
Setting up routes

It is assumed that you are using a framework that has preconfigured Routes for you. In Pylons, you define your routes in the make_map function in your myapp/config/routing.py module. Here is a typical configuration

from routes import Mapper
map = Mapper()
map.connect(None, "/error/{action}/{id}", controller="error")
map.connect("home", "/", controller="main", action="index")
map.connect(None, "/{controller}/{action}")
map.connect(None, "/{controller}/{action}/{id}")

Lines 1 and 2 create a mapper.

Line 3 matches any three-component route that starts with “/error”, and sets the “controller” variable to a constant, so that a URL “/error/images/arrow.jpg” would produce:

{"controller": "error", "action": "images", "id": "arrow.jpg"}

Line 4 matches the single URL “/”, and sets both the controller and action to constants. It also has a route name “home”, which can be used in generation. (The other routes have None instead of a name, so they don’t have names. It’s recommended to name all routes that may be used in generation, but it’s not necessary to name other routes.)

Line 6 matches any two-component URL, and line 7 matches any 3-component URL. These are used as catchall routes if we’re too lazy to define a separate route for every action. If you have defined a route for every action, you can delete these two routes.

Note that a URL “/error/images/arrow.jpg” could match both line 3 and line 7. The mapper resolves this by trying routes in the order defined, so this URL would match line 3.

If no routes match the URL, the mapper returns a “match failed” condition, which is seen in Pylons as HTTP 404 “Not Found”.

Here are some more examples of valid routes:

m.connect("/feeds/{category}/atom.xml", controller="feeds", action="atom")
m.connect("history", "/archives/by_eon/{century}", controller="archives",
m.connect("article", "/article/{section}/{slug}/{page}.html",
controller="article", action="view")

Extra variables may be any Python type, not just strings. However, if the route is used in generation, str() will be called on the value unless the generation call specifies an overriding value.

Other argument syntaxes are allowed for compatibility with earlier versions of Routes. These are described in the Backward Compatibility section.

Route paths should always begin with a slash (“/”). Earlier versions of Routes allowed slashless paths, but their behavior now is undefined.

RESTful services

Routes makes it easy to configure RESTful web services. map.resource creates a set of add/modify/delete routes conforming to the Atom publishing protocol.

A resource route addresses members in a collection, and the collection itself. Normally a collection is a plural word, and a member is the corresponding singular word. For instance, consider a collection of messages:

Resource options

The map.resource method recognizes a number of keyword args which modifies its behavior:


Use the specified controller rather than deducing it from the collection name.


Additional URLs to allow for the collection. Example:

map.resource("message", "messages", collection={"rss": "GET"})
# "GET /message/rss" => ``Messages.rss()``.
# Defines a named route "rss_messages".


Additional URLs to allow for a member. Example:

map.resource('message', 'messages', member={'mark':'POST'})
# "POST /message/1/mark" => ``Messages.mark(1)``
# also adds named route "mark_message"

This can be used to display a delete confirmation form:

map.resource("message", "messages", member={"ask_delete": "GET"}
# "GET /message/1/ask_delete" => ``Messages.ask_delete(1)``.
# Also adds a named route "ask_delete_message".


Additional URLs to allow for new-member functionality.

map.resource("message", "messages", new={"preview": "POST"})
# "POST /messages/new/preview"


Prepend the specified prefix to all URL patterns. The prefix may include path variables. This is mainly used to nest resources within resources.


Prefix the specified string to all route names. This is most often combined with path_prefix to nest resources:

map.resource("message", "messages", controller="categories",
# GET /category/7/message/1
# Adds named route "category_message"


A dict containing information about the parent resource, for creating a nested resource. It should contain the member_name and collection_name of the parent resource. This dict will be available via the associated Route object which can be accessed during a request via request.environ["routes.route"].

If parent_resource is supplied and path_prefix isn’t, path_prefix will be generated from parent_resource as “<parent collection name>/:<parent member name>_id”.

If parent_resource is supplied and name_prefix isn’t, name_prefix will be generated from parent_resource as “<parent member name>_”.


>>> m = Mapper()
>>> m.resource('location', 'locations',
... parent_resource=dict(member_name='region',
... collection_name='regions'))
>>> # path_prefix is "regions/:region_id"
>>> # name prefix is "region_"
>>> url('region_locations', region_id=13)
>>> url('region_new_location', region_id=13)
>>> url('region_location', region_id=13, id=60)
>>> url('region_edit_location', region_id=13, id=60)
'/regions/13/locations/60/edit' Overriding generated path_prefix: >>> m = Mapper()
>>> m.resource('location', 'locations',
... parent_resource=dict(member_name='region',
... collection_name='regions'),
... path_prefix='areas/:area_id')
>>> # name prefix is "region_"
>>> url('region_locations', area_id=51)
'/areas/51/locations' Overriding generated name_prefix: >>> m = Mapper()
>>> m.resource('location', 'locations',
... parent_resource=dict(member_name='region',
... collection_name='regions'),
... name_prefix='')
>>> # path_prefix is "regions/:region_id"
>>> url('locations', region_id=51)
map.resource("message", "messages")

# The above command sets up several routes as if you had typed the
# following commands:
map.connect("messages", "/messages",
controller="messages", action="create",
map.connect("messages", "/messages",
controller="messages", action="index",
map.connect("formatted_messages", "/messages.{format}",
controller="messages", action="index",
map.connect("new_message", "/messages/new",
controller="messages", action="new",
map.connect("formatted_new_message", "/messages/new.{format}",
controller="messages", action="new",
controller="messages", action="update",
controller="messages", action="delete",
map.connect("edit_message", "/messages/{id}/edit",
controller="messages", action="edit",
map.connect("formatted_edit_message", "/messages/{id}.{format}/edit",
controller="messages", action="edit",
map.connect("message", "/messages/{id}",
controller="messages", action="show",
map.connect("formatted_message", "/messages/{id}.{format}",
controller="messages", action="show",

This establishes the following convention:

GET    /messages        => messages.index()    => url("messages")
POST /messages => messages.create() => url("messages")
GET /messages/new => messages.new() => url("new_message")
PUT /messages/1 => messages.update(id) => url("message", id=1)
DELETE /messages/1 => messages.delete(id) => url("message", id=1)
GET /messages/1 => messages.show(id) => url("message", id=1)
GET /messages/1/edit => messages.edit(id) => url("edit_message", id=1)

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