Binding stores information about this node's position in the hardware graph.
This information is supplemental (more than is necessary to generate FIRRTL) and is used to
perform checks in Chisel, where more informative error messages are possible.
1. Data类的成员binding
a. binding基于另一个数据成员:_binding,这是一个Option类型;
b. getter: private[core] def binding = _binding.get
c. setter: protected def binding_=(target: Binding)
Scala的特性,名称如"binding_="的方法,可以直接使用“binding = xxx”的方式调用和赋值。
2. Data类中的topBinding
3. Data子类中的bind
1) Element中的bind方法
2) Aggregate中的bind方法
a. 调用"binding_="方法,赋值binding:binding = target
b. 把Aggregate中的数据成员也逐个进行绑定,其绑定是Aggregate的子绑定

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