May 27th 2017 Week 21st Saturday
I learned the value of hard work by working hard.
I remember in the movie, The Dark Knight Rises, there was one impressive line from the villain, that goes as following:
I learned here that there can be no true despair without hope.
This line was very, very impressive.
Actually, after years of frustrations and failures, after years of being behind to my peers, I feel that I can't change my situation to a upwards trends no matter what I have done.
And I grow into a pessimist, doubting that whether it is useful to work hard to make things better.
Maybe suffering can build character, maybe things would always get worse before they can get better.
I ever expected that I can be a big man who has power, wealth, and influence, however, as the time goes by, I find I even can't fulfill the basic responsiblities as a son, as a husband, as an employee.
Sometimes I thought it might be better to abandon myself and stop making any efforts.
But now that the God sent me to the world, then I must do something good to pay back.
Just do what is necessary, maybe the world hasn't closed all the doors for me.
Never explain, your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway.
From Elbert Hubbard.
If things went wrong or the results are not so good as we had expected, don't try to manufacture excuses for our misdeeds.
Sometimes we may successfully shrink from our responsibilities by seeking some excuses, but one day others will know the truth.
Facing bad results, all of us may have a choice: we can either make excuses or we can make progresses by figuring out where the problems lie in and correcting them.
The truth is that we can always do something to make up for our mistakes.
So, just begin with that. Even a little changes can make a big difference.
As for me, when I began to learn programming several years ago, I was good at solving problems linked with strings, but recently I found I lost the basic those basic skills.
People who originally had high expectation for me were totally disappointed.
I was quite low then, but I think I have some time, limited, to retrieve defeat.
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