2019 牛客多校第六场 J Upgrading Technology
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std; #define INIT() ios::sync_with_stdio(false);cin.tie(0);cout.tie(0);
#define Rep(i,n) for (int i = 0; i < (n); ++i)
#define For(i,s,t) for (int i = (s); i <= (t); ++i)
#define rFor(i,t,s) for (int i = (t); i >= (s); --i)
#define ForLL(i, s, t) for (LL i = LL(s); i <= LL(t); ++i)
#define rForLL(i, t, s) for (LL i = LL(t); i >= LL(s); --i)
#define foreach(i,c) for (__typeof(c.begin()) i = c.begin(); i != c.end(); ++i)
#define rforeach(i,c) for (__typeof(c.rbegin()) i = c.rbegin(); i != c.rend(); ++i) #define pr(x) cout << #x << " = " << x << " "
#define prln(x) cout << #x << " = " << x << endl #define LOWBIT(x) ((x)&(-x)) #define ALL(x) x.begin(),x.end()
#define INS(x) inserter(x,x.begin())
#define UNIQUE(x) x.erase(unique(x.begin(), x.end()), x.end())
#define REMOVE(x, c) x.erase(remove(x.begin(), x.end(), c), x.end()); // ?? x ?????? c
#define TOLOWER(x) transform(x.begin(), x.end(), x.begin(),::tolower);
#define TOUPPER(x) transform(x.begin(), x.end(), x.begin(),::toupper); #define ms0(a) memset(a,0,sizeof(a))
#define msI(a) memset(a,inf,sizeof(a))
#define msM(a) memset(a,-1,sizeof(a)) #define MP make_pair
#define PB push_back
#define ft first
#define sd second template<typename T1, typename T2>
istream &operator>>(istream &in, pair<T1, T2> &p) {
in >> p.first >> p.second;
return in;
} template<typename T>
istream &operator>>(istream &in, vector<T> &v) {
for (auto &x: v)
in >> x;
return in;
} template<typename T>
ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, vector<T> &v) {
Rep(i, v.size()) out << v[i] << " \n"[i == v.size()];
return out;
} template<typename T1, typename T2>
ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const std::pair<T1, T2> &p) {
out << "[" << p.first << ", " << p.second << "]" << "\n";
return out;
} inline int gc(){
static const int BUF = 1e7;
static char buf[BUF], *bg = buf + BUF, *ed = bg; if(bg == ed) fread(bg = buf, , BUF, stdin);
return *bg++;
} inline int ri(){
int x = , f = , c = gc();
for(; c<||c>; f = c=='-'?-:f, c=gc());
for(; c>&&c<; x = x* + c - , c=gc());
return x*f;
} template<class T>
inline string toString(T x) {
ostringstream sout;
sout << x;
return sout.str();
} inline int toInt(string s) {
int v;
istringstream sin(s);
sin >> v;
return v;
} //min <= aim <= max
template<typename T>
inline bool BETWEEN(const T aim, const T min, const T max) {
return min <= aim && aim <= max;
} typedef long long LL;
typedef unsigned long long uLL;
typedef pair< double, double > PDD;
typedef pair< int, int > PII;
typedef pair< int, PII > PIPII;
typedef pair< string, int > PSI;
typedef pair< int, PSI > PIPSI;
typedef set< int > SI;
typedef set< PII > SPII;
typedef vector< int > VI;
typedef vector< double > VD;
typedef vector< VI > VVI;
typedef vector< SI > VSI;
typedef vector< PII > VPII;
typedef map< int, int > MII;
typedef map< int, string > MIS;
typedef map< int, PII > MIPII;
typedef map< PII, int > MPIII;
typedef map< string, int > MSI;
typedef map< string, string > MSS;
typedef map< PII, string > MPIIS;
typedef map< PII, PII > MPIIPII;
typedef multimap< int, int > MMII;
typedef multimap< string, int > MMSI;
//typedef unordered_map< int, int > uMII;
typedef pair< LL, LL > PLL;
typedef vector< LL > VL;
typedef vector< VL > VVL;
typedef priority_queue< int > PQIMax;
typedef priority_queue< int, VI, greater< int > > PQIMin;
const double EPS = 1e-;
const LL inf = 0x7fffffff;
const LL infLL = 0x7fffffffffffffffLL;
const LL mod = 1e9 + ;
const int maxN = 1e3 + ;
const LL ONE = ;
const LL evenBits = 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;
const LL oddBits = 0x5555555555555555; int T, N, M, c[maxN][maxN], d[maxN];
LL ans;
// dp[i][j]表示 i 号武器,从等级 j - 1开始能获得的最大收益
// dp[i][j] = max(dp[i][j + 1] + c[i][j - 1], 0)
LL dp[maxN][maxN]; // preSum[i] 表示所有武器升到 i 级所能获得的基础分
LL preSum[maxN]; int main(){
cin >> T;
For(cases, , T) {
ans = ;
ms0(preSum); cin >> N >> M;
For(i, , N) {
For(j, , M) {
cin >> c[i][j];
c[i][j] = -c[i][j];
preSum[j] += c[i][j];
dp[i][M] = max(, c[i][M]);
} For(j, , M) {
cin >> d[j];
preSum[j] += d[j] + preSum[j - ];
} For(i, , N) {
rFor(j, M - , ) {
dp[i][j] = max((LL), c[i][j] + dp[i][j + ]);
} // 枚举所有武器最低等级
For(j, , M) {
LL sum = preSum[j], minS = infLL; For(i, , N) {
sum += dp[i][j + ];
minS = min(minS, dp[i][j + ]);
sum -= minS; // 让收益最低的武器成为短板 ans = max(ans, sum);
} cout << "Case #" << cases << ": " << ans << endl;
return ;
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