  import numpy as np
  from sklearn import datasets
  from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
  from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
  import warnings
  data = datasets.load_breast_cancer()
  x = data.data;y = data.target
  y[y==0] = -1
  x_train,x_test,y_train,y_test = train_test_split(x,y,test_size=0.2,random_state=1)
  omega = np.zeros(x.shape[1])
  b = 0
  lr = 0.01
  C = 1
  maxgen = 500
  for L in range(maxgen):
      error = 1 - (np.dot(x_train,omega)+b)*y_train
      index = np.argmax(error)
      if error[index] > 0:
          omega = (1-lr)*omega + lr*C*y_train[index]*x_train[index,:]
          b = b + lr*C*y_train[index]
  predict_train = np.sign(np.dot(x_train,omega)+b)
  train_acc = len(np.where(predict_train==y_train)[0])/len(y_train)
  predict_test = np.sign(np.dot(x_test,omega)+b)
  test_acc = len(np.where(predict_test==y_test)[0])/len(y_test)
  print('Train acc = ',round(train_acc,4),' Test acc = ',round(test_acc,4))
  import numpy as np
  from sklearn import datasets
  from sklearn import preprocessing
  from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
  from sklearn.svm import SVC
  import warnings
  data = datasets.load_breast_cancer()
  x = data.data;x = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler().fit_transform(x)
  y = data.target;y[y==0] = -1
  x_train,x_test,y_train,y_test = train_test_split(x,y,test_size=0.2,random_state=1)
  alpha = np.zeros(x_train.shape[0])
  b = 0
  C = 1
  p = np.zeros(x_train.shape[0])
  maxgen = 100
  def gramMat(x):
      v = []
      for i in x:
          for j in x:
              k = np.dot(i,j.T)
      gram = np.array(v).reshape(len(x),len(x))
      return gram
  K = gramMat(x_train)
  def selectFirstSample(K,y,p,alpha,b,C):
      threshold = 0.001
      c = y*p-1
      c1 = c.copy();c2=c.copy();c3=c.copy()
      c1[(alpha > 0) & (c >= 0)] = 0
      c2[((alpha==0) | (alpha==C)) & (c==0)] = 0
      c3[(alpha < 0) & (c www.tiaotiaoylzc.com/ <= 0)] = 0
      error = c1**2+c2**2+c3**2
      index = np.argmax(error)
      if error[index] >= threshold:
          return index
          return None
  def selectSecondSample(id1,y_train):
      id2 = np.random.randint(www.ysyl157.com len(y_train))
      while id1 == id2:
          id2 = np.random.randint(len(y_train))
      return id2
  def boundary(y,id1,id2,C):
      if y[id1] =www.xgll521.com= y[id2]:
          lb = max(0,alpha[id1]+alpha[id2]-C)
          ub = min(C,alpha[id1]+alpha[id2])
          lb = max(0,alpha[id2]-alpha[id1])
          ub = min(C,C+alpha[id2]-alpha[id1])
      return lb,ub
  def updateAlpha(K,y,p,id1,id2,lb,ub,C):
      old_alpha1 = alpha[id1];old_alpha2 = alpha[id2]
      p1 = p[id1];p2 = p[id2]
      y1 = y[id1];y2 = y[id2]
      E1 = p1 - y1;E2 = p2 - y2
      beta = 2*K[id1,id2] - K[id1,id1] - K[id2,id2]
      new_alpha2 = old_alpha2 - y2*(E1-E2)/beta
      if new_alpha2 > ub:
          new_alpha2 = ub
      if new_alpha2 < lb:
          new_alpha2 www.taohuaqing178.com= lb
      alpha[id2] = new_alpha2
      new_alpha1 = old_alpha1 - y1*y2*(new_alpha2 - old_alpha2)
      alpha[id1] = new_alpha1
      deta1 = new_alpha1 - old_alpha1
      deta2 = new_alpha2 - old_alpha2
      dw = [y1*deta1,y2*deta2]
      b1 = -E1 - y1*K[id1,id1]*deta1 - y2*K[id1,id2]*deta2
      b2 = -E2 - y1*K[id1,id2]*deta1 - y2*K[id2,id2]*deta2
      if new_alpha1 >=0 and new_alpha1 <= C:
          db = b1
      elif new_alpha2 >www.thd178.com/ =0 and new_alpha2 <= C:
          db = b2
          db = (b1 + b2)/2
      p = p + dw[0]*K[id1,:].T + dw[1]*K[id2,:].T + db
      return p
  for L in range(maxgen):
      id1 = selectFirstSample(K,y_train,p,alpha,b,C)
      id2 = selectSecondSample(id1,y_train)
      lb,ub = boundary(y_train,id1,id2,C)
      p = updateAlpha(K,y,p,id1,id2,lb,ub,C)
  index = np.argmax((alpha!=0)&(alpha!=C))
  b = y_train[index] - np.sum(alpha*y_train*K[:,index])
  predict_train = np.sign(np.sum(alpha*y_train*K,axis=0)+b)
  train_acc = len(np.where(predict_train==y_train)[0])/len(y_train)
  predict_test = []
  for arr in x_test:
      v = np.sum(alpha*y_train*np.dot(x_train,arr.T))+b
  test_acc = len(np.where(predict_test==y_test)[0])/len(y_test)
  print('self-written ==> Train acc = ',round(train_acc,4),' Test acc = ',round(test_acc,4))
  model = SVC()
  train_acc = model.score(x_train,y_train)
  test_acc = model.score(x_test,y_test)
  print('sklearn ==> Train acc = ',round(train_acc,4),' Test acc = ',round(test_acc,4))


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