






function [h,s,v] = rgb2hsv(r,g,b)
%RGB2HSV Convert red-green-blue colors to hue-saturation-value.
% H = RGB2HSV(M) converts an RGB color map to an HSV color map.
% Each map is a matrix with any number of rows, exactly three columns,
% and elements in the interval 0 to 1. The columns of the input matrix,
% M, represent intensity of red, blue and green, respectively. The
% columns of the resulting output matrix, H, represent hue, saturation
% and color value, respectively.
% HSV = RGB2HSV(RGB) converts the RGB image RGB (3-D array) to the
% equivalent HSV image HSV (3-D array).
% -------------
% If the input is an RGB image, it can be of class uint8, uint16, or
% double; the output image is of class double. If the input is a
% colormap, the input and output colormaps are both of class double.
% See also HSV2RGB, COLORMAP, RGBPLOT. % Undocumented syntaxes:
% [H,S,V] = RGB2HSV(R,G,B) converts the RGB image R,G,B to the
% equivalent HSV image H,S,V.
% HSV = RGB2HSV(R,G,B) converts the RGB image R,G,B to the
% equivalent HSV image stored in the 3-D array (HSV).
% [H,S,V] = RGB2HSV(RGB) converts the RGB image RGB (3-D array) to
% the equivalent HSV image H,S,V.
% See Alvy Ray Smith, Color Gamut Transform Pairs, SIGGRAPH '78. % Copyright 1984-2006 The MathWorks, Inc.
% $Revision: $ $Date: 2010/08/23 23:13:14 $ switch nargin
case 1,
if isa(r, 'uint8'),
r = double(r) / 255;
elseif isa(r, 'uint16')
r = double(r) / 65535;
case 3,
if isa(r, 'uint8'),
r = double(r) / 255;
elseif isa(r, 'uint16')
r = double(r) / 65535;
end if isa(g, 'uint8'),
g = double(g) / 255;
elseif isa(g, 'uint16')
g = double(g) / 65535;
end if isa(b, 'uint8'),
b = double(b) / 255;
elseif isa(b, 'uint16')
b = double(b) / 65535;
end otherwise,
end threeD = (ndims(r)==3); % Determine if input includes a 3-D array if threeD,
g = r(:,:,2); b = r(:,:,3); r = r(:,:,1);
siz = size(r);
r = r(:); g = g(:); b = b(:);
elseif nargin==1,
g = r(:,2); b = r(:,3); r = r(:,1);
siz = size(r);
if ~isequal(size(r),size(g),size(b)),
siz = size(r);
r = r(:); g = g(:); b = b(:);
end v = max(max(r,g),b);
h = zeros(size(v));
s = (v - min(min(r,g),b)); z = ~s;
s = s + z;
k = find(r == v);
h(k) = (g(k) - b(k))./s(k);
k = find(g == v);
h(k) = 2 + (b(k) - r(k))./s(k);
k = find(b == v);
h(k) = 4 + (r(k) - g(k))./s(k);
h = h/6;
k = find(h < 0);
h(k) = h(k) + 1;
h=(~z).*h; k = find(v);
s(k) = (~z(k)).*s(k)./v(k);
s(~v) = 0; if nargout<=1,
if (threeD || nargin==3),
h = reshape(h,siz);
s = reshape(s,siz);
v = reshape(v,siz);
h=[h s v];
h = reshape(h,siz);
s = reshape(s,siz);
v = reshape(v,siz);


function [rout,g,b] = hsv2rgb(hin,s,v)
%HSV2RGB Convert hue-saturation-value colors to red-green-blue.
% M = HSV2RGB(H) converts an HSV color map to an RGB color map.
% Each map is a matrix with any number of rows, exactly three columns,
% and elements in the interval 0 to 1. The columns of the input matrix,
% H, represent hue, saturation and value, respectively. The columns of
% the resulting output matrix, M, represent intensity of red, blue and
% green, respectively.
% RGB = HSV2RGB(HSV) converts the HSV image HSV (3-D array) to the
% equivalent RGB image RGB (3-D array).
% As the hue varies from 0 to 1, the resulting color varies from
% red, through yellow, green, cyan, blue and magenta, back to red.
% When the saturation is 0, the colors are unsaturated; they are
% simply shades of gray. When the saturation is 1, the colors are
% fully saturated; they contain no white component. As the value
% varies from 0 to 1, the brightness increases.
% The colormap HSV is hsv2rgb([h s v]) where h is a linear ramp
% from 0 to 1 and both s and v are all 1's.
% See also RGB2HSV, COLORMAP, RGBPLOT. % Undocumented syntaxes:
% [R,G,B] = HSV2RGB(H,S,V) converts the HSV image H,S,V to the
% equivalent RGB image R,G,B.
% RGB = HSV2RGB(H,S,V) converts the HSV image H,S,V to the
% equivalent RGB image stored in the 3-D array (RGB).
% [R,G,B] = HSV2RGB(HSV) converts the HSV image HSV (3-D array) to
% the equivalent RGB image R,G,B. % See Alvy Ray Smith, Color Gamut Transform Pairs, SIGGRAPH '78.
% Copyright 1984-2011 The MathWorks, Inc. if nargin == 1 % HSV colormap
threeD = ndims(hin)==3; % Determine if input includes a 3-D array
if threeD,
h = hin(:,:,1); s = hin(:,:,2); v = hin(:,:,3);
h = hin(:,1); s = hin(:,2); v = hin(:,3);
elseif nargin == 3
if ~isequal(size(hin),size(s),size(v)),
h = hin;
end h = 6.*h;
k = floor(h);
p = h-k;
t = 1-s;
n = 1-s.*p;
p = 1-(s.*(1-p)); % Processing each value of k separately to avoid simultaneously storing
% many temporary matrices the same size as k in memory
kc = (k==0 | k==6);
r = kc;
g = kc.*p;
b = kc.*t; kc = (k==1);
r = r + kc.*n;
g = g + kc;
b = b + kc.*t; kc = (k==2);
r = r + kc.*t;
g = g + kc;
b = b + kc.*p; kc = (k==3);
r = r + kc.*t;
g = g + kc.*n;
b = b + kc; kc = (k==4);
r = r + kc.*p;
g = g + kc.*t;
b = b + kc; kc = (k==5);
r = r + kc;
g = g + kc.*t;
b = b + kc.*n; if nargout <= 1
if nargin == 3 || threeD
rout = cat(3,r,g,b);
rout = [r g b];
rout = bsxfun(@times, v./max(rout(:)), rout);
f = v./max([max(r(:)); max(g(:)); max(b(:))]);
rout = f.*r;
g = f.*g;
b = f.*b;


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