOutputStream PrintStream out = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(file)); // 将“字节数组arr”全部写入到输出流中 out.write(arr); // 关闭输出流 out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * 测试write(), print(), println(), printf()等接口。 */ private static void testPrintStreamAPIS() { // 0x61对应ASCII码的字母'a',0x62对应ASCII码的字母'b', ... final byte[] arr={0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65 }; // abced try { // 创建文件对应FileOutputStream PrintStream out = new PrintStream("other.txt"); // 将字符串“hello PrintStream”+回车符,写入到输出流中 out.println("hello PrintStream"); // 将0x41写入到输出流中 // 0x41对应ASCII码的字母'A',也就是写入字符'A' out.write(0x41); // 将字符串"65"写入到输出流中。 // out.print(0x41); 等价于 out.write(String.valueOf(0x41)); out.print(0x41); // 将字符'B'追加到输出流中 out.append('B'); // 将"CDE is 5" + 回车 写入到输出流中 String str = "CDE"; int num = 5; out.printf("%s is %d\n", str, num); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
is.charOut = new OutputStreamWriter(this); this.textOut = new BufferedWriter(charOut); } //out输出流,自动autoFlash,charset字符集 private PrintStream(boolean autoFlush, OutputStream out, Charset charset) { super(out); this.autoFlush = autoFlush; this.charOut = new OutputStreamWriter(this, charset); this.textOut = new BufferedWriter(charOut); } /* Variant of the private constructor so that the given charset name * can be verified before evaluating the OutputStream argument. Used * by constructors creating a FileOutputStream that also take a * charset name. */ private PrintStream(boolean autoFlush, Charset charset, OutputStream out) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { this(autoFlush, out, charset); } //out输出流,不会自动flush,m默认字符集 public PrintStream(OutputStream out) { this(out, false); } public PrintStream(OutputStream out, boolean autoFlush) { this(autoFlush, requireNonNull(out, "Null output stream")); } public PrintStream(OutputStream out, boolean autoFlush, String encoding) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { this(autoFlush, requireNonNull(out, "Null output stream"), toCharset(encoding)); } //将FileOutputStream作为输入流,不自动flush,默认字符集 public PrintStream(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException { this(false, new FileOutputStream(fileName)); } //FileOutputStream输出流,不自动flush,csn字符集 public PrintStream(String fileName, String csn)throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException { // ensure charset is checked before the file is opened this(false, toCharset(csn), new FileOutputStream(fileName)); } //FileOutputStream输出流,不自动flush,默认字符集 public PrintStream(File file) throws FileNotFoundException { this(false, new FileOutputStream(file)); } //FileOutputStream输出流,csn字符集,不自动flush public PrintStream(File file, String csn)throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException { // ensure charset is checked before the file is opened this(false, toCharset(csn), new FileOutputStream(file)); } /** Check to make sure that the stream has not been closed */ //输出流不为空 private void ensureOpen() throws IOException { if (out == null) throw new IOException("Stream closed"); } //刷新 public void flush() { synchronized (this) { try { ensureOpen(); out.flush(); } catch (IOException x) { trouble = true; } } } private boolean closing = false; /* To avoid recursive closing */ //关闭输出流 public void close() { synchronized (this) { if (! closing) { closing = true; try { textOut.close(); out.close(); } catch (IOException x) { trouble = true; } textOut = null; charOut = null; out = null; } } } //flush PrintStream输出流缓冲中数据,并检查错误 public boolean checkError() { if (out != null) flush(); if (out instanceof { PrintStream ps = (PrintStream) out; return ps.checkError(); } return trouble; } //出现错误 protected void setError() { trouble = true; } //清空内部错误 protected void clearError() { trouble = false; } /* * Exception-catching, synchronized output operations, * which also implement the write() methods of OutputStream */ //将数据b写入到PrintStream中,b虽然是int类型,但实际只会写入一个字节 public void write(int b) { try { synchronized (this) { ensureOpen(); out.write(b); if ((b == '\n') && autoFlush) out.flush(); } } catch (InterruptedIOException x) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } catch (IOException x) { trouble = true; } } public void write(byte buf[], int off, int len) { try { synchronized (this) { ensureOpen(); out.write(buf, off, len); if (autoFlush) out.flush(); } } catch (InterruptedIOException x) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } catch (IOException x) { trouble = true; } } /* * The following private methods on the text- and character-output streams * always flush the stream buffers, so that writes to the underlying byte * stream occur as promptly as with the original PrintStream. */ //将b中的全部数据写入到PrintStream中 private void write(char buf[]) { try { synchronized (this) { ensureOpen(); textOut.write(buf); textOut.flushBuffer(); charOut.flushBuffer(); if (autoFlush) { for (int i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) if (buf[i] == '\n') out.flush(); } } } catch (InterruptedIOException x) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } catch (IOException x) { trouble = true; } } //String写到PrintStream中 private void write(String s) { try { synchronized (this) { ensureOpen(); textOut.write(s); textOut.flushBuffer(); charOut.flushBuffer(); if (autoFlush && (s.indexOf('\n') >= 0)) out.flush(); } } catch (InterruptedIOException x) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } catch (IOException x) { trouble = true; } } //换行符写到PrintStream中 private void newLine() { try { synchronized (this) { ensureOpen(); textOut.newLine(); textOut.flushBuffer(); charOut.flushBuffer(); if (autoFlush) out.flush(); } } catch (InterruptedIOException x) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } catch (IOException x) { trouble = true; } } /* Methods that do not terminate lines */ //将b对应的字符串写到PrintStream中 public void print(boolean b) { write(b ? "true" : "false"); } //最后都是转化为String //字符串 public void print(char c) { write(String.valueOf(c)); } //int类型 public void print(int i) { write(String.valueOf(i)); } //long类型 public void print(long l) { write(String.valueOf(l)); } //float public void print(float f) { write(String.valueOf(f)); } //double public void print(double d) { write(String.valueOf(d)); } //字符数组 public void print(char s[]) { write(s); } //字符串 public void print(String s) { if (s == null) { s = "null"; } write(s); } //对象 public void print(Object obj) { write(String.valueOf(obj)); } /* Methods that do terminate lines */ //换行 public void println() { newLine(); } //boolean+换行 public void println(boolean x) { synchronized (this) { print(x); newLine(); } } //char+换行 public void println(char x) { synchronized (this) { print(x); newLine(); } } //int+换行 public void println(int x) { synchronized (this) { print(x); newLine(); } } //long+换行 public void println(long x) { synchronized (this) { print(x); newLine(); } } //float+换行 public void println(float x) { synchronized (this) { print(x); newLine(); } } //double+换行 public void println(double x) { synchronized (this) { print(x); newLine(); } } //char数组+换行 public void println(char x[]) { synchronized (this) { print(x); newLine(); } } //字符串+换行 public void println(String x) { synchronized (this) { print(x); newLine(); } } //对象+换行 public void println(Object x) { String s = String.valueOf(x); synchronized (this) { print(s); newLine(); } } public PrintStream printf(String format, Object ... args) { return format(format, args); } public PrintStream printf(Locale l, String format, Object ... args) { return format(l, format, args); } // 将“数据args”根据“默认Locale值(区域属性)”按照format格式化,并写入到“PrintStream输出流”中 public PrintStream format(String format, Object ... args) { try { synchronized (this) { ensureOpen(); if ((formatter == null) || (formatter.locale() != Locale.getDefault())) formatter = new Formatter((Appendable) this); formatter.format(Locale.getDefault(), format, args); } } catch (InterruptedIOException x) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } catch (IOException x) { trouble = true; } return this; } public PrintStream format(Locale l, String format, Object ... args) { try { synchronized (this) { ensureOpen(); if ((formatter == null) || (formatter.locale() != l)) formatter = new Formatter(this, l); formatter.format(l, format, args); } } catch (InterruptedIOException x) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } catch (IOException x) { trouble = true; } return this; } public PrintStream append(CharSequence csq) { if (csq == null) print("null"); else print(csq.toString()); return this; } public PrintStream append(CharSequence csq, int start, int end) { CharSequence cs = (csq == null ? "null" : csq); write(cs.subSequence(start, end).toString()); return this; } public PrintStream append(char c) { print(c); return this; } }
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