mysql出现You can’t specify target table for update in FROM clause
You can’t specify target table for update in FROM clause UPDATE edu_grade_hgm_1
SET exam_natures_new = ''
(outid, course_no) IN (
edu_grade_hgm_1 a
INNER JOIN edu_grade b ON a.outid = b.outid
AND a.course_no = b.course_no
AND exam_natures_new IS NULL;
UPDATE edu_grade_hgm_1
SET exam_natures_new = ''
(outid, course_no) IN (
edu_grade_hgm_1 a
INNER JOIN edu_grade b ON a.outid = b.outid
AND a.course_no = b.course_no
) AS temp
AND exam_natures_new IS NULL;
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