1. 定义

  1. (15-1) [AVL tree]:

    1. 一棵空二叉树是 AVL tree;
    2. T 是一棵非空二叉树, 则 T 满足以下两个条件时, T 是一棵 AVL tree:
      • T_LeftSubtreeT_RightSubtree 是 AVL tree.
      • \(| h_{Left} - h_{Right}| \leq 1\).
  2. [AVL search tree]: AVL tree + binary search tree.
  3. AVL tree 的高度 \(h=O(\log{n})\)
  4. [balance foctor] 平衡因子可能取值为 -1, 0, 1;

    对于 node x, \(bf(x)\) 定义为: \(h_{x\_LeftSubtree} - h_{x\_RightSubtree}\).

AVL Tree 的宗旨在于使 BST 保持平衡, 进而避免 BST 过度倾斜 (极端情况下 BST 有可能成为链表) .

2. btNode 和 AVLTree 的定义

<utility> 头文件提供了 std::pair 的定义, 便于使用融合 key 类型和 value 类型的复合类型.

<iostream> 头文件提供的输出方法由 private method preOrder 使用, 以测试代码正确性.

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// AVL Tree

#include <utility>
#include <iostream> /**
* @brief Binary tree node.
* @tparam T Should be std::pair<Key_Type, Element_Type> in binary search tree.
template<class T>
struct btNode
T data;
btNode<T>* left, * right;
// Constructor for btNode.
btNode(T d = {}, btNode<T>* l = nullptr, btNode<T>* r = nullptr) :
data(d), left(l), right(r) {}
}; template<class K, class E>
class AVLTree
// Constructor for AVLTree.
AVLTree() :root(nullptr) {}
// @brief PreOrder ouput.
void preOrder() { preOrder(this->root); } public:
// @brief Find the node with key {tKey} and return its address.
btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* find(const K& theKey) const;
// @brief [Iteration] Create a node with {tPair} and insert it to the tree.
void insert_I(const std::pair<K, E>& tPair);
// @brief [Recursion] Create a node with {tPair} and invoke method {m_insert_R}.
void insert_R(const std::pair<K, E>& tPair);
// @brief [Iteration] Erase the node with key {tKey}.
void erase_I(const K& tKey);
// @brief [Recursion] Erase the node with key {tKey}.
void erase_R(const K& tKey); private: // Rotate methods.
// @brief Right rotate subtree whose root is {tRoot}, return {tRoot->left} as new root.
// e.g. To rotate {parentTarget->left} : parentTarget->left = rightRotate(parentTarget->left)
inline btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* rightRotate(btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* tRoot);
// @brief Left rotate subtree whose root is {tRoot}, return {tRoot->right} as new root.
// e.g. To rotate {parentTarget->left} : parentTarget->left = leftRotate(parentTarget->left);
inline btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* leftRotate(btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* tRoot);
// @brief For LL case, right rotate subtree {tRoot}, return {tRoot->left} as new root.
// e.g. To rotate {parentTarget->left} : parentTarget->left = llRotation(parentTarget->left);
inline btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* llRotation(btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* tRoot);
// @brief For RR case, left rotate subtree {tRoot}, return {tRoot->left} as new root.
// e.g. To rotate {parentTarget->left} : parentTarget->left = rrRotation(parentTarget->left);
inline btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* rrRotation(btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* tRoot);
// @brief For LR case, left rotate {tRoot->left}, right rotate {tRoot}, return {tRoot->left->right}.
// e.g. To rotate {parentTarget->left} : parentTarget->left = lrRotation(parentTarget->left);
inline btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* lrRotation(btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* tRoot);
// @brief For RL case, right rotate {tRoot->right}, left rotate {tRoot}, return {tRoot->right->left}.
// e.g. To rotate {parentTarget->left} : parentTarget->left = rlRotation(parentTarget->left);
inline btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* rlRoattion(btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* tRoot); private:
// @brief Private recurse method to insert.
btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* m_insert_R(btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* tRoot, btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* tNode);
// @brief Private recurse method to erase.
btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* m_erase_R(btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* tRoot, const K& tKey);
// @brief Private recurse method for preorder output.
void preOrder(btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* tRoot);
btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* root;
}; template<class K, class E>
void AVLTree<K, E>::preOrder(btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* tRoot)
if (!tRoot) return;
std::cout << tRoot->data.second;

3. Find

解释可以参照 BST 的 find 方法.

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// @brief Find the node with key {tKey} and return its address.
template<class K, class E>
btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* AVLTree<K, E>::find(const K& theKey) const
// {keyNode} traverse the tree, searching for matched node.
btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* keyNode = root;
// Iteration ends if {keyNode} is nullptr.
while (keyNode) {
if (theKey < keyNode->data.first) {
keyNode = keyNode->left;
} else if (theKey > keyNode->element.first) {
keyNode = keyNode->right;
// ELSE: {keyNode->data.first} equals {tKey}.
else {
return keyNode;
// No matching pair.
return nullptr;

4. Left Rotate & Right Rotate

在探讨何时要旋转以及如何旋转之前, 我们不妨先实现两个单纯的左右旋转方法.

上图中左边是向右旋转 rightRotate , 右边是向左旋转 leftRotate .

很直观, 也没什么好多说的, 上代码.

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// @brief Right rotate subtree whose root is {tRoot}, return {tRoot->left} as new root.
// e.g. To rotate {parentTarget->left} : parentTarget->left = rightRotate(parentTarget->left)
template<class K, class E>
inline btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* AVLTree<K, E>::rightRotate(btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* tRoot)
btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* new_tRoot = tRoot->left;
tRoot->left = new_tRoot->right;
new_tRoot->right = tRoot;
return new_tRoot;
} // @brief Left rotate subtree whose root is {tRoot}, return {tRoot->right} as new root.
// e.g. To rotate {parentTarget->left} : parentTarget->left = leftRotate(parentTarget->left)
template<class K, class E>
inline btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* AVLTree<K, E>::leftRotate(btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* tRoot)
btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* new_tRoot = tRoot->right;
tRoot->right = new_tRoot->left;
new_tRoot->left = tRoot;
return new_tRoot;

5. 4 Cases for Rotation

AVL Tree 保持平衡的方法是计算 balance factor 后进行旋转.

下面四张图展示了需要旋转的 4 种情况以及旋转的方式.


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// @brief For LL case, right rotate subtree {tRoot}, return {tRoot->left} as new root.
// e.g. To rotate {parentTarget->left} : parentTarget->left = llRotation(parentTarget->left);
template<class K, class E>
inline btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* AVLTree<K, E>::llRotation(btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* tRoot)
return rightRotate(tRoot);
} // @brief For LL case, left rotate subtree {tRoot}, return {tRoot->left} as new root.
// e.g. To rotate {parentTarget->left} : parentTarget->left = rrRotation(parentTarget->left);
template<class K, class E>
inline btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* AVLTree<K, E>::rrRotation(btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* tRoot)
return leftRotate(tRoot);
} // @brief For LR case, left rotate {tRoot->left}, right rotate {tRoot}, return {tRoot->left->right}.
// e.g. To rotate {parentTarget->left} : parentTarget->left = lrRotation(parentTarget->left);
template<class K, class E>
inline btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* AVLTree<K, E>::lrRotation(btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* tRoot)
tRoot->left = leftRotate(tRoot->left);
return rightRotate(tRoot);
} // @brief For RL case, right rotate {tRoot->right}, left rotate {tRoot}, return {tRoot->right->left}.
// e.g. To rotate {parentTarget->left} : parentTarget->left = rlRotation(parentTarget->left);
template<class K,class E>
inline btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* AVLTree<K, E>::rlRoattion(btNode<std::pair<K, E>>* tRoot)
tRoot->right = rightRotate(tRoot->right);
return leftRotate(tRoot);

Reference |

(1) Data Structures, Algoritms, and Applications in C++, Sartaj Sahni

(2) AVL Tree | Set 1 (Insertion), princiraj1992, rathbhupendra, Akanksha_Rai, sohamshinde04, nocturnalstoryteller, rdtank, kaiwenzheng644, hardikkoriintern

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