ABAP CDS - 字符串函数
下表显示了ABAP CDS中CDS视图中字符串的潜在SQL函数,以及对参数的要求。函数的含义可以在字符串的SQL函数下找到。
函数 | 参数类型 | 返回类型 |
CONCAT(arg1, arg2) | See below | SSTRING if an argument has the type SSTRING, else CHAR with the length of the result. |
CONCAT_WITH_SPACE(arg1, arg2, spaces ) | arg1, arg2: see below
spaces: positive numeric literal greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1331 |
SSTRING if an argument has the type SSTRING, else CHAR with the length of the result. |
INSTR(arg, sub) | arg: see below
sub: non-empty numeric literal |
INT4 |
LEFT(arg, len) | arg: see below
len: positive numeric literal greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1333 |
SSTRING if arg has the type SSTRING, else CHAR with length len |
LENGTH(arg) | See below | INT4 |
LPAD(arg, len, src) | arg: see below
len: positive numeric literal greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1333 src: character Literal |
SSTRING if arg has the type SSTRING, else CHAR with length len |
LTRIM(arg, char) | arg: see below
char: Character literal with length 1 |
SSTRING if arg has the type SSTRING, else CHAR with the length of arg. |
REPLACE(arg1, arg2, arg3) | See below | SSTRING if arg1 or arg3 has the type SSTRING, else CHAR with the maximum possible length of the result. |
RIGHT(arg,len) | arg: see below
len: positive numeric literal greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1333 |
SSTRING if arg has the type SSTRING, else CHAR with length len |
RPAD(arg, len, src) | arg: see below
len: positive numeric literal greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1333 src: character literal |
SSTRING if arg has the type SSTRING, else CHAR with length len |
RTRIM(arg, char) | arg: see below
char: Character literal with length 1 |
SSTRING if arg has the type SSTRING, else CHAR with the length of arg. |
SUBSTRING(arg, pos, len) | arg: see below
pos and len: positive numeric literal not equal to zero |
SSTRING, if arg has the type SSTRING, else CHAR or NUMC with a length of at least len |
- suitable类型的文字。文本可以以域名作为前缀。
- 当前CDS视图的数据源数据源的适当字段。
- 用于标识数据源数据源的适当字段的路径表达式。
- 以下预定义的函数和表达式(如果它们返回匹配的类型):
- 其他预定义的SQL函数
- 算术表达式
- Type modifications using CAST
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'DEMO_CDS_STRFUNC'
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
define view demo_cds_sql_functions_string
as select from demo_expressions
{ length( char1 ) as r_length,
instr( char1, 'CD' ) as r_instr,
concat( char1, char2 ) as r_concat,
concat_with_space( char1, char2, 10 ) as r_concat_with_space,
left( char1, 3 ) as r_left,
right( char2, 3 ) as r_right,
lpad( char1, 10, 'x' ) as r_lpad,
rpad( char2, 10, 'y' ) as r_rpad,
ltrim( char1, 'A' ) as r_ltrim,
rtrim( char1, 'E' ) as r_rtrim,
replace( char2, 'GHI', 'XXX' ) as r_replace,
substring( char2, 2, 3 ) as r_substring }
下表显示了abap cds和open sql支持的字符串的SQL函数。最后两列指示函数的使用位置。
SQL 函数 | 结果 | ABAP CDS | Open SQL |
CONCAT(arg1, arg2) | Chaining of character strings in arg1 and arg2. Trailing blanks in arg1, arg2, and in the result are ignored. The maximum length of the result is 1333. | x | x |
CONCAT_WITH_SPACE(arg1, arg2, spaces ) | Concatenation of strings in arg1 and arg2 as with CONCAT. The number of blanks specified in spaces is inserted between arg1 and arg2. The maximum length of the result is 1333. | x | - |
INSTR(arg, sub) | Position of the first occurrence of the string from sub in arg (case-sensitive). arg respects leading blanks and ignores trailing blanks. sub respects all blanks. sub must contain at least one character. If no occurrences are found, the result is 0. | x | - |
LEFT(arg, len) | String of the length len with the len left characters of arg (ignoring the trailing blanks). The value of len cannot be greater than the length of arg. | x | - |
LENGTH(arg) | Number of characters in arg ignoring trailing blanks. | x | x |
LPAD(arg, len, src) | String of the length len with the right-justified content of arg without trailing blanks and in which leading blanks produced by the expanded string are replaced by the characters from the argument src (respecting all blanks). Trailing blanks from arg are preserved. If more characters are required than exist in src, the content of src is used repeatedly. If len is less than the length of arg, it is truncated on the right. If src is empty and len is greater than the length of arg, arg remains unchanged. | x | x |
LTRIM(arg, char) | String with the content of arg in which all trailing blanks are removed and all leading characters that match the character in char. A blank in char is significant. | x | x |
REPLACE(arg1, arg2, arg3) | Character string arg1, in which all instances of arg2 are replaced by the content from arg3. The replacement of letters is case-sensitive. Trailing blanks are ignored in all arguments. The maximum length of the result is 1333. | x | x |
RIGHT( arg, len ) | String of the length len with the len right characters of arg (ignoring the trailing blanks). The value of len cannot be greater than the length of arg. | x | x |
RPAD(arg, len, src) | String of the length len with the left-justified content of arg without trailing blanks and in which trailing blanks produced by the expanded string are replaced by the characters from the argument src (respecting all blanks). Trailing blanks from arg are preserved. If more characters are required than exist in src, the content of src is used repeatedly. If len is less than the length of arg, it is truncated on the right. If src is empty and len is greater than the length of arg, arg remains unchanged. | x | - |
RTRIM(arg, char) | String with the content of arg in which all trailing blanks are removed and all trailing characters that match the character in char. A blank in char is significant. | x | x |
SUBSTRING(arg, pos, len) | Substring of arg from the position pos in the length len. pos and len must be specified so that the substring is within in arg. |
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