
CSDN LoveLion


Effective java 第3版中描述的Builder模式




package org.apache.ibatis.mapping;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set; import org.apache.ibatis.session.Configuration;
import org.apache.ibatis.type.JdbcType;
import org.apache.ibatis.type.TypeHandler;
import org.apache.ibatis.type.TypeHandlerRegistry; public class ResultMapping { private Configuration configuration;
private String property;
private String column;
private Class<?> javaType;
private JdbcType jdbcType;
private TypeHandler<?> typeHandler;
private String nestedResultMapId;
private String nestedQueryId;
private Set<String> notNullColumns;
private String columnPrefix;
private List<ResultFlag> flags;
private List<ResultMapping> composites;
private String resultSet;
private String foreignColumn;
private boolean lazy; ResultMapping() {
} public static class Builder {
private ResultMapping resultMapping = new ResultMapping(); public Builder(Configuration configuration, String property, String column, TypeHandler<?> typeHandler) {
this(configuration, property);
resultMapping.column = column;
resultMapping.typeHandler = typeHandler;
} public Builder(Configuration configuration, String property, String column, Class<?> javaType) {
this(configuration, property);
resultMapping.column = column;
resultMapping.javaType = javaType;
} public Builder(Configuration configuration, String property) {
resultMapping.configuration = configuration; = property;
resultMapping.flags = new ArrayList<>();
resultMapping.composites = new ArrayList<>();
resultMapping.lazy = configuration.isLazyLoadingEnabled();
} public Builder javaType(Class<?> javaType) {
resultMapping.javaType = javaType;
return this;
} public Builder jdbcType(JdbcType jdbcType) {
resultMapping.jdbcType = jdbcType;
return this;
} public Builder nestedResultMapId(String nestedResultMapId) {
resultMapping.nestedResultMapId = nestedResultMapId;
return this;
} public Builder nestedQueryId(String nestedQueryId) {
resultMapping.nestedQueryId = nestedQueryId;
return this;
} public Builder resultSet(String resultSet) {
resultMapping.resultSet = resultSet;
return this;
} public Builder foreignColumn(String foreignColumn) {
resultMapping.foreignColumn = foreignColumn;
return this;
} public Builder notNullColumns(Set<String> notNullColumns) {
resultMapping.notNullColumns = notNullColumns;
return this;
} public Builder columnPrefix(String columnPrefix) {
resultMapping.columnPrefix = columnPrefix;
return this;
} public Builder flags(List<ResultFlag> flags) {
resultMapping.flags = flags;
return this;
} public Builder typeHandler(TypeHandler<?> typeHandler) {
resultMapping.typeHandler = typeHandler;
return this;
} public Builder composites(List<ResultMapping> composites) {
resultMapping.composites = composites;
return this;
} public Builder lazy(boolean lazy) {
resultMapping.lazy = lazy;
return this;
} public ResultMapping build() {
// lock down collections
resultMapping.flags = Collections.unmodifiableList(resultMapping.flags);
resultMapping.composites = Collections.unmodifiableList(resultMapping.composites);
return resultMapping;
} private void validate() {
// Issue #697: cannot define both nestedQueryId and nestedResultMapId
if (resultMapping.nestedQueryId != null && resultMapping.nestedResultMapId != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot define both nestedQueryId and nestedResultMapId in property " +;
// Issue #5: there should be no mappings without typehandler
if (resultMapping.nestedQueryId == null && resultMapping.nestedResultMapId == null && resultMapping.typeHandler == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No typehandler found for property " +;
// Issue #4 and GH #39: column is optional only in nested resultmaps but not in the rest
if (resultMapping.nestedResultMapId == null && resultMapping.column == null && resultMapping.composites.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Mapping is missing column attribute for property " +;
if (resultMapping.getResultSet() != null) {
int numColumns = 0;
if (resultMapping.column != null) {
numColumns = resultMapping.column.split(",").length;
int numForeignColumns = 0;
if (resultMapping.foreignColumn != null) {
numForeignColumns = resultMapping.foreignColumn.split(",").length;
if (numColumns != numForeignColumns) {
throw new IllegalStateException("There should be the same number of columns and foreignColumns in property " +;
} private void resolveTypeHandler() {
if (resultMapping.typeHandler == null && resultMapping.javaType != null) {
Configuration configuration = resultMapping.configuration;
TypeHandlerRegistry typeHandlerRegistry = configuration.getTypeHandlerRegistry();
resultMapping.typeHandler = typeHandlerRegistry.getTypeHandler(resultMapping.javaType, resultMapping.jdbcType);
} public Builder column(String column) {
resultMapping.column = column;
return this;
} public String getProperty() {
return property;
} public String getColumn() {
return column;
} public Class<?> getJavaType() {
return javaType;
} public JdbcType getJdbcType() {
return jdbcType;
} public TypeHandler<?> getTypeHandler() {
return typeHandler;
} public String getNestedResultMapId() {
return nestedResultMapId;
} public String getNestedQueryId() {
return nestedQueryId;
} public Set<String> getNotNullColumns() {
return notNullColumns;
} public String getColumnPrefix() {
return columnPrefix;
} public List<ResultFlag> getFlags() {
return flags;
} public List<ResultMapping> getComposites() {
return composites;
} public boolean isCompositeResult() {
return this.composites != null && !this.composites.isEmpty();
} public String getResultSet() {
return this.resultSet;
} public String getForeignColumn() {
return foreignColumn;
} public void setForeignColumn(String foreignColumn) {
this.foreignColumn = foreignColumn;
} public boolean isLazy() {
return lazy;
} public void setLazy(boolean lazy) {
this.lazy = lazy;
} @Override
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
} ResultMapping that = (ResultMapping) o; return property != null && property.equals(;
} @Override
public int hashCode() {
if (property != null) {
return property.hashCode();
} else if (column != null) {
return column.hashCode();
} else {
return 0;


package org.apache.ibatis.mapping;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Set; import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
import org.apache.ibatis.builder.BuilderException;
import org.apache.ibatis.logging.Log;
import org.apache.ibatis.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.ibatis.reflection.ParamNameUtil;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.Configuration; public class ResultMap {
private Configuration configuration; private String id;
private Class<?> type;
private List<ResultMapping> resultMappings;
private List<ResultMapping> idResultMappings;
private List<ResultMapping> constructorResultMappings;
private List<ResultMapping> propertyResultMappings;
private Set<String> mappedColumns;
private Set<String> mappedProperties;
private Discriminator discriminator;
private boolean hasNestedResultMaps;
private boolean hasNestedQueries;
private Boolean autoMapping; private ResultMap() {
} public static class Builder {
private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Builder.class); private ResultMap resultMap = new ResultMap(); public Builder(Configuration configuration, String id, Class<?> type, List<ResultMapping> resultMappings) {
this(configuration, id, type, resultMappings, null);
} public Builder(Configuration configuration, String id, Class<?> type, List<ResultMapping> resultMappings, Boolean autoMapping) {
resultMap.configuration = configuration; = id;
resultMap.type = type;
resultMap.resultMappings = resultMappings;
resultMap.autoMapping = autoMapping;
} public Builder discriminator(Discriminator discriminator) {
resultMap.discriminator = discriminator;
return this;
} public Class<?> type() {
return resultMap.type;
} public ResultMap build() {
if ( == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ResultMaps must have an id");
resultMap.mappedColumns = new HashSet<>();
resultMap.mappedProperties = new HashSet<>();
resultMap.idResultMappings = new ArrayList<>();
resultMap.constructorResultMappings = new ArrayList<>();
resultMap.propertyResultMappings = new ArrayList<>();
final List<String> constructorArgNames = new ArrayList<>();
for (ResultMapping resultMapping : resultMap.resultMappings) {
resultMap.hasNestedQueries = resultMap.hasNestedQueries || resultMapping.getNestedQueryId() != null;
resultMap.hasNestedResultMaps = resultMap.hasNestedResultMaps || (resultMapping.getNestedResultMapId() != null && resultMapping.getResultSet() == null);
final String column = resultMapping.getColumn();
if (column != null) {
} else if (resultMapping.isCompositeResult()) {
for (ResultMapping compositeResultMapping : resultMapping.getComposites()) {
final String compositeColumn = compositeResultMapping.getColumn();
if (compositeColumn != null) {
final String property = resultMapping.getProperty();
if (property != null) {
if (resultMapping.getFlags().contains(ResultFlag.CONSTRUCTOR)) {
if (resultMapping.getProperty() != null) {
} else {
if (resultMapping.getFlags().contains(ResultFlag.ID)) {
if (resultMap.idResultMappings.isEmpty()) {
if (!constructorArgNames.isEmpty()) {
final List<String> actualArgNames = argNamesOfMatchingConstructor(constructorArgNames);
if (actualArgNames == null) {
throw new BuilderException("Error in result map '" +
+ "'. Failed to find a constructor in '"
+ resultMap.getType().getName() + "' by arg names " + constructorArgNames
+ ". There might be more info in debug log.");
resultMap.constructorResultMappings.sort((o1, o2) -> {
int paramIdx1 = actualArgNames.indexOf(o1.getProperty());
int paramIdx2 = actualArgNames.indexOf(o2.getProperty());
return paramIdx1 - paramIdx2;
// lock down collections
resultMap.resultMappings = Collections.unmodifiableList(resultMap.resultMappings);
resultMap.idResultMappings = Collections.unmodifiableList(resultMap.idResultMappings);
resultMap.constructorResultMappings = Collections.unmodifiableList(resultMap.constructorResultMappings);
resultMap.propertyResultMappings = Collections.unmodifiableList(resultMap.propertyResultMappings);
resultMap.mappedColumns = Collections.unmodifiableSet(resultMap.mappedColumns);
return resultMap;
} private List<String> argNamesOfMatchingConstructor(List<String> constructorArgNames) {
Constructor<?>[] constructors = resultMap.type.getDeclaredConstructors();
for (Constructor<?> constructor : constructors) {
Class<?>[] paramTypes = constructor.getParameterTypes();
if (constructorArgNames.size() == paramTypes.length) {
List<String> paramNames = getArgNames(constructor);
if (constructorArgNames.containsAll(paramNames)
&& argTypesMatch(constructorArgNames, paramTypes, paramNames)) {
return paramNames;
return null;
} private boolean argTypesMatch(final List<String> constructorArgNames,
Class<?>[] paramTypes, List<String> paramNames) {
for (int i = 0; i < constructorArgNames.size(); i++) {
Class<?> actualType = paramTypes[paramNames.indexOf(constructorArgNames.get(i))];
Class<?> specifiedType = resultMap.constructorResultMappings.get(i).getJavaType();
if (!actualType.equals(specifiedType)) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("While building result map '" +
+ "', found a constructor with arg names " + constructorArgNames
+ ", but the type of '" + constructorArgNames.get(i)
+ "' did not match. Specified: [" + specifiedType.getName() + "] Declared: ["
+ actualType.getName() + "]");
return false;
return true;
} private List<String> getArgNames(Constructor<?> constructor) {
List<String> paramNames = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> actualParamNames = null;
final Annotation[][] paramAnnotations = constructor.getParameterAnnotations();
int paramCount = paramAnnotations.length;
for (int paramIndex = 0; paramIndex < paramCount; paramIndex++) {
String name = null;
for (Annotation annotation : paramAnnotations[paramIndex]) {
if (annotation instanceof Param) {
name = ((Param) annotation).value();
if (name == null && resultMap.configuration.isUseActualParamName()) {
if (actualParamNames == null) {
actualParamNames = ParamNameUtil.getParamNames(constructor);
if (actualParamNames.size() > paramIndex) {
name = actualParamNames.get(paramIndex);
paramNames.add(name != null ? name : "arg" + paramIndex);
return paramNames;
} public String getId() {
return id;
} public boolean hasNestedResultMaps() {
return hasNestedResultMaps;
} public boolean hasNestedQueries() {
return hasNestedQueries;
} public Class<?> getType() {
return type;
} public List<ResultMapping> getResultMappings() {
return resultMappings;
} public List<ResultMapping> getConstructorResultMappings() {
return constructorResultMappings;
} public List<ResultMapping> getPropertyResultMappings() {
return propertyResultMappings;
} public List<ResultMapping> getIdResultMappings() {
return idResultMappings;
} public Set<String> getMappedColumns() {
return mappedColumns;
} public Set<String> getMappedProperties() {
return mappedProperties;
} public Discriminator getDiscriminator() {
return discriminator;
} public void forceNestedResultMaps() {
hasNestedResultMaps = true;
} public Boolean getAutoMapping() {
return autoMapping;
} }


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