

class Solution:
def findRedundantDirectedConnection(self, edges: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
def find(f,x):
if f[x] != x:
f[x] = find(f,f[x])
return f[x]
def cycle(graph):
f = {}
for x,y in graph:
if find(f,x) == find(f,y):
return True
f[find(f,y)] = find(f,x)
indegree = {i:0 for i in range(1,len(edges)+1)}
tmp = 0
for i,j in edges:
indegree[j] += 1
if indegree[j] == 2:
tmp = j
if tmp == 0:
f = {}
for x,y in edges:
if find(f,x) == find(f,y):
return [x,y]
f[find(f,y)] = find(f,x)
for x,y in edges[::-1]:
if y == tmp:
if not cycle(edges[:edges.index([x,y])]+edges[edges.index([x,y])+1:]) :
return [x,y]


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