


import java.util.HashMap; public class TCondition { private String sql; private Object[] paraValues; private String orderBy; private String groupBy; private String having; /**
* key为表名,value为 left join on后的内容(如何关联的)
private HashMap<String,String> leftJoinMap; /**
* count方法计数时可指定 count哪个字段,默认为count(1)
private String mainId; public TCondition() { } public TCondition(String sql, Object... paraValues) {
} public static TCondition of() {
return new TCondition();
} public static TCondition of(String sql, Object... paraValues) {
return new TCondition(sql, paraValues);
} public String getSql() {
return sql;
} public TCondition setSql(String sql) {
this.sql = sql;
return this;
} public Object[] getParaValues() {
return paraValues;
} public TCondition setParaValues(Object[] paraValues) {
this.paraValues = paraValues;
return this;
} public String getOrderBy() {
return orderBy;
} public TCondition setOrderBy(String orderBy) {
this.orderBy = orderBy;
return this;
} public String getGroupBy() {
return groupBy;
} public TCondition setGroupBy(String groupBy) {
this.groupBy = groupBy;
return this;
} public String getHaving() {
return having;
} public TCondition setHaving(String having) {
this.having = having;
return this;
} public String getMainId() {
return mainId;
} public TCondition setMainId(String mainId) {
this.mainId = mainId;
return this;
} @Override
public String toString() {
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(this.getSql() + ":");
for (int i = 0; i < paraValues.length; i++) {
result.append(" || ");
return result.toString();
} public HashMap<String, String> getLeftJoinMap() {
return leftJoinMap;
} public TCondition setLeftJoinMap(HashMap<String, String> leftJoinMap) {
this.leftJoinMap = leftJoinMap;
return this;



package ca.krasnay.sqlbuilder;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List; /**
* Tool for programmatically constructing SQL select statements. This class aims
* to simplify the task of juggling commas and SQL keywords when building SQL
* statements from scratch, but doesn't attempt to do much beyond that. Here are
* some relatively complex examples:
* <pre>
* String sql = new SelectBuilder()
* .column("")
* .column(" as empname")
* .column(" as deptname")
* .column("e.salary")
* .from(("Employee e")
* .join("Department d on e.dept_id =")
* .where("e.salary > 100000")
* .orderBy("e.salary desc")
* .toString();
* </pre>
* <pre>
* String sql = new SelectBuilder()
* .column("")
* .column("")
* .column("sum(e.salary) as total")
* .from("Department d")
* .join("Employee e on e.dept_id =")
* .groupBy("")
* .groupBy("")
* .having("total > 1000000").toString();
* </pre>
* Note that the methods can be called in any order. This is handy when a base
* class wants to create a simple query but allow subclasses to augment it.
* It's similar to the Squiggle SQL library
* (, but makes fewer assumptions about
* the internal structure of the SQL statement, which I think makes for simpler,
* cleaner code. For example, in Squiggle you would write...
* <pre>
* select.addCriteria(new MatchCriteria(orders, "status", MatchCriteria.EQUALS, "processed"));
* </pre>
* With SelectBuilder, we assume you know how to write SQL expressions, so
* instead you would write...
* <pre>
* select.where("status = 'processed'");
* </pre>
* To include parameters, it's highly recommended to use the
* {@link ParameterizedPreparedStatementCreatorTest}, like this:
* <pre>
* String sql = new SelectBuilder("Employee e")
* .where("name like :name")
* .toString();
* PreparedStatement ps = new ParameterizedPreparedStatementCreator(sql)
* .setParameter("name", "Bob%")
* .createPreparedStatement(conn);
* </pre>
* @author John Krasnay <>
public class SelectBuilder extends AbstractSqlBuilder implements Cloneable, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1; private boolean distinct; private List<Object> columns = new ArrayList<Object>(); private List<String> tables = new ArrayList<String>(); private List<String> joins = new ArrayList<String>(); private List<String> leftJoins = new ArrayList<String>(); private List<String> wheres = new ArrayList<String>(); private List<String> groupBys = new ArrayList<String>(); private List<String> havings = new ArrayList<String>(); private List<SelectBuilder> unions = new ArrayList<SelectBuilder>(); private List<String> orderBys = new ArrayList<String>(); private boolean forUpdate; private boolean noWait; public SelectBuilder() { } public SelectBuilder(String table) {
} /**
* Copy constructor. Used by {@link #clone()}.
* @param other
* SelectBuilder being cloned.
protected SelectBuilder(SelectBuilder other) { this.distinct = other.distinct;
this.forUpdate = other.forUpdate;
this.noWait = other.noWait; for (Object column : other.columns) {
if (column instanceof SubSelectBuilder) {
this.columns.add(((SubSelectBuilder) column).clone());
} else {
} this.tables.addAll(other.tables);
this.havings.addAll(other.havings); for (SelectBuilder sb : other.unions) {
} this.orderBys.addAll(other.orderBys);
} /**
* Alias for {@link #where(String)}.
public SelectBuilder and(String expr) {
return where(expr);
} public SelectBuilder column(String name) {
return this;
} public SelectBuilder column(SubSelectBuilder subSelect) {
return this;
} public SelectBuilder column(String name, boolean groupBy) {
if (groupBy) {
return this;
} @Override
public SelectBuilder clone() {
return new SelectBuilder(this);
} public SelectBuilder distinct() {
this.distinct = true;
return this;
} public SelectBuilder forUpdate() {
forUpdate = true;
return this;
} public SelectBuilder from(String table) {
return this;
} public List<SelectBuilder> getUnions() {
return unions;
} public SelectBuilder groupBy(String expr) {
return this;
} public SelectBuilder having(String expr) {
return this;
} public SelectBuilder join(String join) {
return this;
} public SelectBuilder leftJoin(String join) {
return this;
} public SelectBuilder noWait() {
if (!forUpdate) {
throw new RuntimeException("noWait without forUpdate cannot be called");
noWait = true;
return this;
} public SelectBuilder orderBy(String name) {
return this;
} /**
* Adds an ORDER BY item with a direction indicator.
* @param name
* Name of the column by which to sort.
* @param ascending
* If true, specifies the direction "asc", otherwise, specifies
* the direction "desc".
public SelectBuilder orderBy(String name, boolean ascending) {
if (ascending) {
orderBys.add(name + " asc");
} else {
orderBys.add(name + " desc");
return this;
} @Override
public String toString() { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("select "); if (distinct) {
sql.append("distinct ");
} if (columns.size() == 0) {
} else {
appendList(sql, columns, "", ", ");
} appendList(sql, tables, " from ", ", ");
appendList(sql, joins, " join ", " join ");
appendList(sql, leftJoins, " left join ", " left join ");
appendList(sql, wheres, " where ", " and ");
appendList(sql, groupBys, " group by ", ", ");
appendList(sql, havings, " having ", " and ");
appendList(sql, unions, " union ", " union ");
appendList(sql, orderBys, " order by ", ", "); if (forUpdate) {
sql.append(" for update");
if (noWait) {
sql.append(" nowait");
} return sql.toString();
} /**
* Adds a "union" select builder. The generated SQL will union this query
* with the result of the main query. The provided builder must have the
* same columns as the parent select builder and must not use "order by" or
* "for update".
public SelectBuilder union(SelectBuilder unionBuilder) {
return this;
} public SelectBuilder where(String expr) {
return this;
} 在后续的文章中我将介绍如何使用该组件,在报表项目中进行使 ^_^




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