Sentiment analysis in nlp
Sentiment analysis in nlp
The goal of the program is to analysis the article title is Sarcasm or not, i use tensorflow 2.5 to solve this problem.
Dataset download url:
a sample of the dataset:
"article_link": "",
"headline": "former versace store clerk sues over secret 'black code' for minority shoppers",
"is_sarcastic": 0
we want to depend on headline to predict the is_sarcastic
, 1 means True,0 means False.
use pandas to read json file.
import pandas as pd
# lines = True means headle the json for each line
df = pd.read_json("Sarcasm_Headlines_Dataset_v2.json" ,lines="True")
is_sarcastic headline article_link
0 1 thirtysomething sci...
1 0 dem rep. totally ... https://www.huffingtonpos..
'''build list for each column
labels = []
sentences = []
urls = []
# a tips for convert series to list
# Series
# ndarray
# list
labels = df['is_sarcastic'].values.tolist()
sentences = df['headline'].values.tolist()
urls = df['article_link'].values.tolist()
len(labels) # 28619
len(sentences) # 28619split dataset into train set and test set
# train size is the 2/3 of the all dataset.
train_size = int(len(labels) / 3 * 2)
train_sentences = sentences[0: train_size]
test_sentences = sentences[train_size:]
train_y = labels[0:train_size]
test_y = labels[train_size:]init some parameter
# some parameter
vocab_size = 10000
# input layer to embedding
embedding_dim = 16
# each input sentence length
max_length = 100
# padding method
# token the unfamiliar word
oov_tok = "<OOV>"preprocessing on train set and test set
# processing on train set and test set
import numpy as np
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizer
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences
tokenizer = Tokenizer(oov_token = oov_tok)
train_X = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(train_sentences)
# padding the data
train_X = pad_sequences(train_X,
maxlen = max_length,
truncating = trunc_type,
padding = padding_type)
# convery the list to nparray
train_y = np.array(train_y)
# same operator to test set
test_X = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(test_sentences)
test_X = pad_sequences(test_X ,
maxlen = max_length,
truncating = trunc_type,
padding = padding_type)
test_y = np.array(test_y)
build the model
some important functions and args:
tf.keras.layers.Dense # Dense
implements the operation:
output = activation(dot(input, kernel) + bias) , a NN layeractivation # Activation function to use. If you don't specify anything, no activation is applied (ie. "linear" activation:
a(x) = x
).use_bias # Boolean, whether the layer uses a bias vector.
tf.keras.Sequential # contain a linear stack of layer into a
.tf.keras.Model # to train and predict
config the model with losses and metrics with
some args
loss # The loss value that will be minimized by the model will then be the sum of all individual losses.
metrices # List of metrics to be evaluated by the model during training and testing.
train the model with,y=None)
batch_size # Number of samples per gradient update. If unspecified,
will default to 32.epochs # Number of epochs to train the model
verbose # Verbosity mode. 0 = silent, 1 = progress bar, 2 = one line per epoch,verbose=2 is recommended when not running interactively
validation_data #( valid_X, valid_y )
tf.keras.layers.Embedding # Turns positive integers (indexes) into dense vectors of fixed size. as shown in following figure
the purpose of the embedding is making the 1-dim integer proceed the muti-dim vectors add. can find the hide feature and connect to predict the labels. in this program ,every word's emotion direction can be trained many times.
tf.keras.layer.GlobalAveragePooling1D # add all muti-dim vectors ,if the output layer shape is (32, 10, 64), after the pooling, the shape will be changed as (32,64), as shown in following figure
code is more simple then theory
# build the model
model = tf.keras.Sequential(
# make a word became a 64-dim vector
tf.keras.layers.Embedding(vocab_size, embedding_dim, input_length = max_length),
# add all word vector
# NN
tf.keras.layers.Dense(24, activation = 'relu'),
tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, activation = 'sigmoid')
model.compile(loss = 'binary_crossentropy', optimizer = 'adam' , metrics = ['accuracy'])
train the model
num_epochs = 30
history =, train_y, epochs = num_epochs,
validation_data = (test_X, test_y),
verbose = 2)
after the 30 epochs
Epoch 30/30
597/597 - 8s - loss: 1.8816e-04 - accuracy: 1.0000 - val_loss: 1.2858 - val_accuracy: 0.8216
predict our sentence
mytest_sentence = ["you are so cute", "you are so cute but looks like stupid"]
mytest_X = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(mytest_sentence)
mytest_X = pad_sequences(mytest_X ,
maxlen = max_length,
truncating = trunc_type,
padding = padding_type)
mytest_y = model.predict(mytest_X)
# if result is bigger then 0.5 ,it means the title is Sarcasm
print(mytest_y > 0.5)
[ True]]
tensorflow API:
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