dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. E: _cache->open() failed, please report.



sudo dpkg --configure -a

Enter your password when prompted. Then try

sudo apt-get update
followed by
sudo apt-get upgrade

If you've already tried this or you try it now and it isn't working then post the full output from apt-get here.

What package was being installed when apt-get failed? You should be able
to see this in the output just prior to the error message you've shown.



libc6-dev:依赖:libc6(=2.9-4ubuntu6.1) 但是2.9-Ubuntu6已经安装了  E:不能满足依赖关系。不妨试一下-f选项     于是我在终端输入sudo apt-get -f install


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