Murano Weekly Meeting 2016.08.23
Meeting time: 2016.August.23 1:00~2:00
Chairperson: Kirill Zaitsev, from Mirantis
Meeting summary:
1.Move congress and mistral integrations to murano-plugin
Congress and Mistral integrations have been developed during the time when murano didn't have a plugin interface.
Since then murano added a way to make these integrations pluggable.
To reduce the number of code in murano Core Library and number of murano requirements
we can move these integrations into plugins of their own under contrib.
2.Open Discussion
He said that he know about 4 other people from China who are interested in community meetings.
The problem is that our US-based colleagues would not be able to attend though.
- We try to maintain (i.e. not fix them immediatelly, but give an opportunity for external contributors)
- OSC client support In progress
- API DOCs Swagger transition
- Document binary dependencies with bindep.txt
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