一、explain plan

a)explain plan for select ...

select * from table(dbms_xplan.display());

function display (table_name   varchar2 default 'PLAN_TABLE',
                  statement_id varchar2 default null,
                  format       varchar2 default 'TYPICAL')

- table_name:
      specifies the table name where the plan is stored. This
      parameter defaults to "PLAN_TABLE" which is the default
      plan table for the explain plan.

- statement_id:
      specifies the statement id of the plan to display. This
      parameter defaults to NULL.

- format:
     'BASIC':   Display only the minimum, i.e. the operation id, 
                the operation name and its option
     'TYPICAL': This is the default. Display most information
                of the explain plan (operation id, name and option,
                #rows, #bytes and optimizer cost. Pruning, 
                parallel and predicate information are only 
                displayed when applicable.
     'ALL':     Maximum level. Like typical with additional display
                of the SQL statements generated for PX servers
                (only if parallel). 
     'SERIAL':  Like typical except that parallel information are
                  not displayed, even if the plan is parallel

b)dbms_xplan.display_awr(sql_id VARCHAR2,
plan_hash_value INTEGER DEFAULT NULL,
db_id           INTEGER DEFAULT NULL,
format          VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'TYPICAL')
RETURN dbms_xplan_type_table PIPELINED;

sql_id          VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
cursor_child_no INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
format          VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'TYPICAL')
RETURN dbms_xplan_type_table PIPELINED;

select child_number from v$sql_shared_cursor where sql_id='...';

sqlset_name     VARCHAR2,
sql_id          VARCHAR2,
plan_hash_value INTEGER DEFAULT NULL,
format          VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'TYPICAL',
sqlset_owner    VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL)
RETURN dbms_xplan_type_table PIPELINED;

1 = Degree used is not the default DOP
2 = In (RAC) cases where instance count is not the same, or session CPU count is not the same, or thread count is not the same
3 = _parallel_syspls_obey_force is FALSE
4 = The PQ mode does not match.
5 = The degree does not match.
6 = The parallel degree policy does not match.
7 = The session limit is not the same as the cursor limit but the cursor limit is the same as the degree used.
8 = The cursor limit is greater than the degree used and the session limit is less than the cursor limit
9 = The cursor limit is less than the degree used and the session limit is not the same as the cursor limit
10 = Optimizer mode difference
11 = Materialized View mismatch
12 = Optimizer environment mismatch (ie an optimizer parameter is different)
13 = Cardinality Feedback is use




show all

show user,show error


select i,wmsys.wm_concat(a) from t group by i;


select sid, serial#, status from v$session where audsid=userenv('sessionid');

select sid from v$mystat where rownum=1;

select userenv('sid') from dual;



v$flash_recovery_area_usage:    flash_recovery_area空间使用情况(分类)

v$recovery_file_dest:  空间使用




select reason,object_type,suggested_action,creation_time from dba_outstanding_alerts;
select * from v$resource_limit;



select to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') time, to_char(dbms_flashback.get_system_change_number) scn from dual;
select to_char(scn_to_timestamp(3998591352171),'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') from dual;
select timestamp_to_scn(to_date('2011-04-14 11:10:25','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')) from dual;
select * from t as of timestamp to_timestamp('2000-01-01 01:01:01', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss');
select * from t as of scn xxx;


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