Azure Functions(二)集成 Azure Blob Storage 存储文件
上一篇文章有介绍到什么是 SeverLess ,ServerLess 都有哪些特点,以及多云环境下 ServerLess 都有哪些解决方案。在这众多解决方案中就包括 Function App(Azure 下的ServerLess),今天我们结合之前所讲的 Azure Functions 以及 Azure Blob Storage 的相关知识,从实践出发,再次回顾之前的知识点,以下是构想的基础资源架构图
--------------------Azure Functions 系列--------------------
1,使用 Visual Studio 开发、测试和部署 Azure Functions(一)开发
2,使用 Visual Studio 开发、测试和部署 Azure Functions(二)测试,部署
3,使用Azure Functions 在web 应用中启用自动更新(一)分析基于轮询的 Web 应用的限制
4,Azure Functions(一)什么是 ServerLess
5,Azure Functions(二)集成 Azure Blob Storage 存储文件
1,创建 Function App
Azure Portal,点击“Create a resource”,搜索框中输入 “Function App”。
点击 “Create”,创建 Function App
Resource Group 选择创建新的资源组:“Web_Test_Functions_RG”
Function App name:“cnbateblogweb”
Publicsh 发布方式:Code(代码)
Runtime stack 选择:“.NET”
Region 选择:“East Asia”
点击 “Next:Hosting” 设置承载
接下来 “Hosting” 相关参数
Storage:当我们在创建函数应用时,必须创建或链接到支持的Blob,Queue,Table Storage 的常规用途的 Azure 存储账号
Storage Account 选择创建新的:cnbatestorageaccount
Operation system 选择:“Windows”
Plan 选择:Consumption(ServerLess) 消耗(无服务器)
点击 “Next:Monitoring >” 设置监视信息
接下来我们需要自身的需要 选择是否开启 Application Insights(用于在应用程序中提供详细的可观测性)
Enable Application Insights:“Yes”
Application Insights 选择创建新的:“cnbateblogweb”
点击 “Review + create”,创建预览。
预校验完成后,点击 “Create” 进行创建。
稍等片刻,我们回到 “Web_Test_Functions_RG” 这个资源组可以查看到我们创建好的资源
最后,我们需要创建用于保存图片的 Blob Container
选择 “Blob service =》Container”,点击箭头所指的 “+ Container”
Public access level 选择默认:“Private(no anonymous access)”
点击 “Create”
创建完成后,就可以在当前页面上看到 “picturecontainer” 的 Blob Container
2,Azure FunctionApp 添加对 Blob Storage 的使用方法
2.1,添加相关 Nuget 依赖包引用
Install-Package Azure.Storage.Blobs -Version 12.8.0
Install-Package Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles -Version 2.2.0
Install-Package Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Extensions -Version 1.1.0
Install-Package Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection -Version 5.0.1
Install-Package Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Functions -Version 3.0.11
这里要注意的是 "Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection"、"Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Functions"、"Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Extensions" ,主要是想在 Azure Functions 中使用一俩注入(DI)
大家可以自行参考 Use dependency injection in .NET Azure Functions
2.2,IBlobService 接口方法定义,BlobService 具体实现和 Http触发器

1 public interface IBlobService
2 {
3 Task UploadImagesBlobAsync(string filePath, string filename);
5 Task UploadFileBlobAsync(string filePath, string filename);
7 Task UploadContentBlobAsync(string content, string filename);
8 }

1 public class BlobService : IBlobService
2 {
3 private readonly BlobServiceClient _blobServiceClient;
5 public BlobService(BlobServiceClient blobServiceClient)
6 {
7 this._blobServiceClient = blobServiceClient;
8 }
10 #region 02,抓取网络图片,根据图片URL和图片名称+async Task UploadFileBlobAsync(string filePath, string filename)
11 /// <summary>
12 /// 上传图片流,根据图片URL和图片名称
13 /// </summary>
14 /// <param name="filePath">图片URL</param>
15 /// <param name="filename">图片名称</param>
16 /// <returns></returns>
17 public async Task UploadImagesBlobAsync(string filePath, string filename)
18 {
19 var containerClient = _blobServiceClient.GetBlobContainerClient("picturecontainer");
20 var blobClient = containerClient.GetBlobClient(filename);
22 #region 获取图片流
23 var response = FeatchPictureClient.GetWebResponse(filePath);
24 var bytes = FeatchPictureClient.GetResponseStream(response);
25 await using var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(bytes);
27 //上传图片流
28 await blobClient.UploadAsync(memoryStream, new BlobHttpHeaders() { ContentType = filename.GetContentType() });
29 #endregion
30 }
31 #endregion
33 #region 03,上传图片,根据文件路径和文件名称+async Task UploadFileBlobAsync(string filePath, string filename)
34 /// <summary>
35 /// 上传图片流,根据文件路径和文件名称
36 /// </summary>
37 /// <param name="filePath">文件路径</param>
38 /// <param name="filename">文件名称</param>
39 /// <returns></returns>
40 public async Task UploadFileBlobAsync(string filePath, string filename)
41 {
42 var containerClient = _blobServiceClient.GetBlobContainerClient("picturecontainer");
43 var blobClient = containerClient.GetBlobClient(filename);
44 await blobClient.UploadAsync(filePath, new BlobHttpHeaders { ContentType = filePath.GetContentType() });
45 }
46 #endregion
48 #region 04,上传文件内容,根据文件内容和文件名称+async Task UploadContentBlobAsync(string content, string filename)
49 /// <summary>
50 /// 上传文件流,根据文件内容和文件名称
51 /// </summary>
52 /// <param name="content">文件内容</param>
53 /// <param name="filename">文件名称</param>
54 /// <returns></returns>
55 public async Task UploadContentBlobAsync(string content, string filename)
56 {
57 var containerClient = _blobServiceClient.GetBlobContainerClient("picturecontainer");
58 var blobClient = containerClient.GetBlobClient(filename);
59 var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(content);
60 await using var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(bytes);
61 await blobClient.UploadAsync(memoryStream, new BlobHttpHeaders() { ContentType = filename.GetContentType() });
62 }
63 #endregion
65 }

1 public class UpLoadTrigger
2 {
3 private readonly IBlobService _blobSergvice;
5 public UpLoadTrigger(IBlobService blobSergvice)
6 {
7 _blobSergvice = blobSergvice;
8 }
10 [FunctionName("UpLoadTrigger")]
11 public async Task<IActionResult> Run(
12 [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "post", Route = null)] BlobViewModel req,
13 ILogger log)
14 {
15 log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");
17 await _blobSergvice.UploadImagesBlobAsync(req.FilePath, req.FileName);
18 return new OkObjectResult("ok");
19 }
20 }
2.3,FileExtensions 方法和 FeatchpictureClient 网络请求方法

1 public static class FileExtensions
2 {
3 private static readonly FileExtensionContentTypeProvider provider = new FileExtensionContentTypeProvider();
5 public static string GetContentType(this string fileName)
6 {
7 if (!provider.TryGetContentType(fileName, out var contentType))
8 {
9 contentType = "application/octet-stream";
10 }
11 return contentType;
12 }
13 }

1 public class FeatchPictureClient
2 {
3 /// <summary>
4 /// 获取URL响应对象
5 /// </summary>
6 /// <param name="url"></param>
7 /// <returns></returns>
8 public static WebResponse GetWebResponse(string url)
9 {
10 System.Net.HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(url);
11 request.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
12 request.KeepAlive = true;
13 WebResponse res = request.GetResponse();
14 return res;
15 }
17 public static byte[] GetResponseStream(WebResponse response)
18 {
19 Stream smRes = response.GetResponseStream();
20 byte[] resBuf = new byte[10240];
21 int nReaded = 0;
22 MemoryStream memSm = new MemoryStream();
23 while ((nReaded = smRes.Read(resBuf, 0, 10240)) != 0)
24 {
25 memSm.Write(resBuf, 0, nReaded);
26 }
27 byte[] byResults = memSm.ToArray();
28 memSm.Close();
29 return byResults;
30 }
31 }
2.4,添加对 BlobService 以及BlobServiceClient 的依赖注入
大家需要注意,我们需要配置Blob Storage 的访问密钥
找到创建 Function App 时一起创建出来的 Storage Account "cnbatestorageaccount "
选择 “Settings =》Access keys”,复制图中圈中的 “Connection string” 粘贴到对应的代码中。

1 using Azure.Storage.Blobs;
2 using Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
3 using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
4 using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
5 using System;
6 using System.Collections.Generic;
7 using System.Text;
8 using UploadImages;
9 using UploadImages.Service;
11 [assembly: FunctionsStartup(typeof(Startup))]
13 namespace UploadImages
14 {
15 public class Startup : FunctionsStartup
16 {
17 //public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
18 //{
19 // Configuration = configuration;
20 //}
22 //public IConfiguration Configuration { get; }
24 public override void Configure(IFunctionsHostBuilder builder)
25 {
26 //builder.Services.AddSingleton(x => new BlobServiceClient("storageaccount_connection"));
27 builder.Services.AddSingleton(x => new BlobServiceClient("DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=cnbateblogaccount;AccountKey=f9n+Cm3brR+39SVhNMzzMPj54f6KD7rINi9G2OlxVkk2oUfi3o7ZGdDS8SHkF8H8G5pSmedOOMmOhc95uRNZxA==;"));
28 builder.Services.AddTransient<IBlobService, BlobService>();
29 }
30 }
31 }
3,测试!触发 HttpTrigger,通过网络请求图片URL,经过处理,将图片存储在Blob Storage
F5运行,可以看到控制中显示 Function App 中的 UpLoadTrigger URL:http://localhost:7071/api/UpLoadTrigger
Postman 中输入 HttpTrigger 的请求链接,输入 FilePath,FileName 两个参数
回到控制台中,我们可以看到 Http 触发器已经成功的处理了请求
同样的,我们也可以在 Blob Container 中找到上传到的网络图片
Bingo!!!大功告成。使用 Vistual Studio 开发,测试Azure Function App 应用完结
Azure Functions 用来处理很方便,直接将应用级别的项目缩小到方法级别上,在具体的的方法中处理业务,数据。并且 Azure Function 是按照使用付费定价模型:也就是仅仅为运行代码所用的时间而付费,这一点比某云还是好一些。下一篇继续讲解/分享 Azure Function 实例代码。以上也是自己的学习的过程,谢谢各位指点。
参考资料:Azure Functions 简介,在 .NET Azure Functions 中使用依赖项注入
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