Resumable Media Uploads in the Google Data Protocol
Eric Bidelman, Google Apps APIs team
February 2010
Warning: This document applies to Google's older APIs. The newer resumable upload protocol is similar to what is described here, but it's not exactly the same. For details, refer to the documentation for a newer Google API that supports media upload, such as the Drive API's section onresumable upload.
Current web standards provide no reliable mechanism to facilitate the HTTP upload of large files. As a result, file uploads at Google and other sites have traditionally been limited to moderate sizes (e.g. 100 MB). For services like the YouTube and the Google Documents List APIs which support large file uploads, this presents a major hurdle.
The Google Data resumable protocol directly addresses the aforementioned issues by supporting resumable POST/PUT HTTP requests in HTTP/1.0. The protocol was modeled after the ResumableHttpRequestsProposal suggested by Google Gears team.
This document describes how to incorporate Google Data's resumable upload feature into your applications. The examples below use the Google Documents List Data API. Note that additional Google APIs that implement this protocol may have slightly different requirements/response codes/etc. Please consult the service's documentation for the specifics.
The Resumable Protocol
Initiating a resumable upload request
To initiate a resumable upload session, send an HTTP POST
request to the resumable-post link. This link is found at the feed level. The DocList API's resumable-post link looks like:
<link rel="" type="application/atom+xml"
The body of your POST
request should be empty or contain an Atom XML entry and must not include the actual file contents. The example below creates a resumable request to upload a large PDF, and includes a title for the future document using the Slug
POST /feeds/upload/create-session/default/private/full HTTP/1.1
GData-Version: <version number>
Authorization: <your authorization header here>
Content-Length: 0
Slug: MyTitle
X-Upload-Content-Type: application/pdf
X-Upload-Content-Length: 1234567 <empty body>
The X-Upload-Content-Type
and X-Upload-Content-Length
headers should be set to the mimetype and size of the file you will eventually upload.
Here is another example request that instead uploads a word document. This time, Atom metadata is included and will be applied to the final document entry.
POST /feeds/upload/create-session/default/private/full?convert=false HTTP/1.1
GData-Version: <version number>
Authorization: <your authorization header here>
Content-Length: 292
Content-Type: application/atom+xml
X-Upload-Content-Type: application/msword
X-Upload-Content-Length: 7654321 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<entry xmlns="" xmlns:docs="">
<category scheme=""
<docs:writersCanInvite value="false"/>
The server's response from the initial POST
is a unique upload URI in the Location
header and an empty response body:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Location: <upload_uri>
The unique upload URI will be used to upload the file chunks.
Note: The initial POST
request does not create a new entry in the feed. This only happens when the entire upload operation has completed.
Uploading a file
The resumable protocol allows, but doesn't require, content to be uploaded in 'chunks', because there are no inherent restrictions in HTTP on request sizes. Your client is free to choose its chunk size or just upload the file as a whole. This example uses the unique upload URI to issue a resumablePUT
. The following example sends the first 100000 bytes of 1234567 byte PDF file:
PUT <upload_uri> HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 100000
Content-Type: application/pdf
Content-Range: bytes 0-99999/1234567 <bytes 0-99999>
Read more information on the Content-Range
header here.
Server responds with the current byte range that has been stored:
HTTP/1.1 308 Resume Incomplete
Content-Length: 0
Range: 0-99999
Your client should continue to PUT
each chunk of the file until the entire file has been uploaded. Until the upload is complete, the server will respond with an HTTP 308 Resume Incomplete
and the byte range it knows about in the Range
header. Clients must use the Range
header to determine where to start the next chunk. Therefore, do not assume that the server received all bytes originally sent in the PUT
Note: The server may issue a new unique upload URI in the Location
header during a chunk. Your client should check for an updated Location
and use that URI to send the remaining chunks to the server.
When the upload is complete, the response will be the same as if the upload had been made using the API's non-resumable upload mechanism. That is to say, a 201 Created
will be returned along with the <atom:entry>
, as created by the server. Subsequent PUT
s to the unique upload URI will return the same response as what was returned when the upload completed. After a period of time, the response will be 410 Gone
or 404 Not Found
Resuming an upload
If your request is terminated prior to receiving a response from the server or if you receive an HTTP 503
response from the server, you can query the current status of the upload by issuing an empty PUT
request on the unique upload URI.
Client polls the server to determine which bytes it has received:
PUT <upload_uri> HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 0
Content-Range: bytes */100
Server responds with the current byte range:
HTTP/1.1 308 Resume Incomplete
Content-Length: 0
Range: 0-42
Note: The server may issue a new unique upload URI in the Location
header during a chunk. Your client should check for an updated Location
and use that URI to send the remaining chunks to the server.
Finally, the client resumes where the server left off:
PUT <upload_uri> HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 57
Content-Range: 43-99/100 <bytes 43-99>
Updating an existing resource
Similar to initiating a resumable upload session, you can utilize the resumable upload protocol to replace an existing file's content. To start a resumable update request, send an HTTP PUT
to the entry's link with rel='...#resumable-edit-media
'. Each media entry
will contain such a link if the API supports updating the resource's content.
As an example, a document entry in the DocList API will contain a link similar to:
<link rel="" type="application/atom+xml"
Thus, the initial request would be:
PUT /feeds/upload/create-session/default/private/full/document%3A12345 HTTP/1.1
GData-Version: <version number>
Authorization: <your authorization header here>
If-Match: <ETag or * here>
Content-Length: 0
X-Upload-Content-Length: 1000
X-Upload-Content-Type: text/plain <empty body>
To update a resource's metadata and content at the same time, include Atom XML instead of an empty body. See the example in the Initiating a resumable upload request section.
When the server responds with the unique upload URI, send a PUT
with your payload. Once you have the unique upload URI, the process for updating the file's content is the same as uploading a file.
This particular example will update the existing document's content in one shot:
PUT <upload_uri> HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 1000
Content-Range: 0-999/1000 <bytes 0-999>
Client library examples
Below are samples of uploading a movie file to Google Docs (using the resumable upload protocol) in the Google Data client libraries. Note, that not all of the libraries support the resumable feature at this time.
int DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE = 10485760; DocsService client = new DocsService("yourCompany-yourAppName-v1");
client.setUserCredentials("", "pa$$word"); // Create a listener
FileUploadProgressListener listener = new FileUploadProgressListener(); // See the sample for details on this class. // Pool for handling concurrent upload tasks
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(MAX_CONCURRENT_UPLOADS); // Create {@link ResumableGDataFileUploader} for each file to upload
List uploaders = Lists.newArrayList(); File file = new File("test.mpg");
String contentType = DocumentListEntry.MediaType.fromFileName(file.getName()).getMimeType();
MediaFileSource mediaFile = new MediaFileSource(file, contentType);
URL createUploadUrl = new URL("");
ResumableGDataFileUploader uploader = new ResumableGDataFileUploader(createUploadUrl, mediaFile, client, DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE,
executor, listener, PROGRESS_UPDATE_INTERVAL);
uploaders.add(uploader); listener.listenTo(uploaders); // attach the listener to list of uploaders // Start the upload(s)
for (ResumableGDataFileUploader uploader : uploaders) {
} // wait for uploads to complete
while(!listener.isDone()) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
throw ie; // rethrow
// Chunk size in MB
int CHUNK_SIZE = 1; ClientLoginAuthenticator cla = new ClientLoginAuthenticator(
"yourCompany-yourAppName-v1", ServiceNames.Documents, "", "pa$$word"); // Set up resumable uploader and notifications
ResumableUploader ru = new ResumableUploader(CHUNK_SIZE);
ru.AsyncOperationCompleted += new AsyncOperationCompletedEventHandler(this.OnDone);
ru.AsyncOperationProgress += new AsyncOperationProgressEventHandler(this.OnProgress); // Set metadata for our upload.
Document entry = new Document()
entry.Title = "My Video";
entry.MediaSource = new MediaFileSource("c:\\test.mpg", "video/mpeg"); // Add the upload uri to document entry.
Uri createUploadUrl = new Uri("");
AtomLink link = new AtomLink(createUploadUrl.AbsoluteUri);
link.Rel = ResumableUploader.CreateMediaRelation;
entry.DocumentEntry.Links.Add(link); ru.InsertAsync(cla, entry.DocumentEntry, userObject);
- (void)uploadAFile {
NSString *filePath = @"~/test.mpg";
NSString *fileName = [filePath lastPathComponent]; // get the file's data
NSData *data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfMappedFile:filePath]; // create an entry to upload
GDataEntryDocBase *newEntry = [GDataEntryStandardDoc documentEntry];
[newEntry setTitleWithString:fileName]; [newEntry setUploadData:data];
[newEntry setUploadMIMEType:@"video/mpeg"];
[newEntry setUploadSlug:fileName]; // to upload, we need the entry, our service object, the upload URL,
// and the callback for when upload has finished
GDataServiceGoogleDocs *service = [self docsService];
NSURL *uploadURL = [GDataServiceGoogleDocs docsUploadURL];
SEL finishedSel = @selector(uploadTicket:finishedWithEntry:error:); // now start the upload
GDataServiceTicket *ticket = [service fetchEntryByInsertingEntry:newEntry
didFinishSelector:finishedSel]; // progress monitoring is done by specifying a callback, like this
SEL progressSel = @selector(ticket:hasDeliveredByteCount:ofTotalByteCount:);
[ticket setUploadProgressSelector:progressSel];
} // callback for when uploading has finished
- (void)uploadTicket:(GDataServiceTicket *)ticket
finishedWithEntry:(GDataEntryDocBase *)entry
error:(NSError *)error {
if (error == nil) {
// upload succeeded
} - (void)pauseOrResumeUploadForTicket:(GDataServiceTicket *)ticket {
if ([ticket isUploadPaused]) {
[ticket resumeUpload];
} else {
[ticket pauseUpload];
import os.path
import gdata.client
import CHUNK_SIZE = 10485760 client ='yourCompany-yourAppName-v1')
client.ClientLogin('', 'pa$$word', client.source); f = open('test.mpg')
file_size = os.path.getsize( uploader = gdata.client.ResumableUploader(
client, f, 'video/mpeg', file_size, chunk_size=CHUNK_SIZE, # Set metadata for our upload.
entry ='My Video'))
new_entry = uploader.UploadFile('/feeds/upload/create-session/default/private/full', entry=entry)
print 'Document uploaded: ' + new_entry.title.text
print 'Quota used: %s' % new_entry.quota_bytes_used.text
For complete samples and source code reference, see the following resources:
- Java library sample app and source
- Objective-C library sample app
- .NET library source
本页面中的内容已获得知识共享署名3.0许可,并且代码示例已获得Apache 2.0许可;另有说明的情况除外。有关详情,请参阅我们的网站政策。
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