There is a kind of balanced binary search tree named red-black tree in the data structure. It has the following 5 properties:

  • (1) Every node is either red or black.
  • (2) The root is black.
  • (3) Every leaf (NULL) is black.
  • (4) If a node is red, then both its children are black.
  • (5) For each node, all simple paths from the node to descendant leaves contain the same number of black nodes.

For example, the tree in Figure 1 is a red-black tree, while the ones in Figure 2 and 3 are not.

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

For each given binary search tree, you are supposed to tell if it is a legal red-black tree.

Input Specification:

Each input file contains several test cases. The first line gives a positive integer K (≤30) which is the total number of cases. For each case, the first line gives a positive integer N (≤30), the total number of nodes in the binary tree. The second line gives the preorder traversal sequence of the tree. While all the keys in a tree are positive integers, we use negative signs to represent red nodes. All the numbers in a line are separated by a space. The sample input cases correspond to the trees shown in Figure 1, 2 and 3.

Output Specification:

For each test case, print in a line "Yes" if the given tree is a red-black tree, or "No" if not.

Sample Input:

7 -2 1 5 -4 -11 8 14 -15
11 -2 1 -7 5 -4 8 14 -15
10 -7 5 -6 8 15 -11 17

Sample Output:

0. 根据先序建立一棵树,用链表表示
1. 判断根结点(题目所给先序的第一个点即根结点)是否是黑色
2. 根据建立的树,从根结点开始遍历,如果当前结点是红色,判断它的孩子节点是否为黑色,递归返回结果
3. 从根节点开始,递归遍历,检查每个结点的左子树的高度和右子树的高度(这里的高度指黑色结点的个数),比较左右孩子高度是否相等,递归返回结果
 #include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
struct Node
int val;
Node *l, *r;
Node(int a) :val(a), l(nullptr), r(nullptr) {}
int n, m;
int getHigh(Node *root)//是指黑节点个数哦
if (root == nullptr)
return ;
int ln = getHigh(root->l);
int rn = getHigh(root->r);
return root->val > ? max(ln, rn) + : max(ln, rn);//计算黑节点个数
Node *Insert(Node *root, int x)
if (root == nullptr)
root = new Node(x);
else if (abs(x) < abs(root->val))
root->l = Insert(root->l, x);
root->r = Insert(root->r, x);
return root;
bool redNode(Node *root)
if (root == nullptr)
return true;
if (root->val < )//红节点孩子一定要是黑节点
if (root->l != nullptr && root->l->val < ||
root->r != nullptr && root->r->val < )
return false;
return redNode(root->l) && redNode(root->r);
bool balanceTree(Node *root)
if (root == nullptr) return true;
if (getHigh(root->l) != getHigh(root->r))return false;//黑节点个数不同
return balanceTree(root->l) && balanceTree(root->r);
int main()
int n, m;
cin >> n;
while (n--)
cin >> m;
Node *root = nullptr;
for (int i = ; i < m; ++i)
cin >> v[i];
root = Insert(root, v[i]);
if (v[] >= && balanceTree(root) && redNode(root))
cout << "Yes" << endl;
cout << "No" << endl;
return ;

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