

运行:$DB2DIR/instance/db2icrt  -u db2fadm1 db2inst1

       Program name = db2idbm
Instance home dir = /db2inst1,   Sysadm group = db2iadm1
Instance type = 1,  Auth type = SERVER
DB21015E  The Command Line Processor backend process request queue or input 
queue was not created within the timeout period.
Update DBM cfg SYSADM_GROUP errcode = 8
DBI1281E The database manager configuration file could not be 
An error occurred when attempting to initialize the database 
manager configuration file. A DB2 instance could not be created 
or migrated.  
User Response: 
Refer to the log file for problem determination. Resolve the 
problem and try the command again. If the problem persists, 
please contact IBM Support.  
DBI1079I Output is saved in the log file /tmp/db2icrt.log.253978.  
All processed and failed operations have been saved into this log 
User Response: 
Do not modify this file in any way. This file is for IBM 
Technical Support reference.



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