python 二进制读写文件
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*- f = open('f:/text.bmp','rb')
filedata =
filesize = f.tell()
filedata2 = bytearray(filedata)
width = filedata2[18]
height = filedata2[22]
print('width:', width)
print('height:', height) # less than 255 , width and height have 4 bytes
print('pix:', width * height)
print('filesize:', filesize)
f2 = open('f:/t2.bmp','wb')
change = 0
index = 54
loop = 0
while index < filesize - 2:
loop += 1
r = filedata2[index]
g = filedata2[index+1]
b = filedata2[index+2]
threshold = 110
if (r < threshold) and (g < threshold) and (b < threshold):
bytes = bytearray(3)
bytes[0] = 0
bytes[1] = 255
bytes[2] = 0
filedata2[index:index+3] = bytes
bytes = bytearray(3)
bytes[0] = bytes[1] = bytes[2] = 255
filedata2[index:index+3] = bytes
change += 1
index += 3 f2.write(filedata2)
print ('change:',change)
print ('loop:',loop)
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