Bug搬运工-CSCvg37458:ISR4K goes into booting loop with "flash:" in boot statement
ISR4K configured with a boot statement pointing to the "flash:" directory will get stuck in a boot loop.
Boot statement will look similar to:
boot system flash:image.bin
When rebooting, the console will show:
Last reset cause: LocalSoft
ISR4331/K9 platform with 4194304 Kbytes of main memory
Device not found flash:
autoboot: boot failed, restarting...
Boot statement will explicitly point to "flash" instead of "bootflash" despite being the same directory.
This issue occurs in all version (for instance: 3.16.X to 3.17.X or 16.X, 16.X to 16.Y, 16.X to 3.X).
below boot up statements will trigger the failure
boot system flash:image-name
boot system flash flash:image-name
from rommon mode, manually boot up the image. for example:
rommon> boot bootflash:image-name
Another workaround requires modifying the boot system configuration as follows:
boot system bootflash:image-name.bin
Notice the semicolon was removed between the flash and image-name.bin. ROMMON will check its flash device for the image-name.bin. For the ISR4K platforms, the flash device is the bootflash:.
Further Problem Description:
below IOS boot up statements work:
boot system bootflash:image-name
boot system flash bootflash:image-name
this is fixed at ROMMON release 16.9(1r).
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Known Affected Releases: |
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