微软职位内部推荐-ATG Engineer II
ATG Engineer - Generalist
Ready to work on some of the most advanced hardware on the planet and solve mind-bending game development problems on a daily basis? The Advanced Technology Group (ATG) provides consulting services that range from deep performance analysis to advanced code samples and white papers that enable game developers around the world to create cutting edge titles for Microsoft platforms. We are seeking a Software Development Engineer with deep technical expertise in CPU and GPU performance as well as significant game development experience overall. You can be a key part of making Microsoft gaming platforms - including Xbox One, Xbox Live, Kinect, Xbox 360, Windows, and future offerings - a success.
Primary responsibilities include working directly with game developers to understand and address their technical problems, both in 1:1 settings and via our forums system; researching and developing incubations, samples, and white papers that illustrate advanced techniques; and collaborating with the Xbox, Xbox Live, and core OS software and services teams on both new features and optimizations. Other responsibilities include establishing strong engineering practices, driving technical issues raised by both Microsoft Studios and external game developers with the appropriate teams across Microsoft, working closely with the Developer Account Management (DAM) group, understanding the business needs of the platform, and speaking at game developer conferences.
• 3+ yrs related work experience
• Experience in one or more of the following: CPU performance tuning on one or more platforms; C/C++ compiler architecture; assembly languages; GPU performance; advanced visual techniques; compute shader and other advanced GPGPU
• Experience in development role for games on Xbox One, Xbox 360, Windows PC, Windows Phone, and/or other consoles or mobile platforms
• Past accomplishments in areas of problem solving, presentation skills and effective one-on-one and one-to-many communication are key to success in this role
• The job entails some travel, typically four or five trips (typically of
• Experience in any the following areas is a plus: Networking and Xbox Live, Direct3D 11, game audio, Kinect, digital signal processing, and 3D graphics
Microsoft is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion, national origin, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, genetic information, or any other protected status.
Microsoft is an equal opportunity employer and supports workforce diversity.
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