最近在学C#(教材《C# in a nutshell》很不错的说),看完delegate(委托)以后,紧接着就是event(事件)了,个人对跟.Net相关的东西并没有什么兴趣(毕竟是会增加代码复杂度的玩意),可是后面没准用得到,而且讲完.Net那套定义规则之后紧接着就是“接口内定义事件如何实现”,遂想试试写例子看看。



2.参数必须有一个为object——用于转移额外信息(convey extra information),这里也可以用System.EventHandler,但其实EventHandler的说明是“没有额外信息时使用”;

3.名称必须以EventHandler结尾,个人很讨厌Handle这个词,难以解释这是个什么东西,别问,问就句柄,可是句柄又是个什么鬼?(windowsAPI PTSD)


using System;

namespace ForPractise
public delegate void MathematicFunc<T>(T e); public interface IFoo { event MathematicFunc<int> InterfaceEvent; } // if .Net use subclass of EventArgs instead of int public class Foo : IFoo
private int counter;
private MathematicFunc<int> _field; // private field of delegate
public event MathematicFunc<int> InterfaceEvent // explictly declare add & remove of interface IFoo
// ... there could have multiple fields
add { _field += value; }
remove { _field -= value; }
} private void OnBraodcast(int counts) // fire events
} public int Counter
get { return counter; }
if (counter == value)
counter = value;
} class Program
static int Main()
Foo foo = new Foo();
foo.Counter = ;
foo.InterfaceEvent += Multiple;
foo.InterfaceEvent += Ratio;
foo.Counter = ;
foo.InterfaceEvent -= Ratio;
foo.Counter = ;
foo.InterfaceEvent -= Ratio;
foo.InterfaceEvent += Ratio;
foo.Counter = ; Console.Read(); return ;
} static void Multiple(int num)
Console.WriteLine("{0} multiply itself {1}", num, num * num);
} static void Ratio(int num)
Console.WriteLine("{0} divide 0.1 {1}", num, num / 0.1d);

以上代码中,显示定义event.add跟event.remove可以省略——非必要的(即便显式定义了,在外部也只能通过"+="跟"-="进行订阅),直接写为"public event MathematicFunc<int> interfaceEvent; // 可以加上=null"即可。


using System;

namespace ForPractise
public class FooEventArgs : EventArgs
public int Counter { set; get; } public FooEventArgs(int count) { Counter = count; }
} public delegate void MathematicEventHandler<TEArgs>(object source, TEArgs e) where TEArgs : EventArgs; // delegate follow the .Net framework three rules public interface IFoo { event MathematicEventHandler<FooEventArgs> InterfaceEvent; } public class Foo : IFoo
private int counter;
private MathematicEventHandler<FooEventArgs> _field; // private field of delegate
public event MathematicEventHandler<FooEventArgs> InterfaceEvent // explictly declare add & remove of interface IFoo
// ... there could have multiple fields
add { _field += value; }
remove { _field -= value; }
} private void OnBraodcast(FooEventArgs e) // fire events
_field?.Invoke(this, e);
} public int Counter
get { return counter; }
if (counter == value)
counter = value;
OnBraodcast(new FooEventArgs(counter));
} class Program
static int Main()
Foo foo = new Foo();
foo.Counter = ;
foo.InterfaceEvent += Multiple;
foo.InterfaceEvent += Ratio;
foo.Counter = ;
foo.InterfaceEvent -= Ratio;
foo.Counter = ;
foo.InterfaceEvent -= Ratio;
foo.InterfaceEvent += Ratio;
foo.Counter = ; Console.Read(); return ;
} static void Multiple(object obj, FooEventArgs e) // will be quite clumsy for simple function methods.
Console.WriteLine("{0} multiply itself {1}", e.Counter, e.Counter * e.Counter);
} static void Ratio(object obj, FooEventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("{0} divide 0.1 {1}", e.Counter, e.Counter / 0.1d);

其实MathematicEventHandler这个委托名不以EventHandler结尾依旧可以正常运行,应该是没有放到标准的.Net环境下,不然就是这只是约定俗成的命名法——就跟fire event部分的函数以On做前缀一样。



23 multiply itself 529
23 divide 0.1 230
12 multiply itself 144
1 multiply itself 1
1 divide 0.1 10

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