




  1. dotnet cli

  2. vue cli

  3. angular cli

  4. aws cli

  5. azure cli


  本文将使用.Net Core(版本3.1.102)编写一个CLI工具,实现配置管理以及条目(item)管理(调用WebApi实现),详情如下:




  1. 良好的语法设计

  2. 支持依赖注入

  3. 支持generic host



public class ItemsController : ControllerBase
private readonly IMemoryCache _cache;
private readonly string _key = "items"; public ItemsController(IMemoryCache memoryCache)
_cache = memoryCache;
} [HttpGet]
public IActionResult List()
var items = _cache.Get<List<Item>>(_key);
return Ok(items);
} [HttpGet("{id}")]
public IActionResult Get(string id)
var item = _cache.Get<List<Item>>(_key).FirstOrDefault(n => n.Id == id);
return Ok(item);
} [HttpPost]
public IActionResult Create(ItemForm form)
var items = _cache.Get<List<Item>>(_key) ?? new List<Item>(); var item = new Item
Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"),
Name = form.Name,
Age = form.Age
}; items.Add(item); _cache.Set(_key, items); return Ok(item);
} [HttpDelete("{id}")]
public IActionResult Delete(string id)
var items = _cache.Get<List<Item>>(_key); var item = items?.SingleOrDefault(n => n.Id == id);
if (item == null)
return NotFound();
} items.Remove(item);
_cache.Set(_key, items); return Ok();


  1. Program - 函数入口

[HelpOption(Inherited = true)] //显示指令帮助,并且让子指令也继承此设置
[Command(Description = "A tool to communicate with web api"), //指令描述
Subcommand(typeof(ConfigCommand), typeof(ItemCommand))] //子指令
class Program
public static int Main(string[] args)
var serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection(); serviceCollection.AddSingleton(PhysicalConsole.Singleton);
serviceCollection.AddSingleton<IConfigService, ConfigService>();
serviceCollection.AddHttpClient<IItemClient, ItemClient>(); var services = serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider(); var app = new CommandLineApplication<Program>();
.UseConstructorInjection(services); var console = (IConsole)services.GetService(typeof(IConsole)); try
return app.Execute(args);
catch (UnrecognizedCommandParsingException ex) //处理未定义指令
return -;

private int OnExecute(CommandLineApplication app, IConsole console)
console.WriteLine("Please specify a command.");
return ;

  2. ConfigCommand和ItemCommand - 实现的功能比较简单,主要是指令描述以及指定对应的子指令

[Command("config", Description = "Manage config"),
Subcommand(typeof(GetCommand), typeof(SetCommand))]
public class ConfigCommand
private int OnExecute(CommandLineApplication app, IConsole console)
console.Error.WriteLine("Please submit a sub command.");
return ;
} [Command("item", Description = "Manage item"),
Subcommand(typeof(CreateCommand), typeof(GetCommand), typeof(ListCommand), typeof(DeleteCommand))]
public class ItemCommand
private int OnExecute(CommandLineApplication app, IConsole console)
console.Error.WriteLine("Please submit a sub command.");
return ;

  3. ConfigService - 配置管理的具体实现,主要是文件读写

public interface IConfigService
void Set(); Config Get();
} public class ConfigService: IConfigService
private readonly IConsole _console;
private readonly string _directoryName;
private readonly string _fileName; public ConfigService(IConsole console)
_console = console;
_directoryName = ".api-cli";
_fileName = "config.json";
} public void Set()
var directory = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile), _directoryName);
if (!Directory.Exists(directory))
} var config = new Config
Endpoint = Prompt.GetString("Specify the endpoint:", "http://localhost:5000/")
}; if (!config.Endpoint.EndsWith("/"))
config.Endpoint += "/";
} var filePath = Path.Combine(directory, _fileName); using (var outputFile = new StreamWriter(filePath, false, Encoding.UTF8))
outputFile.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(config, Formatting.Indented));
_console.WriteLine($"Config saved in {filePath}.");
} public Config Get()
var filePath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile), _directoryName, _fileName); if (File.Exists(filePath))
var content = File.ReadAllText(filePath);
var config = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Config>(content);
return config;
_console.WriteLine("The config is invalid, please use 'config set' command to reset one.");
_console.WriteLine("Config is not existed, please use 'config set' command to set one.");
} return null;

  4. ItemClient - 调用Web Api的具体实现,使用HttpClientFactory的方式

public interface IItemClient
Task<string> Create(ItemForm form); Task<string> Get(string id); Task<string> List(); Task<string> Delete(string id);
} public class ItemClient : IItemClient
public HttpClient Client { get; } public ItemClient(HttpClient client, IConfigService configService)
var config = configService.Get();
if (config == null)
} client.BaseAddress = new Uri(config.Endpoint); Client = client;
} public async Task<string> Create(ItemForm form)
var content = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(form), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
var result = await Client.PostAsync("/api/items", content); if (result.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var stream = await result.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();
var item = Deserialize<Item>(stream);
return $"Item created, info:{item}";
} return "Error occur, please again later.";
} public async Task<string> Get(string id)
var result = await Client.GetAsync($"/api/items/{id}"); if (result.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var stream = await result.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();
var item = Deserialize<Item>(stream); var response = new StringBuilder();
response.AppendLine($"{"Id".PadRight(40, ' ')}{"Name".PadRight(20, ' ')}Age");
response.AppendLine($"{item.Id.PadRight(40, ' ')}{item.Name.PadRight(20, ' ')}{item.Age}");
return response.ToString();
} return "Error occur, please again later.";
} public async Task<string> List()
var result = await Client.GetAsync($"/api/items"); if (result.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var stream = await result.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();
var items = Deserialize<List<Item>>(stream); var response = new StringBuilder();
response.AppendLine($"{"Id".PadRight(40, ' ')}{"Name".PadRight(20, ' ')}Age"); if (items != null && items.Count > )
foreach (var item in items)
response.AppendLine($"{item.Id.PadRight(40, ' ')}{item.Name.PadRight(20, ' ')}{item.Age}");
} return response.ToString();
} return "Error occur, please again later.";
} public async Task<string> Delete(string id)
var result = await Client.DeleteAsync($"/api/items/{id}"); if (result.IsSuccessStatusCode)
return $"Item {id} deleted.";
} if (result.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
return $"Item {id} not found.";
} return "Error occur, please again later.";
} private static T Deserialize<T>(Stream stream)
using var reader = new JsonTextReader(new StreamReader(stream));
var serializer = new JsonSerializer();
return (T)serializer.Deserialize(reader, typeof(T));





  cd src/NetCoreCLI


  dotnet publish -c Release -r linux-x64 /p:PublishSingleFile=true


  dotnet publish -c Release -r win-x64 /p:PublishSingleFile=true


    dotnet publish -c Release -r osx-x64 /p:PublishSingleFile=true



  1. 以docker的方式启动web api


  2. 虚拟机上没有安装.net core的环境


  3. 把编译好的CLI工具拷贝到虚拟机上,授权并移动到PATH中(如果不移动,可以通过./api-cli的方式调用)

    sudo chmod +x api-cli #授权
sudo mv ./api-cli /usr/local/bin/api-cli #移动到PATH

  4. 设置配置文件:api-cli config set


  5. 查看配置文件:api-cli config get


  6. 创建条目:api-cli item create


  7. 条目列表:api-cli item list


  8. 获取条目:api-cli item get


  9. 删除条目:api-cli item delete


  10. 指令帮助:api-cli -h, api-cli config -h, api-cli item -h




  11. 错误指令:api-cli xxx







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