# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


import Queue
import threading
import sys
import time
import urllib #替我们工作的线程池中的线程
class MyThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, workQueue, resultQueue,timeout=30, **kwargs):
threading.Thread.__init__(self, kwargs=kwargs) #线程在结束前等待任务队列多长时间
self.timeout = timeout
self.workQueue = workQueue
self.resultQueue = resultQueue
self.start() def run(self):
while True:
callable, args, kwargs = self.workQueue.get(timeout=self.timeout) #我们要执行的任务
res = callable(args, kwargs) #报任务返回的结果放在结果队列中
self.resultQueue.put(res+" | "+self.getName()) except Queue.Empty: #任务队列空的时候结束此线程
break except :
print sys.exc_info()
raise class ThreadPool:
def __init__(self, num_of_threads=10):
self.workQueue = Queue.Queue()
self.resultQueue = Queue.Queue()
self.threads = []
self.__createThreadPool(num_of_threads) def __createThreadPool(self, num_of_threads):
for i in range(num_of_threads):
thread = MyThread(self.workQueue, self.resultQueue)
self.threads.append(thread) def wait_for_complete(self):
while len(self.threads):
thread = self.threads.pop() #等待线程结束
if thread.isAlive(): #判断线程是否还存活来决定是否调用join
thread.join() def add_job(self, callable, *args, **kwargs):
self.workQueue.put((callable,args,kwargs)) def test_job(id, sleep = 0.001):
html = "" try:
conn = urllib.urlopen('http://www.baidu.com/')
html = conn.read(20) except:
print sys.exc_info() return html def test():
print 'start testing' tp = ThreadPool(10)
for i in range(50):
tp.add_job(test_job, i, i*0.001) tp.wait_for_complete() #处理结果
print 'result Queue\'s length == %d '% tp.resultQueue.qsize()
while tp.resultQueue.qsize():
print tp.resultQueue.get() print 'end testing' if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
IS_PY2 = sys.version_info < (3, 0) if IS_PY2:
from Queue import Queue
from queue import Queue from threading import Thread class Worker(Thread):
""" Thread executing tasks from a given tasks queue """
def __init__(self, tasks):
self.tasks = tasks
self.daemon = True
self.start() def run(self):
while True:
func, args, kargs = self.tasks.get()
func(*args, **kargs)
except Exception as e:
# An exception happened in this thread
# Mark this task as done, whether an exception happened or not
self.tasks.task_done() class ThreadPool:
""" Pool of threads consuming tasks from a queue """
def __init__(self, num_threads):
self.tasks = Queue(num_threads)
for _ in range(num_threads):
Worker(self.tasks) def add_task(self, func, *args, **kargs):
""" Add a task to the queue """
self.tasks.put((func, args, kargs)) def map(self, func, args_list):
""" Add a list of tasks to the queue """
for args in args_list:
self.add_task(func, args) def wait_completion(self):
""" Wait for completion of all the tasks in the queue """
self.tasks.join() if __name__ == "__main__":
from random import randrange
from time import sleep # Function to be executed in a thread
def wait_delay(d):
print("sleeping for (%d)sec" % d)
sleep(d) # Generate random delays
delays = [randrange(3, 7) for i in range(50)] # Instantiate a thread pool with 5 worker threads
pool = ThreadPool(5) # Add the jobs in bulk to the thread pool. Alternatively you could use
# `pool.add_task` to add single jobs. The code will block here, which
# makes it possible to cancel the thread pool with an exception when
# the currently running batch of workers is finished.
pool.map(wait_delay, delays)


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