

  1. 1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
  2. 2 #-*-coding:utf-8-*-
  3. 3
  4. 4 import requests,re,json,time,os
  5. 5
  6. 6 base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
  7. 7 filename= base_dir + '/ipinfo'
  8. 8 with open(base_dir+'/ipaddress','r') as e:
  9. 9 ipaddress = e.read()
  10. 10 ip = json.loads(ipaddress)
  11. 11 ip_count = len(ip)
  12. 12 flag = 0
  13. 13 for x in ip:
  14. 14 r=requests.get('http://ip-api.com/json/%s'%x)
  15. 15 count = int(r.headers['X-Rl'])
  16. 16 ret = r.json()
  17. 17 info = {'ip':ret['query'],'country':ret['country'],'regionName':ret['regionName'],'city':ret['city'],'AS':ret['as']}
  18. 18
  19. 19 with open (filename,'a') as a:
  20. 20 a.write(json.dumps(info,ensure_ascii=False))
  21. 21 a.write('\n')
  22. 22 flag+=1
  23. 23 print('.'*flag,'%d%%'%int(flag/ip_count*100))
  24. 24 if count < 5:
  25. 25 print('the limit will run out please wite 60s')
  26. 26 time.sleep(60)


  1. ["",
  2. "",
  3. "",
  4. "",
  5. "",
  6. "",
  7. "",
  8. "",
  9. "",
  10. "",
  11. "",
  12. "",
  13. "",
  14. "",
  15. "",
  16. "",
  17. "",
  18. ""]


  1. {"ip": "", "country": "Spain", "regionName": "Madrid", "city": "Madrid", "AS": "AS21859 Zenlayer Inc"}
  2. {"ip": "", "country": "France", "regionName": "Île-de-France", "city": "Paris", "AS": "AS20473 The Constant Company, LLC"}
  3. {"ip": "", "country": "Germany", "regionName": "Hesse", "city": "Frankfurt am Main", "AS": "AS20473 The Constant Company, LLC"}
  4. {"ip": "", "country": "United Kingdom", "regionName": "England", "city": "London", "AS": "AS20473 The Constant Company, LLC"}
  5. {"ip": "", "country": "Netherlands", "regionName": "North Holland", "city": "Amsterdam", "AS": "AS20473 The Constant Company, LLC"}
  6. {"ip": "", "country": "Russia", "regionName": "Moscow", "city": "Moscow", "AS": "AS21859 Zenlayer Inc"}
  7. {"ip": "", "country": "Netherlands", "regionName": "North Holland", "city": "Amsterdam", "AS": "AS14061 DigitalOcean, LLC"}
  8. {"ip": "", "country": "France", "regionName": "Hauts-de-France", "city": "Roubaix", "AS": "AS16276 OVH SAS"}
  9. {"ip": "", "country": "Germany", "regionName": "Hesse", "city": "Frankfurt am Main", "AS": "AS61317 Digital Energy Technologies Ltd."}
  10. {"ip": "", "country": "Germany", "regionName": "Hesse", "city": "Frankfurt am Main", "AS": "AS134176 Rainbow network limited"}
  11. {"ip": "", "country": "Italy", "regionName": "Lombardy", "city": "Milan", "AS": "AS49367 Seflow S.N.C. Di Marco Brame' & C."}
  12. {"ip": "", "country": "Bulgaria", "regionName": "Varna", "city": "Varna", "AS": "AS3170 Etheroute Ltd"}
  13. {"ip": "", "country": "United Kingdom", "regionName": "England", "city": "Manchester", "AS": "AS46261 QuickPacket, LLC"}
  14. {"ip": "", "country": "Norway", "regionName": "Oslo County", "city": "Oslo", "AS": "AS63473 HostHatch, LLC"}
  15. {"ip": "", "country": "Austria", "regionName": "Vienna", "city": "Vienna", "AS": "AS63473 HostHatch, LLC"}

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