# 列表推倒式子
data=[x+1 for x in range(10)]
print data even_numbers=[x for x in range(10) if x%2 == 0]
print even_numbers # 字符串
# 字符串是不可修改的,其大小也不能改变。任何试图改变字符串长度获释修改
# 内容的行为实际上是创造了一个心的修改过的字符串而已
print 'this is a string'
print "this is a string" s='django is cool'
print words
print ' '.join(words)
print '::'.join(words)
print s.upper()
print s.upper().isupper()
print s.title()
print s.capitalize()
print s.count('o')
print s.find('go')
print s.startswith('python')
print s.replace('django','python')

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