qlang: github qiniu/qlang
microservice architecture: http://martinfowler.com/articles/microservices.html
Service Governance
- Authorization
- Logging
- Change management
- Central configuration
- Scale in and scale out
- Overload Protection
- Service degradation
- Monitor performance and health
- Manage how and by whom services are used
- Topology discovery and failure recovery
Overload Protection
- N = Alert threshold
- Important things
- keep limit to N*2,not N
- kill slow requests(SLA)
四、Dave Cheney 澳洲golang社区负责人,运行悉尼go用户组
Further reading: runtime/pprof
Further reading: Google Perf Tools
- pprof
-memprofilerate=N adjusts the profile rate to 1/N
#visualise mem profile
go build -gcflags='-memprofile=/tmp/m.p'
go tool pprof --alloc_objects -svg $(go tool -n compile) /tmp/m.p > alloc_objects.svg
go tool pprof --inuse_objects -svg $(go tool -n compile) /tmp/m.p > alloc_objects.svg
- benchmarking
func Fib(n int) int {
if n<2 {
return n
return Fib(n-1)+Fib(n-2)
import "testing"
func BenchmarkFib(b *testing.B) {
for n:=0;n<b.N;n++ {
#go test -bench=. ./fib
- do benchmark multiple times or use "-count=" flag
- tools like rsc.io/benchstat are useful for comparing results
go test -bench=. -count=5 ./fib> old.txt
go test -bench=. -count=5 ./fib |tee new.txt
benchstat old.txt new.txt
benchstat {old,new}.txt
- how fast will this bench? I think it's super fast!
package popcnt import "testing" const m1 = 0x5555555555
const m2 = 0x33333
const m4 = 0x0f0f0f
const h01 = 0x0101010101 func popcnt(x uint64) uint64 {
x -= (x >> 1) & m1
x = (x & m2) + ((x >> 2) & m2)
x = (x + (x >> 4)) & m4
return (x * h01) >> 56
func benchmarkPopcnt(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
popcnt(uint64(i)) //optimied away
#go test -bench=. ./popcnt
- 但是被优化没有效果,要改为如下才有bench的效果
#change it to this:
var result uint64
func benchmarkPopcnt(b *testing.B) {
var r uint64
for i:=0;i<b.N;i++ {
r = popcnt(uint64(i))
- 自己测试还是没效果,不知道为什么
- CPU profile
go test -run=XXX -bench=IndexByte -cpuprofile=/tmp/c.p bytes
go tool pprof bytes.test /tmp/c.p
#note: -run=XXX to disable test,you only need benchmark
- godoc
cd godoc
vim main.go
add one line in main--defer profile.Start().Stop()
then exec in vim:GoImports
go install -v .
godoc -http=9000
open browser and open localhost:9000
go tool pprof $(which godoc) /var/...cpu.pprof
- enable output of GCloggin
env GODEBUG=gctrace=1 godoc -http=:8080
- import net/http/pprof package will register a handler at /debug/pprof and default http.serveMux
it will visible if you use http.listenSndServe(adress,nil)
godoc -http:=8080,show /debug/pprof
- some slice and string translate...
err := f(x)
if err != nil {
retrun err;
} //Rust
@fswatch $(GO_FILES) $(TEMPLATES) | xargs -n1 -l{} make restart ||make kill
- chubby--at the heart of google
- go Proverbs: simple,Poetic,Pithy,no magic,composing,interface,adaptor
- request --> onion --> response
- basiclly we put a lot of things inside handler: like parse request,query db,user auth, CRUD model objects, biz logic, then render the result to response xml,json etc. or panic/error.
- go web packages:
dozens of frameworks
- go generate according to database scheme
- go benchmark
package demo1 import (
) //TestPutPerf load tests
func TestPutPerf(t *testing.T) {
fmt.Printf("load testing on 1M size cache\n")
size := 1000000
cache := newLRUCache(size)
start := time.Now()
for i,td := range testData {
if i%10000 == 0 {
end := time.Now()
fmt.Printf("Num: %d, Used time: %v\n", i, end.Sub(start))
start = end
go test -c
./demo1.test -test.run=Perf
package demo1
import (
) type testDataType struct {
url string
body string
} var testData []testDataType const testDataSize = 10000100 func init () {
testData = make([]testDataType, testDataSize)
for i:= 0; i< testDataSize; i++ {
url := fmt.Sprintf("www.fake.com/%d",i)
testData[i] = testDataType {
url: url,
body: fmt.Sprintf("This is page <b>%s</b>!",url),
} func TestBasics(t *testing.T) {
cache := newLRUCache(2)
res, ok := cache.Get("1")
if !ok := || res != "1" {
if _, ok := cache.Get("2");ok {
} //go tool pprof
func BenchmarkCacheFull1KSize(b *test.B) {
func BenchmarkCacheFull1MSize(b *testing.B) {
func benchmarkCacheFull(b *testing.B, size int) {
cache := newLRUCache(size)
for i :=0;i<size;i++ {
//go tool pprof demo1.test prof.out -->#web
f, _ := os.Create("prof.out")
defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()
//先填满,之后测试每push 一个item需要多长时间
for i :=0; i< b.N; i++ {
c:=(i+size) % testDataSize
cache.Put(testData[c].url, testData[c].body)
} //demo2
//go test -v . -run XXX -bench Mill
//./demo2.test -test.run XXX -test.bench Milli -test.cpuprofile=prof.out
//go tool pprof demo2.test prof.out --> web
./demo1.test -test.run=xxx -test.bench Full
#./demo1.test -test.run=xxx -test.bench Full -test.cpuprofile=prof.out 这是不准确的,因为有很多noise,用上面方法
八、Marcel van Lohuizen -- Google Go team
golang.org/x/text 实现
- I18n and L10n 国际化与本地化
- Go uses UTF-8
const beijing="北京市"
for index,runeValue :=range beijing {
fmt.Printf("%#U 从第%d字节开始\n",runeValue,index)
- 文本的序列本质
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