You are confined only by the walls you build yourself.


From Andrew Murphy.

Let's repeat this again and again: We are confined only by the walls we build ourselves.

There are so many people, like me, always believe they ae trapped in situations and they can't get out.

And they truly believe it was not their fault.

Well, every situation we got ourself in to some degrees is our own fault, because they all were our own choices.

Really, there sometimes are some cases where it is not, but most things that happen in our lives happen just because what we have done.

If in bad situations, we may have done something to get ourself out of there, we have the power to get out of anything we got ourself into.

We just have to think clearly and do something different until we care no longer in that situation.

And sometimes, being confined is not just a negative thing.

The fact that we are confined could mean that we are stuck in a rut or perhaps we want to create a better life and future but we don't know how.

Or maybe we have a great dream but we find it is too difficult to make it true.

It all comes down to the fact of how we think, about ourselves and our strengthes, our weaknesses.

Now that we are only confined by the walls of our own imagination, if we truly want to be confined any longer, we can find a way.

Change our thoughts, change our habits, try to learn some new things.

Do whatever it takes, it's up to ourselves to break down these walls.

We are different, so if there's something we want to change, just go and grab our hammer.

The wise man is always a good listener.


We have two ears, two hands and one mouth, so we can listen twice, do twice as much as we speak.

Try to be a good listener, but being a good listener doesn't mean that the man just listen, for the man must have other good features that can bring enormous benefits both to himself and others.

Below are some habits that good listeners always practise in their everyday lives and conversations:

They are present.

They are empathetic.

They can realize their strong points and shortcomings.

They have an open mind.

They are emotionally intelligent.

They can pose significant questions.

They are not on the defensive.

They are OK with being uncomfortable.

They are good leaders.

All these thing we can adopt in our life so as to become somewhat wiser.

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