
http://www.golaravel.com 是一个PHP框架,内置名为LUMEN的RESTful API框架,有中文文档, http://lumen.golaravel.com/docs/ https://apigility.org / 是基于ZEND框架的RESTful API框架 。 https://github.com/anandkunal/ToroPHP Toro is a PHP router for developing RESTful web applications and APIs. It is designed for minimalists who want to get work done. https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/ Yii PHP Framework Version 2 , a modern PHP framework designed for professional Web development.


先去 https://getcomposer.org 下载 composer.phar

composer.phar 是一个PHP的压缩包,可直接运行,不需要想办法解开。

php composer.phar require slim/slim "^3.0"

代替 https://github.com/slimphp/Slim 的说明书中提到的:

$ composer require slim/slim "^3.0"


$ php composer.phar require slim/slim "^3.0"

./composer.json has been created

Loading composer repositories with package information

Updating dependencies (including require-dev)

- Installing container-interop/container-interop ( 1.1.0 )

Loading from cache

- Installing nikic/fast-route ( v1.0.1 )

Loading from cache

- Installing psr/http-message ( 1.0.1 )

Loading from cache

- Installing pimple/pimple ( v3.0.2 )

Loading from cache

- Installing slim/slim ( 3.5.0 )

Downloading: 100%

Writing lock file

Generating autoload files

gongzuola:myfavor.link zola$


把sample 文件夹里的index.php 和 .htaccess复制到根目录下就可以测试了。


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