Installing Virtual Box and Windows XP SP3 during Fedora 21
The first step:Download and Install Virtual Box
The first method:
Download address:;
According to system, we click onVirtualBox 4.3.20 for Linux hosts, and then downloading Fedora 18 ("Spherical Cow") / 19 ("Schrödingers Cat") i386.
This is a rpm file, so we install it by rpm command, for example, sudo rpm -i VirtualBox-4.3-4.3.20_96996_fedora18-1.i686.rpm.
Secondly, we should install kernel-headers, kernel-devel and dkms by inputting sudo yum install kernel-headers kernel-devel dkms.
And then, we should update our system by inputting sudo yum update.
Finally, we input sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup. 
The second method:
In terminal, inputting sudo yum install VirtualBox to download and install virtual box.
Secondly, we should install kernel-headers, kernel-devel and dkms by inputting sudo yum install kernel-headers kernel-devel dkms.
And then, we should update our system by inputting sudo yum update.
Finally, we input sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup. 
The second step:Download and install Oracle Vm VirtulBox Extension Pack
Download address:
Please select the lastest version.
Opening virtual box, clicking on file-> Preference->Extensions->Add Package, selecting Oracle Vm VirtulBox Extension Pack, Finally clicking on ok button;
The third step:Download and Install Windows XP SP3
Firstly, Download address:, clicking on 操作系统->Windows XP ->英文->Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 3 (x86) - CD (English) 
Opening VirtualBox, and then:
Setting RAM to 1G.

Setting size to 50G.

Setting CPUs to 4 processors.

Selecting Windows XP(32bit).iso.
Finally, clicking on Start button.
The fourth step:Configuring the sound card driver
Download address:
After downloading, changing the's suffix to .ISO, and then loading it by clicking on cd/dvd.
Opening Device Manger, uninstall the current sound card driver, and then reboot system.

The fiveth step:Configuring Language
Opening control panel, selecting Date,Time,Language,and Regional Options, clicking on Add other languages, selecting.


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