业务系统需要收集监控系统日志,想到了hadoop的flume。经过试验,虽说功能不算足够强大,但基本上能够满足功能需求。Flume 是一个分布式、可靠和高可用的服务日志收集工具,能够和hadoop,hive等配置完成日志收集,存储,分析处理等工作,更详细的介绍可以参见apache网站。下面介绍下简单的安装配置方法

1,网上下载flume-ng安装包,分别部署在收集和接收日志文件的服务器上,服务器上需安装jdk 1.6以上,
tar -zxvf apache-flume-1.3.0-bin.tar.gz
2, 日志文件接收端端新建conf/ server端的具体配置如下

从avro source端接收数据,然后写入到HDFS文件系统中

  1. [flume@ conf]$ cat
  2. agent.sources = avrosrc
  3. agent.channels = memoryChanne3
  4. agent.sinks = hdfsSink
  5. # For each one of the sources, the type is defined
  6. agent.sources.avrosrc.type = avro
  7. agent.sources.avrosrc.bind =
  8. agent.sources.avrosrc.port = 44444
  9. # The channel can be defined as follows.
  10. agent.sources.avrosrc.channels = memoryChanne3
  11. # Each channel's type is defined.
  12. agent.channels.memoryChanne3.type = memory
  13. agent.channels.memoryChanne3.keep-alive = 10
  14. agent.channels.memoryChanne3.capacity = 100000
  15. agent.channels.memoryChanne3.transactionCapacity =100000
  16. # Each sink's type must be defined
  17. agent.sinks.hdfsSink.type = hdfs
  18. = memoryChanne3
  19. agent.sinks.hdfsSink.hdfs.path = /logdata/%{hostname}_linux/%Y%m%d_date
  20. agent.sinks.hdfsSink.hdfs.filePrefix = %{datacenter}_
  21. agent.sinks.hdfsSink.hdfs.rollInterval = 0
  22. agent.sinks.hdfsSink.hdfs.rollSize = 4000000
  23. agent.sinks.hdfsSink.hdfs.rollCount = 0
  24. agent.sinks.hdfsSink.hdfs.writeFormat = Text
  25. agent.sinks.hdfsSink.hdfs.fileType = DataStream
  26. agent.sinks.hdfsSink.hdfs.batchSize = 10


3,日志收集端的conf/ server文件配置,这里收集二个日志文件到收集端

  1. agent.sources = tailsource-1 tailsource-2
  2. agent.channels = memoryChannel-1 memoryChannel-2
  3. agent.sinks = remotesink remotesink-2
  4. agent.sources.tailsource-1.type = exec
  5. agent.sources.tailsource-1.command = tail -F /tmp/linux2.log
  6. agent.sources.tailsource-1.channels = memoryChannel-1
  7. agent.sources.tailsource-2.type = exec
  8. agent.sources.tailsource-2.command = tail -F /tmp/linux2_2.log
  9. agent.sources.tailsource-2.channels = memoryChannel-2
  10. agent.sources.tailsource-1.interceptors = host_int timestamp_int inter1
  11. agent.sources.tailsource-1.interceptors.host_int.type = host
  12. agent.sources.tailsource-1.interceptors.host_int.hostHeader = hostname
  13. agent.sources.tailsource-1.interceptors.timestamp_int.type = org.apache.flume.interceptor.TimestampInterceptor$Builder
  14. #agent.sources.tailsource-1.interceptors = inter1
  15. agent.sources.tailsource-1.interceptors.inter1.type = static
  16. agent.sources.tailsource-1.interceptors.inter1.key = datacenter
  17. agent.sources.tailsource-1.interceptors.inter1.value = BEIJING
  18. agent.sources.tailsource-2.interceptors = host_int timestamp_int inter1
  19. agent.sources.tailsource-2.interceptors.host_int.type = host
  20. agent.sources.tailsource-2.interceptors.host_int.hostHeader = hostname
  21. agent.sources.tailsource-2.interceptors.timestamp_int.type = org.apache.flume.interceptor.TimestampInterceptor$Builder
  22. #agent.sources.tailsource-1.interceptors = inter1
  23. agent.sources.tailsource-2.interceptors.inter1.type = static
  24. agent.sources.tailsource-2.interceptors.inter1.key = datacenter
  25. agent.sources.tailsource-2.interceptors.inter1.value = linux2_2
  26. agent.channels.memoryChannel-1.type = memory
  27. agent.channels.memoryChannel-1.keep-alive = 10
  28. agent.channels.memoryChannel-1.capacity = 100000
  29. agent.channels.memoryChannel-1.transactionCapacity =100000
  30. agent.channels.memoryChannel-2.type = memory
  31. agent.channels.memoryChannel-2.keep-alive = 10
  32. agent.channels.memoryChannel-2.capacity = 100000
  33. agent.channels.memoryChannel-2.transactionCapacity =100000
  34. agent.sinks.remotesink.type = avro
  35. agent.sinks.remotesink.hostname =
  36. agent.sinks.remotesink.port = 44444
  37. = memoryChannel-1
  38. agent.sinks.remotesink-2.type = avro
  39. agent.sinks.remotesink-2.hostname =
  40. agent.sinks.remotesink-2.port = 44444
  41. = memoryChannel-2

nohup bin/flume-ng agent -n agent -c conf -f conf/ >1.log &

查看日志vi flume.log
端口连接情况 netstat -an|grep 44444
[flume@dtydb6 flume-1.4]$ netstat -an|grep 44444
tcp        0      0 ::ffff:   :::*                        LISTEN



for i in {1..1000000}; do echo "LINUX2  PRESS ************* Flume log rotation $i" >> /tmp/linux3.log; sleep 0.0001; done


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