February 16th, 2018 Week 7th Friday
Full of luck, health and cheer. We wish you a Happy Chinese New Year!
From Shanbay.
Today is the Chinese New Year of 2018.
Wish every of us a Happy New Year.
We will open a new book today, we will forget all our worries today.
A new year always comes with new expectations, new opportunities and new challenges.
I wish I can produce some wonderful outcomes both in my life and my career this year to make those related with me happier.
True merit, like a river, the deeper it is, the less noise it makes.
How to be a smart coder? Or at least a qualified embedded software engineer?
Maybe I must improve my ability of concentration so that I can focus for long stretches at a time and tune out distractions.
If I can pay more attention to things that are crucial to my life and focus on those most important information and filter out the rest, I think my life would get much easier than now.
And, though it is said that the smarter a person is, the more he is inclined to stay up inot the wee hours of the morning, I really expect I can get rid of such bad habits, like going to bed too late and lacking of sleep.
Besides, I hope I can be flexible and able to thrive in different settings, because as an intelligent coder, I must show that I have the ability of doing my job well regardless of the complications and restrictions placed on my work.
Some researchers said that intelligence depends on being able to change your own behaviours in order to cope more effectively with your environment or make changes to the environment you are in.
Now that I have little influences on my environment now, I should sit down and stop talking empty vaunt, then try my best to consolidate my skills and broaden my knowlegge so as to make my outcomes more persuasive.
Don't be too eager to show off what I am capable of if there are not enough convincable results.
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