

* iviewer Widget for jQuery UI
* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2012 Dmitry Petrov
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
* -
* -
* Author: Dmitry Petrov
* Version: 0.7.4
*/ ( function( $, undefined ) { //this code was taken from the
var mouseEvents = {
touchstart: 'mousedown',
touchmove: 'mousemove',
touchend: 'mouseup'
gesturesSupport = 'ongesturestart' in document.createElement('div'); /**
* Convert a touch event to a mouse-like
function makeMouseEvent (event) {
var touch = event.originalEvent.changedTouches[0]; return $.extend(event, {
type: mouseEvents[event.type],
which: 1,
pageX: touch.pageX,
pageY: touch.pageY,
screenX: touch.screenX,
screenY: touch.screenY,
clientX: touch.clientX,
clientY: touch.clientY,
isTouchEvent: true
} var mouseProto = $.ui.mouse.prototype,
_mouseInit = $.ui.mouse.prototype._mouseInit; mouseProto._mouseInit = function() {
var self = this;
self._touchActive = false; this.element.bind( 'touchstart.' + this.widgetName, function(event) {
if (gesturesSupport && event.originalEvent.touches.length > 1) { return; }
self._touchActive = true;
return self._mouseDown(makeMouseEvent(event));
}) var self = this;
// these delegates are required to keep context
this._mouseMoveDelegate = function(event) {
if (gesturesSupport && event.originalEvent.touches && event.originalEvent.touches.length > 1) { return; }
if (self._touchActive) {
return self._mouseMove(makeMouseEvent(event));
this._mouseUpDelegate = function(event) {
if (self._touchActive) {
self._touchActive = false;
return self._mouseUp(makeMouseEvent(event));
}; $(document)
.bind('touchmove.'+ this.widgetName, this._mouseMoveDelegate)
.bind('touchend.' + this.widgetName, this._mouseUpDelegate); _mouseInit.apply(this);
} /**
* Simple implementation of jQuery like getters/setters
* var val = something();
* something(val);
var setter = function(setter, getter) {
return function(val) {
if (arguments.length === 0) {
return getter.apply(this);
} else {
setter.apply(this, arguments);
}; /**
* Internet explorer rotates image relative left top corner, so we should
* shift image when it's rotated.
var ieTransforms = {
'0': {
marginLeft: 0,
marginTop: 0,
filter: 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=1, M12=0, M21=0, M22=1, SizingMethod="auto expand")'
}, '90': {
marginLeft: -1,
marginTop: 1,
filter: 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=0, M12=-1, M21=1, M22=0, SizingMethod="auto expand")'
}, '180': {
marginLeft: 0,
marginTop: 0,
filter: 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=-1, M12=0, M21=0, M22=-1, SizingMethod="auto expand")'
}, '270': {
marginLeft: -1,
marginTop: 1,
filter: 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=0, M12=1, M21=-1, M22=0, SizingMethod="auto expand")'
useIeTransforms = (jQuery.browser.msie && parseInt(jQuery.browser.version, 10) <= 8); $.widget( "ui.iviewer", $.ui.mouse, {
widgetEventPrefix: "iviewer",
options : {
* start zoom value for image, not used now
* may be equal to "fit" to fit image into container or scale in %
zoom: "fit",
* base value to scale image
zoom_base: 100,
* maximum zoom
zoom_max: 800,
* minimum zoom
zoom_min: 25,
* base of rate multiplier.
* zoom is calculated by formula: zoom_base * zoom_delta^rate
zoom_delta: 1.4,
* whether the zoom should be animated.
zoom_animation: true,
* if true plugin doesn't add its own controls
ui_disabled: false,
* If false mousewheel will be disabled
mousewheel: true,
* if false, plugin doesn't bind resize event on window and this must
* be handled manually
update_on_resize: true,
* event is triggered when zoom value is changed
* @param int new zoom value
* @return boolean if false zoom action is aborted
onZoom: jQuery.noop,
* event is triggered when zoom value is changed after image is set to the new dimensions
* @param int new zoom value
* @return boolean if false zoom action is aborted
onAfterZoom: jQuery.noop,
* event is fired on drag begin
* @param object coords mouse coordinates on the image
* @return boolean if false is returned, drag action is aborted
onStartDrag: jQuery.noop,
* event is fired on drag action
* @param object coords mouse coordinates on the image
onDrag: jQuery.noop,
* event is fired on drag stop
* @param object coords mouse coordinates on the image
onStopDrag: jQuery.noop,
* event is fired when mouse moves over image
* @param object coords mouse coordinates on the image
onMouseMove: jQuery.noop,
* mouse click event
* @param object coords mouse coordinates on the image
onClick: jQuery.noop,
* event is fired when image starts to load
onStartLoad: null,
* event is fired, when image is loaded and initially positioned
onFinishLoad: null
}, _create: function() {
var me = this; //drag variables
this.dx = 0;
this.dy = 0; /* object containing actual information about image
* @img_object.object - jquery img object
* @img_object.orig_{width|height} - original dimensions
* @img_object.display_{width|height} - actual dimensions
this.img_object = {}; this.zoom_object = {}; //object to show zoom status this._angle = 0; this.current_zoom = this.options.zoom; if(this.options.src === null){
} this.container = this.element; this._updateContainerInfo(); //init container
this.container.css("overflow","hidden"); if(this.options.update_on_resize == true)
} this.img_object = new $.ui.iviewer.ImageObject(this.options.zoom_animation); if (this.options.mousewheel) {
.mousewheel(function(ev, delta)
//this event is there instead of containing div, because
//at opera it triggers many times on div
var zoom = (delta > 0)?1:-1,
container_offset = me.container.offset(),
mouse_pos = {
x: ev.pageX - container_offset.left,
y: ev.pageY -
}; me.zoom_by(zoom, mouse_pos);
return false;
}); if (gesturesSupport) {
var gestureThrottle = +new Date();
var originalScale, originalCenter;
// .bind('gesturestart', function(ev) {
.bind('touchstart', function(ev) {
originalScale = me.current_zoom;
var touches = ev.originalEvent.touches,
if (touches.length == 2) {
container_offset = me.container.offset();
originalCenter = {
x: (touches[0].pageX + touches[1].pageX) / 2 - container_offset.left,
y: (touches[0].pageY + touches[1].pageY) / 2 -
} else {
originalCenter = null;
}).bind('gesturechange', function(ev) {
//do not want to import throttle function from underscore
var d = +new Date();
if ((d - gestureThrottle) < 50) { return; }
gestureThrottle = d;
var zoom = originalScale * ev.originalEvent.scale;
me.set_zoom(zoom, originalCenter);
}).bind('gestureend', function(ev) {
originalCenter = null;
} //init object
//bind mouse events
.click(function(e){return me._click(e)})
.prependTo(this.container); this.container.bind('mousemove', function(ev) { me._handleMouseMove(ev); }); this.loadImage(this.options.src); if(!this.options.ui_disabled)
} this._mouseInit();
}, destroy: function() {
}, _updateContainerInfo: function()
this.options.height = this.container.height();
this.options.width = this.container.width();
}, loadImage: function( src )
this.current_zoom = this.options.zoom;
var me = this; this._trigger('onStartLoad', 0, src); this.container.addClass("iviewer_loading");
this.img_object.load(src, function() {
}, _imageLoaded: function(src) {
this.container.addClass("iviewer_cursor"); if(this.options.zoom == "fit"){;
else {
this.set_zoom(this.options.zoom, true);
} this._trigger('onFinishLoad', 0, src);
}, /**
* fits image in the container
* @param {boolean} skip_animation
fit: function(skip_animation)
var aspect_ratio = this.img_object.orig_width() / this.img_object.orig_height();
var window_ratio = this.options.width / this.options.height;
var choose_left = (aspect_ratio > window_ratio);
var new_zoom = 0; if(choose_left){
new_zoom = this.options.width / this.img_object.orig_width() * 100;
else {
new_zoom = this.options.height / this.img_object.orig_height() * 100;
} this.set_zoom(new_zoom, skip_animation);
}, /**
* center image in container
center: function()
this.setCoords(-Math.round((this.img_object.display_width() - this.options.width)/2),
-Math.round((this.img_object.display_height() - this.options.height)/2));
}, /**
* move a point in container to the center of display area
* @param x a point in container
* @param y a point in container
moveTo: function(x, y)
var dx = x-Math.round(this.options.width/2);
var dy = y-Math.round(this.options.height/2); var new_x = this.img_object.x() - dx;
var new_y = this.img_object.y() - dy; this.setCoords(new_x, new_y);
}, /**
* Get container offset object.
getContainerOffset: function() {
return jQuery.extend({}, this.container.offset());
}, /**
* set coordinates of upper left corner of image object
setCoords: function(x,y)
//do nothing while image is being loaded
if(!this.img_object.loaded()) { return; } var coords = this._correctCoords(x,y);
}, _correctCoords: function( x, y )
x = parseInt(x, 10);
y = parseInt(y, 10); //check new coordinates to be correct (to be in rect)
if(y > 0){
y = 0;
if(x > 0){
x = 0;
if(y + this.img_object.display_height() < this.options.height){
y = this.options.height - this.img_object.display_height();
if(x + this.img_object.display_width() < this.options.width){
x = this.options.width - this.img_object.display_width();
if(this.img_object.display_width() <= this.options.width){
x = -(this.img_object.display_width() - this.options.width)/2;
if(this.img_object.display_height() <= this.options.height){
y = -(this.img_object.display_height() - this.options.height)/2;
} return { x: x, y:y };
}, /**
* convert coordinates on the container to the coordinates on the image (in original size)
* @return object with fields x,y according to coordinates or false
* if initial coords are not inside image
containerToImage : function (x,y)
var coords = { x : x - this.img_object.x(),
y : y - this.img_object.y()
}; coords = this.img_object.toOriginalCoords(coords); return { x : util.descaleValue(coords.x, this.current_zoom),
y : util.descaleValue(coords.y, this.current_zoom)
}, /**
* convert coordinates on the image (in original size, and zero angle) to the coordinates on the container
* @return object with fields x,y according to coordinates
imageToContainer : function (x,y)
var coords = {
x : util.scaleValue(x, this.current_zoom),
y : util.scaleValue(y, this.current_zoom)
}; return this.img_object.toRealCoords(coords);
}, /**
* get mouse coordinates on the image
* @param e - object containing pageX and pageY fields, e.g. mouse event object
* @return object with fields x,y according to coordinates or false
* if initial coords are not inside image
_getMouseCoords : function(e)
var containerOffset = this.container.offset();
coords = this.containerToImage(e.pageX - containerOffset.left, e.pageY -; return coords;
}, /**
* set image scale to the new_zoom
* @param {number} new_zoom image scale in %
* @param {boolean} skip_animation
* @param {x: number, y: number} Coordinates of point the should not be moved on zoom. The default is the center of image.
set_zoom: function(new_zoom, skip_animation, zoom_center)
if (this._trigger('onZoom', 0, new_zoom) == false) {
} //do nothing while image is being loaded
if(!this.img_object.loaded()) { return; } zoom_center = zoom_center || {
x: Math.round(this.options.width/2),
y: Math.round(this.options.height/2)
} if(new_zoom < this.options.zoom_min)
new_zoom = this.options.zoom_min;
else if(new_zoom > this.options.zoom_max)
new_zoom = this.options.zoom_max;
} /* we fake these values to make fit zoom properly work */
if(this.current_zoom == "fit")
var old_x = zoom_center.x + Math.round(this.img_object.orig_width()/2);
var old_y = zoom_center.y + Math.round(this.img_object.orig_height()/2);
this.current_zoom = 100;
else {
var old_x = -this.img_object.x() + zoom_center.x;
var old_y = -this.img_object.y() + zoom_center.y
} var new_width = util.scaleValue(this.img_object.orig_width(), new_zoom);
var new_height = util.scaleValue(this.img_object.orig_height(), new_zoom);
var new_x = util.scaleValue( util.descaleValue(old_x, this.current_zoom), new_zoom);
var new_y = util.scaleValue( util.descaleValue(old_y, this.current_zoom), new_zoom); new_x = zoom_center.x - new_x;
new_y = zoom_center.y - new_y; new_width = Math.floor(new_width);
new_height = Math.floor(new_height);
new_x = Math.floor(new_x);
new_y = Math.floor(new_y); this.img_object.display_width(new_width);
this.img_object.display_height(new_height); var coords = this._correctCoords( new_x, new_y ),
self = this; this.img_object.setImageProps(new_width, new_height, coords.x, coords.y,
skip_animation, function() {
self._trigger('onAfterZoom', 0, new_zoom );
this.current_zoom = new_zoom; this.update_status();
}, /**
* changes zoom scale by delta
* zoom is calculated by formula: zoom_base * zoom_delta^rate
* @param Integer delta number to add to the current multiplier rate number
* @param {x: number, y: number=} Coordinates of point the should not be moved on zoom.
zoom_by: function(delta, zoom_center)
var closest_rate = this.find_closest_zoom_rate(this.current_zoom); var next_rate = closest_rate + delta;
var next_zoom = this.options.zoom_base * Math.pow(this.options.zoom_delta, next_rate)
if(delta > 0 && next_zoom < this.current_zoom)
next_zoom *= this.options.zoom_delta;
} if(delta < 0 && next_zoom > this.current_zoom)
next_zoom /= this.options.zoom_delta;
} this.set_zoom(next_zoom, undefined, zoom_center);
}, /**
* Rotate image
* @param {num} deg Degrees amount to rotate. Positive values rotate image clockwise.
* Currently 0, 90, 180, 270 and -90, -180, -270 values are supported
* @param {boolean} abs If the flag is true if, the deg parameter will be considered as
* a absolute value and relative otherwise.
* @return {num|null} Method will return current image angle if called without any arguments.
angle: function(deg, abs) {
if (arguments.length === 0) { return this.img_object.angle(); } if (deg < -270 || deg > 270 || deg % 90 !== 0) { return; }
if (!abs) { deg += this.img_object.angle(); }
if (deg < 0) { deg += 360; }
if (deg >= 360) { deg -= 360; } if (deg === this.img_object.angle()) { return; } this.img_object.angle(deg);
//the rotate behavior is different in all editors. For now we just center the
//image. However, it will be better to try to keep the position.;
this._trigger('angle', 0, { angle: this.img_object.angle() });
}, /**
* finds closest multiplier rate for value
* basing on zoom_base and zoom_delta values from settings
* @param Number value zoom value to examine
find_closest_zoom_rate: function(value)
if(value == this.options.zoom_base)
return 0;
} function div(val1,val2) { return val1 / val2 };
function mul(val1,val2) { return val1 * val2 }; var func = (value > this.options.zoom_base)?mul:div;
var sgn = (value > this.options.zoom_base)?1:-1; var mltplr = this.options.zoom_delta;
var rate = 1; while(Math.abs(func(this.options.zoom_base, Math.pow(mltplr,rate)) - value) >
Math.abs(func(this.options.zoom_base, Math.pow(mltplr,rate+1)) - value))
} return sgn * rate;
}, /* update scale info in the container */
update_status: function()
var percent = Math.round(100*this.img_object.display_height()/this.img_object.orig_height());
this.zoom_object.html(percent + "%");
}, /**
* Get some information about the image.
* Currently orig_(width|height), display_(width|height), angle, zoom and src params are supported.
* @param {string} parameter to check
* @param {boolean} withoutRotation if param is orig_width or orig_height and this flag is set to true,
* method will return original image width without considering rotation.
info: function(param, withoutRotation) {
if (!param) { return; } switch (param) {
case 'orig_width':
case 'orig_height':
if (withoutRotation) {
return (this.img_object.angle() % 180 === 0 ? this.img_object[param]() :
param === 'orig_width' ? this.img_object.orig_height() :
} else {
return this.img_object[param]();
case 'display_width':
case 'display_height':
case 'angle':
return this.img_object[param]();
case 'zoom':
return this.current_zoom;
case 'src':
return this.img_object.object().attr('src');
case 'coords':
return {
x: this.img_object.x(),
y: this.img_object.y()
}, /**
* callback for handling mousdown event to start dragging image
_mouseStart: function( e )
$, e);
if (this._trigger('onStartDrag', 0, this._getMouseCoords(e)) === false) {
return false;
} /* start drag event*/
this.container.addClass("iviewer_drag_cursor"); //#10: fix movement quirks for ipad
this._dragInitialized = !(e.originalEvent.changedTouches && e.originalEvent.changedTouches.length==1); this.dx = e.pageX - this.img_object.x();
this.dy = e.pageY - this.img_object.y();
return true;
}, _mouseCapture: function( e ) {
return true;
}, /**
* Handle mouse move if needed. User can avoid using this callback, because
* he can get the same information through public methods.
* @param {jQuery.Event} e
_handleMouseMove: function(e) {
this._trigger('onMouseMove', e, this._getMouseCoords(e));
}, /**
* callback for handling mousemove event to drag image
_mouseDrag: function(e)
$, e); //#10: imitate mouseStart, because we can get here without it on iPad for some reason
if (!this._dragInitialized) {
this.dx = e.pageX - this.img_object.x();
this.dy = e.pageY - this.img_object.y();
this._dragInitialized = true;
} var ltop = e.pageY - this.dy;
var lleft = e.pageX - this.dx; this.setCoords(lleft, ltop);
this._trigger('onDrag', e, this._getMouseCoords(e));
return false;
}, /**
* callback for handling stop drag
_mouseStop: function(e)
$, e);
this._trigger('onStopDrag', 0, this._getMouseCoords(e));
}, _click: function(e)
this._trigger('onClick', 0, this._getMouseCoords(e));
}, /**
* create zoom buttons info box
createui: function()
var me=this; $("<div>", { 'class': "iviewer_zoom_in iviewer_common iviewer_button"})
.bind('mousedown touchstart',function(){me.zoom_by(1); return false;})
.appendTo(this.container); $("<div>", { 'class': "iviewer_zoom_out iviewer_common iviewer_button"})
.bind('mousedown touchstart',function(){me.zoom_by(- 1); return false;})
.appendTo(this.container); $("<div>", { 'class': "iviewer_zoom_zero iviewer_common iviewer_button"})
.bind('mousedown touchstart',function(){me.set_zoom(100); return false;})
.appendTo(this.container); $("<div>", { 'class': "iviewer_zoom_fit iviewer_common iviewer_button"})
.bind('mousedown touchstart',function(){; return false;})
.appendTo(this.container); this.zoom_object = $("<div>").addClass("iviewer_zoom_status iviewer_common")
.appendTo(this.container); $("<div>", { 'class': "iviewer_rotate_left iviewer_common iviewer_button"})
.bind('mousedown touchstart',function(){me.angle(-90); return false;})
.appendTo(this.container); $("<div>", { 'class': "iviewer_rotate_right iviewer_common iviewer_button" })
.bind('mousedown touchstart',function(){me.angle(90); return false;})
.appendTo(this.container); this.update_status(); //initial status update
} } ); /**
* @class $.ui.iviewer.ImageObject Class represents image and provides public api without
* extending image prototype.
* @constructor
* @param {boolean} do_anim Do we want to animate image on dimension changes?
$.ui.iviewer.ImageObject = function(do_anim) {
this._img = $("<img>")
//this is needed, because chromium sets them auto otherwise
.css({ position: "absolute", top :"0px", left: "0px"}); this._loaded = false;
this._swapDimensions = false;
this._do_anim = do_anim || false;
this.x(0, true);
this.y(0, true);
}; /** @lends $.ui.iviewer.ImageObject.prototype */
(function() {
* Restore initial object state.
* @param {number} w Image width.
* @param {number} h Image height.
this._reset = function(w, h) {
this._angle = 0;
this._swapDimensions = false;
this.y(0); this.orig_width(w);
}; /**
* Check if image is loaded.
* @return {boolean}
this.loaded = function() { return this._loaded; }; /**
* Load image.
* @param {string} src Image url.
* @param {Function=} loaded Function will be called on image load.
this.load = function(src, loaded) {
var self = this; loaded = loaded || jQuery.noop;
this._loaded = false; //If we assign new image url to the this._img IE9 fires onload event and image width and
//height are set to zero. So, we create another image object and load image through it.
var img = new Image();
img.onload = function() {
self._loaded = true;
self._reset(this.width, this.height); self._img
//max-width is reset, because plugin breaks in the twitter bootstrap otherwise
.css({ position: "absolute", top :"0px", left: "0px", maxWidth: "none"}) self._img[0].src = src;
}; img.src = src;
}; this._dimension = function(prefix, name) {
var horiz = '_' + prefix + '_' + name,
vert = '_' + prefix + '_' + (name === 'height' ? 'width' : 'height');
return setter(function(val) {
this[this._swapDimensions ? horiz: vert] = val;
function() {
return this[this._swapDimensions ? horiz: vert];
}; /**
* Getters and setter for common image dimensions.
* display_ means real image tag dimensions
* orig_ means physical image dimensions.
* Note, that dimensions are swapped if image is rotated. It necessary,
* because as little as possible code should know about rotation.
this.display_width = this._dimension('display', 'width'),
this.display_height = this._dimension('display', 'height'),
this.display_diff = function() { return Math.floor( this.display_width() - this.display_height() ) };
this.orig_width = this._dimension('orig', 'width'),
this.orig_height = this._dimension('orig', 'height'), /**
* Setter for X coordinate. If image is rotated we need to additionaly shift an
* image to map image coordinate to the visual position.
* @param {number} val Coordinate value.
* @param {boolean} skipCss If true, we only set the value and do not touch the dom.
this.x = setter(function(val, skipCss) {
this._x = val;
if (!skipCss) {
this._img.css("left",this._x + (this._swapDimensions ? this.display_diff() / 2 : 0) + "px");
function() {
return this._x;
}); /**
* Setter for Y coordinate. If image is rotated we need to additionaly shift an
* image to map image coordinate to the visual position.
* @param {number} val Coordinate value.
* @param {boolean} skipCss If true, we only set the value and do not touch the dom.
this.y = setter(function(val, skipCss) {
this._y = val;
if (!skipCss) {
this._img.css("top",this._y - (this._swapDimensions ? this.display_diff() / 2 : 0) + "px");
function() {
return this._y;
}); /**
* Perform image rotation.
* @param {number} deg Absolute image angle. The method will work with values 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees.
this.angle = setter(function(deg) {
var prevSwap = this._swapDimensions; this._angle = deg;
this._swapDimensions = deg % 180 !== 0; if (prevSwap !== this._swapDimensions) {
var verticalMod = this._swapDimensions ? -1 : 1;
this.x(this.x() - verticalMod * this.display_diff() / 2, true);
this.y(this.y() + verticalMod * this.display_diff() / 2, true);
}; var cssVal = 'rotate(' + deg + 'deg)',
img = this._img; jQuery.each(['', '-webkit-', '-moz-', '-o-', '-ms-'], function(i, prefix) {
img.css(prefix + 'transform', cssVal);
}); if (useIeTransforms) {
jQuery.each(['-ms-', ''], function(i, prefix) {
img.css(prefix + 'filter', ieTransforms[deg].filter);
}); img.css({
marginLeft: ieTransforms[deg].marginLeft * this.display_diff() / 2,
marginTop: ieTransforms[deg].marginTop * this.display_diff() / 2
function() { return this._angle; }); /**
* Map point in the container coordinates to the point in image coordinates.
* You will get coordinates of point on image with respect to rotation,
* but will be set as if image was not rotated.
* So, if image was rotated 90 degrees, it's (0,0) point will be on the
* top right corner.
* @param {{x: number, y: number}} point Point in container coordinates.
* @return {{x: number, y: number}}
this.toOriginalCoords = function(point) {
switch (this.angle()) {
case 0: return { x: point.x, y: point.y }
case 90: return { x: point.y, y: this.display_width() - point.x }
case 180: return { x: this.display_width() - point.x, y: this.display_height() - point.y }
case 270: return { x: this.display_height() - point.y, y: point.x }
}; /**
* Map point in the image coordinates to the point in container coordinates.
* You will get coordinates of point on container with respect to rotation.
* Note, if image was rotated 90 degrees, it's (0,0) point will be on the
* top right corner.
* @param {{x: number, y: number}} point Point in container coordinates.
* @return {{x: number, y: number}}
this.toRealCoords = function(point) {
switch (this.angle()) {
case 0: return { x: this.x() + point.x, y: this.y() + point.y }
case 90: return { x: this.x() + this.display_width() - point.y, y: this.y() + point.x}
case 180: return { x: this.x() + this.display_width() - point.x, y: this.y() + this.display_height() - point.y}
case 270: return { x: this.x() + point.y, y: this.y() + this.display_height() - point.x}
}; /**
* @return {jQuery} Return image node. this is needed to add event handlers.
this.object = setter(jQuery.noop,
function() { return this._img; }); /**
* Change image properties.
* @param {number} disp_w Display width;
* @param {number} disp_h Display height;
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @param {boolean} skip_animation If true, the animation will be skiped despite the
* value set in constructor.
* @param {Function=} complete Call back will be fired when zoom will be complete.
this.setImageProps = function(disp_w, disp_h, x, y, skip_animation, complete) {
complete = complete || jQuery.noop; this.display_width(disp_w);
this.x(x, true);
this.y(y, true); var w = this._swapDimensions ? disp_h : disp_w;
var h = this._swapDimensions ? disp_w : disp_h; var params = {
width: w,
height: h,
top: y - (this._swapDimensions ? this.display_diff() / 2 : 0) + "px",
left: x + (this._swapDimensions ? this.display_diff() / 2 : 0) + "px"
}; if (useIeTransforms) {
jQuery.extend(params, {
marginLeft: ieTransforms[this.angle()].marginLeft * this.display_diff() / 2,
marginTop: ieTransforms[this.angle()].marginTop * this.display_diff() / 2
} var swapDims = this._swapDimensions,
img = this._img; //here we come: another IE oddness. If image is rotated 90 degrees with a filter, than
//width and height getters return real width and height of rotated image. The bad news
//is that to set height you need to set a width and vice versa. Fuck IE.
//So, in this case we have to animate width and height manually.
if(useIeTransforms && swapDims) {
var ieh = this._img.width(),
iew = this._img.height(),
iedh = params.height - ieh;
iedw = params.width - iew; delete params.width;
delete params.height;
} if (this._do_anim && !skip_animation) {
.animate(params, {
duration: 200,
complete: complete,
step: function(now, fx) {
if(useIeTransforms && swapDims && (fx.prop === 'top')) {
var percent = (now - fx.start) / (fx.end - fx.start); img.height(ieh + iedh * percent);
img.width(iew + iedw * percent);
img.css('top', now);
} else {
setTimeout(complete, 0); //both if branches should behave equally.
}; }).apply($.ui.iviewer.ImageObject.prototype); var util = {
scaleValue: function(value, toZoom)
return value * toZoom / 100;
}, descaleValue: function(value, fromZoom)
return value * 100 / fromZoom;
}; } )( jQuery, undefined );
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>jquery.iviewer test</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js" ></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jqueryui.js" ></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.mousewheel.min.js" ></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.iviewer.js" ></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var $ = jQuery;
var iv1 = $("#viewer").iviewer({
src: "test_image.jpg",
update_on_resize: false,
zoom_animation: false,
mousewheel: false,
onMouseMove: function(ev, coords) { },
onStartDrag: function(ev, coords) { return false; }, //this image will not be dragged
onDrag: function(ev, coords) { }
}); $("#in").click(function(){ iv1.iviewer('zoom_by', 1); });
$("#out").click(function(){ iv1.iviewer('zoom_by', -1); });
$("#fit").click(function(){ iv1.iviewer('fit'); });
$("#orig").click(function(){ iv1.iviewer('set_zoom', 100); });
$("#update").click(function(){ iv1.iviewer('update_container_info'); }); var iv2 = $("#viewer2").iviewer(
src: "test_image2.jpg"
}); $("#chimg").click(function()
iv2.iviewer('loadImage', "test_image.jpg");
return false;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery.iviewer.css" />
width: 50%;
height: 500px;
border: 1px solid black;
position: relative;
} .wrapper
overflow: hidden;
<h1>JQuery.iviewer test</h1>
<!-- wrapper div is needed for opera because it shows scroll bars for reason -->
<div class="wrapper">
<a id="in" href="#">+</a>
<a id="out" href="#">-</a>
<a id="fit" href="#">fit</a>
<a id="orig" href="#">orig</a>
<a id="update" href="#">update</a>
<div id="viewer" class="viewer"></div>
<br />
<div id="viewer2" class="viewer"></div>
<br />
<p><a href="#" id="chimg">Change Image</a></p>



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