Oracle Weblogic Server - Version 8.1 to 8.1
Information in this document applies to any platform.


How to apply Weblogic Server patches on 8.1 installations.


On Weblogic Server 8.1, patches can applied using the following steps:

  1. Extract the jar file from the patch, which will be in the format CRxxxxxx_810sp6.jar OR bugxxxxxx_810sp6.jar.
  2. Save the jar file you extracted to the file system and note its location.
  3. Open the start script for the server (on Windows, startWebLogic.cmd; on UNIX,
  4. Locate the CLASSPATH declaration, which looks something like this:

    (UNIX) OR

    set CLASSPATH=%WEBLOGIC_CLASSPATH%;%POINTBASE_CLASSPATH%;%JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\rt.jar;%WL_HOME%\server\lib\webservices.jar;%CLASSPATH%


  5. Edit the CLASSPATH declaration by adding the fully qualified patch file name to the front of the declaration. For example, in Windows:
    1. Save the patch file, CRxxxxxx_810sp6.jar, to C:\bea\weblogic81\patches\.
    2. Then edit the start script as follows:
      set PATCH_PATH=C:\bea\weblogic81\patches\CRxxxxxx_810sp6.jar

    In UNIX, use UNIX syntax and delimiters:

    1. Save the patch file, CRxxxxxx_810sp6.jar, to /opt/bea/weblogic81/patches/.
    2. Then edit the start script as follows:
  6. Repeat the above steps for each managed server where the patch should be applied.
  7. Restart the server.

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